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Survey Results

Which versions of Visual Studio are you using?

Survey period: 19 Jan 2015 to 26 Jan 2015

Visual Studio and .NET in general are spreading beyond Windows. Are you keeping up or stepping out?

Visual Studio 20151604.79
Visual Studio 20131,46543.84
Visual Studio 201274822.38
Visual Studio 20101,01030.22
Visual Studio 200843913.14
Visual Studio 20051534.58
Visual Studio .NET491.47
Visual Studio 680224.00
I do not use Visual Studio and never have.822.45
I have used, but no longer use Visual Studio. I have moved on.1384.13
Respondents were allowed to choose more than one answer; totals may not add up to 100%

GeneralRe: VS6 vs. VS2013 Pin
Dan Neely21-Jan-15 2:55
Dan Neely21-Jan-15 2:55 
GeneralRe: VS6 vs. VS2013 Pin
ISpliter21-Jan-15 12:06
ISpliter21-Jan-15 12:06 
GeneralI use 2008 - 2013 Pin
Brisingr Aerowing20-Jan-15 8:48
professionalBrisingr Aerowing20-Jan-15 8:48 
GeneralBecause of inadequate testing resources... Pin
Gary R. Wheeler20-Jan-15 6:04
Gary R. Wheeler20-Jan-15 6:04 
GeneralTwo versions Pin
RUs12320-Jan-15 1:43
RUs12320-Jan-15 1:43 
GeneralMonaco Pin
Squeakers0920-Jan-15 1:23
professionalSqueakers0920-Jan-15 1:23 
GeneralI'm VS every year! Pin
MacSpudster19-Jan-15 9:54
professionalMacSpudster19-Jan-15 9:54 
General2013 and 2012 Pin
jkirkerx19-Jan-15 9:22
professionaljkirkerx19-Jan-15 9:22 
GeneralI wish I could always use the most latest VS... Pin
Maximilien19-Jan-15 8:11
Maximilien19-Jan-15 8:11 
GeneralI guess it wasn't meant to be... Pin
Sander Rossel19-Jan-15 8:00
professionalSander Rossel19-Jan-15 8:00 
GeneralRe: I guess it wasn't meant to be... Pin
kmoorevs19-Jan-15 11:51
kmoorevs19-Jan-15 11:51 
GeneralPencil and paper PinPopular
Slacker00719-Jan-15 3:25
professionalSlacker00719-Jan-15 3:25 
GeneralRe: Pencil and paper Pin
DJ van Wyk19-Jan-15 19:54
professionalDJ van Wyk19-Jan-15 19:54 
GeneralRe: Pencil and paper Pin
den2k8819-Jan-15 20:31
professionalden2k8819-Jan-15 20:31 
GeneralRe: Pencil and paper Pin
Slacker00720-Jan-15 1:48
professionalSlacker00720-Jan-15 1:48 
GeneralVS2010 and VS2013 Pin
John M. Drescher19-Jan-15 2:25
John M. Drescher19-Jan-15 2:25 
Generalvim Pin
Nemanja Trifunovic19-Jan-15 2:24
Nemanja Trifunovic19-Jan-15 2:24 
GeneralRe: vim Pin
OriginalGriff19-Jan-15 8:34
mveOriginalGriff19-Jan-15 8:34 
GeneralRe: vim Pin
Nemanja Trifunovic21-Jan-15 3:32
Nemanja Trifunovic21-Jan-15 3:32 
GeneralRe: vim Pin
OriginalGriff21-Jan-15 4:05
mveOriginalGriff21-Jan-15 4:05 
GeneralRe: vim Pin
Dominic Burford21-Jan-15 2:12
professionalDominic Burford21-Jan-15 2:12 
GeneralVS2008 & VS2013 Pin
pjaar8919-Jan-15 1:56
pjaar8919-Jan-15 1:56 
GeneralAll Pin
Chris Losinger19-Jan-15 1:49
professionalChris Losinger19-Jan-15 1:49 
General2008, 2010, 2013, 2015 Pin
Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter19-Jan-15 1:35
professionalKornfeld Eliyahu Peter19-Jan-15 1:35 
GeneralNearly all Pin
Graham Cottle19-Jan-15 0:19
professionalGraham Cottle19-Jan-15 0:19 

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