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Survey Results

Are you planning on grabbing an iPhone 5?

Survey period: 10 Sep 2012 to 17 Sep 2012

If you develop for the iPhone then you'll probably want to pay attention, Assuming the rumours are true, of course...

Yes, as soon as it's released262.42
Yes, as soon as I can504.65
Yes, eventually756.97
Probably not17916.64

GeneralReally?? Pin
Bryian Tan11-Sep-12 20:14
professionalBryian Tan11-Sep-12 20:14 
GeneralRe: Really?? Pin
Sharath C V11-Sep-12 20:26
professionalSharath C V11-Sep-12 20:26 
GeneralRe: Really?? Pin
Chris Losinger12-Sep-12 8:25
professionalChris Losinger12-Sep-12 8:25 
GeneralRe: Really?? Pin
Sharath C V12-Sep-12 18:48
professionalSharath C V12-Sep-12 18:48 
GeneralRe: Really?? Pin
Mohibur Rashid13-Sep-12 23:47
professionalMohibur Rashid13-Sep-12 23:47 
AnswerRe: Really?? Pin
Ingo11-Sep-12 20:51
Ingo11-Sep-12 20:51 
Generalthere's a new app which allows you to connect to Steve Pin
devvvy11-Sep-12 21:08
devvvy11-Sep-12 21:08 
GeneralRe: there's a new app which allows you to connect to Steve Pin
meta_berkut12-Sep-12 23:16
meta_berkut12-Sep-12 23:16 
Tried that app. It happens that you have to hold iPhone in a very specific way for that app to work. Finally got it working, and Steve said "You are holding it all wrong".
GeneralRe: there's a new app which allows you to connect to Steve Pin
devvvy12-Sep-12 23:27
devvvy12-Sep-12 23:27 
GeneralRe: Really?? Pin
Keith Barrow12-Sep-12 1:06
professionalKeith Barrow12-Sep-12 1:06 
GeneralRe: Really?? Pin
User 842014-Sep-12 10:21
User 842014-Sep-12 10:21 
Generalno Pin
Chris Losinger11-Sep-12 10:04
professionalChris Losinger11-Sep-12 10:04 
GeneralOh wait, I probably will have to get one... Pin
Yvan Rodrigues11-Sep-12 9:41
professionalYvan Rodrigues11-Sep-12 9:41 
GeneralI *just* got a 3GS Pin
Yvan Rodrigues11-Sep-12 9:34
professionalYvan Rodrigues11-Sep-12 9:34 
GeneralHad one Pin
NormDroid11-Sep-12 9:27
professionalNormDroid11-Sep-12 9:27 
GeneralRe: Had one Pin
Chris Losinger11-Sep-12 10:03
professionalChris Losinger11-Sep-12 10:03 
General87% of us are in the no or probably not category... Pin
Marc Clifton11-Sep-12 7:52
mvaMarc Clifton11-Sep-12 7:52 
Answer- Pin
Brisingr Aerowing11-Sep-12 7:57
professionalBrisingr Aerowing11-Sep-12 7:57 
GeneralRe: 87% of us are in the no or probably not category... Pin
Ingo11-Sep-12 21:23
Ingo11-Sep-12 21:23 
GeneralRe: 87% of us are in the no or probably not category... Pin
Qwertie11-Sep-12 8:44
Qwertie11-Sep-12 8:44 
GeneralRe: 87% of us are in the no or probably not category... Pin
Fernando A. Gomez F.11-Sep-12 10:58
Fernando A. Gomez F.11-Sep-12 10:58 
GeneralMost of us here in Code Project are M$ Developers! Pin
devvvy11-Sep-12 23:00
devvvy11-Sep-12 23:00 
GeneralRe: Most of us here in Code Project are M$ Developers! Pin
Chris Losinger12-Sep-12 8:51
professionalChris Losinger12-Sep-12 8:51 
GeneralRe: Most of us here in Code Project are M$ Developers! Pin
devvvy12-Sep-12 18:29
devvvy12-Sep-12 18:29 
GeneralRe: Apple is for mindless sheep! Pin
Wes Grant12-Sep-12 8:23
Wes Grant12-Sep-12 8:23 

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