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Survey Results

Which versions of Visual Studio are you using?

Survey period: 19 Jan 2015 to 26 Jan 2015

Visual Studio and .NET in general are spreading beyond Windows. Are you keeping up or stepping out?

Visual Studio 20151604.79
Visual Studio 20131,46543.84
Visual Studio 201274822.38
Visual Studio 20101,01030.22
Visual Studio 200843913.14
Visual Studio 20051534.58
Visual Studio .NET491.47
Visual Studio 680224.00
I do not use Visual Studio and never have.822.45
I have used, but no longer use Visual Studio. I have moved on.1384.13
Respondents were allowed to choose more than one answer; totals may not add up to 100%

GeneralRe: Nearly all Pin
Graham Cottle19-Jan-15 6:10
professionalGraham Cottle19-Jan-15 6:10 
GeneralOK. But Why? Pin
Jarek Kruza18-Jan-15 22:11
Jarek Kruza18-Jan-15 22:11 
GeneralRe: OK. But Why? Pin
Zhivko Kabaivanov18-Jan-15 22:50
Zhivko Kabaivanov18-Jan-15 22:50 
GeneralRe: OK. But Why? Pin
ed welch18-Jan-15 23:11
ed welch18-Jan-15 23:11 
GeneralRe: OK. But Why? Pin
Rob Grainger19-Jan-15 0:19
Rob Grainger19-Jan-15 0:19 
GeneralRe: OK. But Why? Pin
Jarek Kruza19-Jan-15 0:41
Jarek Kruza19-Jan-15 0:41 
GeneralRe: OK. But Why? Pin
ed welch19-Jan-15 1:04
ed welch19-Jan-15 1:04 
GeneralRe: OK. But Why? Pin
KarstenK19-Jan-15 0:43
mveKarstenK19-Jan-15 0:43 
The problem has a name: "Visual Basic". Dead | X|
The VS 6 was the last version which has the legacy Visual Basic ("NOT DOT VB")
Press F1 for help or google it.
Greetings from Germany

GeneralRe: OK. But Why? Pin
RugbyLeague19-Jan-15 0:57
RugbyLeague19-Jan-15 0:57 
GeneralRe: OK. But Why? Pin
CHill6019-Jan-15 1:37
mveCHill6019-Jan-15 1:37 
GeneralRe: OK. But Why? Pin
OriginalGriff19-Jan-15 2:27
mveOriginalGriff19-Jan-15 2:27 
GeneralRe: OK. But Why? Pin
CHill6014-May-15 3:19
mveCHill6014-May-15 3:19 
GeneralRe: OK. But Why? Pin
Albert Holguin19-Jan-15 3:58
professionalAlbert Holguin19-Jan-15 3:58 
GeneralRe: OK. But Why? Pin
BuggyTimes20-Jan-15 1:32
BuggyTimes20-Jan-15 1:32 
GeneralRe: OK. But Why? Pin
Albert Holguin20-Jan-15 4:24
professionalAlbert Holguin20-Jan-15 4:24 
GeneralRe: OK. But Why? Pin
PIEBALDconsult19-Jan-15 4:46
mvePIEBALDconsult19-Jan-15 4:46 
GeneralRe: OK. But Why? Pin
H.Brydon19-Jan-15 10:08
professionalH.Brydon19-Jan-15 10:08 
GeneralRe: OK. But Why? Pin
den2k8820-Jan-15 5:06
professionalden2k8820-Jan-15 5:06 
GeneralRe: OK. But Why? Pin
ClockMeister20-Jan-15 0:48
professionalClockMeister20-Jan-15 0:48 
GeneralRe: OK. But Why? Pin
Dan Neely20-Jan-15 3:08
Dan Neely20-Jan-15 3:08 
GeneralRe: OK. But Why? Pin
Marc Clifton21-Jan-15 14:59
mvaMarc Clifton21-Jan-15 14:59 
GeneralRe: OK. But Why? Pin
Kevin McFarlane22-Jan-15 1:26
Kevin McFarlane22-Jan-15 1:26 
GeneralVS6 and VS2008 Pin
den2k8818-Jan-15 21:21
professionalden2k8818-Jan-15 21:21 
GeneralRe: VS6 and VS2008 Pin
KarstenK19-Jan-15 0:40
mveKarstenK19-Jan-15 0:40 
GeneralRe: VS6 and VS2008 Pin
den2k8819-Jan-15 0:56
professionalden2k8819-Jan-15 0:56 

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