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Survey Results

What would you rather be doing?

Survey period: 24 Feb 2014 to 3 Mar 2014

Software development spans a lot of disciplines. What aspect suits you best?

Learning a new language or technology31717.47
Designing and architecting38921.43
Writing / Teaching / Presenting703.86
Thinking up the next Big Idea1628.93
User experience / Graphic design472.59
Marketing or Selling211.16
Something other than software development1327.27

GeneralRe: Of course speaking to computer Pin
LloydA11124-Feb-14 10:25
LloydA11124-Feb-14 10:25 
GeneralRe: Of course speaking to computer PinPopular
♥…ЯҠ…♥24-Feb-14 16:50
professional♥…ЯҠ…♥24-Feb-14 16:50 
GeneralWhat about sharing - on code project? Pin
R. Erasmus24-Feb-14 2:12
R. Erasmus24-Feb-14 2:12 
GeneralEating bacon, drinking beer and... PinPopular
Joan M24-Feb-14 1:10
professionalJoan M24-Feb-14 1:10 
GeneralCoding... Pin
Nemanja Trifunovic24-Feb-14 1:08
Nemanja Trifunovic24-Feb-14 1:08 
GeneralBig Data Pin
Member 1018663823-Feb-14 23:56
professionalMember 1018663823-Feb-14 23:56 
GeneralI'd most like to be... Pin
Nagy Vilmos23-Feb-14 23:19
professionalNagy Vilmos23-Feb-14 23:19 
GeneralRe: I'd most like to be... Pin
Johnny J.24-Feb-14 1:18
professionalJohnny J.24-Feb-14 1:18 
I've got the same problem. Me, I'd rather be lying in a hammock on my very own Carribean island drinking Piña Coladas surrounded by 12 young, voluptious ex-virgins! Cool | :cool:

Ah, well... Back to the treadmill... Sigh | :sigh:
Anything that is unrelated to elephants is irrelephant
The problem with quotes on the internet is that you can never tell if they're genuine
Winston Churchill, 1944
I'd just like a chance to prove that money can't make me happy.
Me, all the time

GeneralRe: I'd most like to be... PinPopular
Pete O'Hanlon24-Feb-14 8:23
mvePete O'Hanlon24-Feb-14 8:23 
GeneralRe: I'd most like to be... Pin
Nagy Vilmos24-Feb-14 9:05
professionalNagy Vilmos24-Feb-14 9:05 
GeneralThat's a really difficult choice PinPopular
OriginalGriff23-Feb-14 23:08
mveOriginalGriff23-Feb-14 23:08 
GeneralRe: That's a really difficult choice Pin
Nelek26-Feb-14 22:13
protectorNelek26-Feb-14 22:13 
GeneralBalance between Learning, Coding (Delivering) and Profit from Deliveries. Pin
PetulaF23-Feb-14 23:01
PetulaF23-Feb-14 23:01 
GeneralMoving on Pin
Mohamad M. Mohamad23-Feb-14 20:55
Mohamad M. Mohamad23-Feb-14 20:55 
GeneralDifficult... Pin
Sander Rossel23-Feb-14 20:53
professionalSander Rossel23-Feb-14 20:53 

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