I think that your debugger is out-dated
As I guess most coders at a certain age have done, I developed for some pre PC Era computers like KC85 (uses Z80 Clone) and C64 (6510). I don't think they were ment with "Toys or Gadgets".
Nowadays embedded devices are available und affordable. It became more convenient and more easy to run your own code on such mobile computers like smartphones and even embedded boards. They are everywhere.
While programming a single device is fun, new challenges arise with (mobile) sensor networks as you have lots of them to run "one application" in the net. If you already have say one quadrocopter - why not use it to update the map of an NXT-Type Lego robot? I guess the future in gadget development to have a whole zoo of devices which should act toghether.
modified 4-Mar-13 11:58am.
Once I have implemented sorting on FPGA chip
russian air defense module VOZDUCH M2
Spectrum - Z80
Atari 800 - 6502C
car navigation for PNDs with WinCE
phones with WM6
and others
Wrote a controller for a washing machine many many years ago. This didn't have a CPU. My memory is a bit hazy but it was basically a 4 bit memory chip where the lower 2 bits of the output data lines were fed into the lower 2 bits of the address bus. There was a water level sensor, that would also turn off the water when it was full using some logic gates, and a single bit timer that both fed into the upper 2 bits of the address bus, and upper 2 bits of the data bus went out to water on/water drain, and a Timer start/reset line that also turned on the motor when the timer was running.
So it was very sequential. The output at address 0 turned on the water. When the water hit full it raised the 3rd bit on the address bus, and the instruction at (binary) 0100 turned off the water, started the motor and output 00 for the lower 2 bits still (so data is 1100 - timer on, motor on, water on/not draining but was stopped by the water full sensor). So then address 1100 (timer finished, water still full) stopped the motor, reset the timer, and output 01 to the address bus. 0101 (timer stopped water full, but at next instruction) drained the water. The water level sensor was a flip flop thing, so once full the sensor wouldn't return zero until it was empty. So then at 0001 we start the rinse cycle. Etc.
I've been messing around with Arduinos the last 6 months or so, even down to programming the ATTiny85 chips...fun stuff making your code do something in the physical world. Just blinky LED projects so far, but I'm working up to a robot
Not an Arduino but Netduino and used that to make a full sized traffic light for my kids to play with.To keep the nerd level up, the sources of the toy were properly Unit tested
Toying with the physical world is always fun.
Cheers, AT
Cogito ergo sum
Yeah, I did something similar with stop lights at a 4 way intersection for a model train set...haven't tried a Netduino yet, thought it would be good practice to dust off my C/C++ with Arduino...anyway, plain old Arduinos are cheaper...you can get an Arduino Nano on eBay for $11.00 Cdn or an ATTiny85 for $1.50 Cdn.
Same here, and now I get to put that knowledge to use in my Robotics lab, where we're using them to run our (fairly simple) robots. It's fun to see your Arduino running away from you
...or swimming away as the case may be --> [^]
Too bad I can't do anything like that, our primary building material is Legos, and they are far from water proof
Legos might be good for constructing stuff...heard someone made a supercomputer with Legos
I am planning on buying some Arduino's and some Raspberry PIs and making a fully 'computized' Lego city with my approx. 100+ pounds of Legos, my HO-Scale model trains, the computer things above, a lot of wires, and a LOT of time (and space)! I also am going to write a remote control system for it.
That is, if I ever get enough money, time, space, and patience to do this!
Bob Dole The internet is a great way to get on the net. SP6a
Lol, that's always the problem isn't it?...a conjunction of Money, Space, Time and Patience...must be a formula in there somewhere...
does it count? we used LeJOS by the way.
No and not even planned.
I wish, I could have written for my mind:
Mind.AsEnumerable().Where(m => m["EmptyCorner"] == "").ToList().ForEach(s => s.SetField("EmptyCorner", "C#, Asp.net, Linq, Java, .....Everyting"));
Mind.AcceptChanges(); ___________________________________________________
A little help through the tips and Articles
1. Table Valued Parameters
Had done a project in which we had to interact a PS2 keyboard with a 8051, in order to create a wireless keyboard.
it came out eventually quite ok..
But did not have a heart for learning yet another IDE, software environment, libraries and probably language...
No more Mister Nice Guy... >: |
Try a Netduino, VS+c#, easy as it can be. Even debugging can be done on the device from VS.
Cheers, AT
Cogito ergo sum
Thanks for advice.
No more Mister Nice Guy... >: |
If you want to read more on the .Net MF, go to: tiny clr[^]
Note that this stuff has a dramatic effect on your spare time... if you still had any.
Cheers, AT
Cogito ergo sum
There is always to much to do in available time you have.
This is why you have to prioritize
Nevertheless, thx for the link I will check this out!
No more Mister Nice Guy... >: |
It used eVC4, was emulated on WinCE. The device was MIPS, and the compiler was horrible. It got seriously confused if a source file's length was over 1000 lines...
Eventually it did work quite nicely
I have also messed around with STM32F uC's (Cortex M3/4) and Arduino. Much more fun than the barcode scanner.