Hi, my cell phone is about 15 years old and still works fine.
And why buy a gadget, where you can't replace the battery pack?
We don't have a spare earth in our cellar.
Got the cheapest blackberry in the shop, has real keys instead of a touchscreen that doesn't work in the rain and a keyboard layout that lets you write properly.
Is the iPhone 5 the one with Samsung on the front in giant silver letters?
...because there was no option called "I'd rather be punched in the testicles"!
I'm all with Naerling! I would never be caught dead owning an Iphone, and Ipad or any of the other Isores.
Why can't I be applicable like John? - Me, April 2011 ----- Beidh ceol, caint agus craic againn - Seán Bán Breathnach ----- Da mihi sis crustum Etruscum cum omnibus in eo! ----- Just because a thing is new don’t mean that it’s better - Will Rogers, September 4, 1932
I was looking for an option under 'No' that just said 'F*** Off'
Every man can tell how many goats or sheep he possesses, but not how many friends.
Shed Petition[ ^]
I'm not planning on buying.
After trying out iTunes I'm forever cured
It's an OO world.
public class Naerling : Lazy<Person>{
public void DoWork(){ throw new NotImplementedException(); }
iTines is on my Virus black list...
As Jobs is not onboard, I would like to wait
What does your job have to do with that?
Why can't I be applicable like John? - Me, April 2011 ----- Beidh ceol, caint agus craic againn - Seán Bán Breathnach ----- Da mihi sis crustum Etruscum cum omnibus in eo! ----- Just because a thing is new don’t mean that it’s better - Will Rogers, September 4, 1932
Quote: your job
(Steve) Jobs
iPhone = Jobs [this is what I belive, and guess there are few more alike souls ]
Well this is my reason to say NO and guess its a good reason or to quote from a quote of yours:
Quote: Just because a thing is new don’t mean that it’s better - Will Rogers, September 4, 1932
modified 10-Sep-12 4:40am.
Its a good thing you mentioned steve, I was thinking something else
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How to contact: go outside and yell my name.
p.s. If I don't reply, then your offer is not tempting