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Survey Results

Are you planning on grabbing an iPhone 5?

Survey period: 10 Sep 2012 to 17 Sep 2012

If you develop for the iPhone then you'll probably want to pay attention, Assuming the rumours are true, of course...

Yes, as soon as it's released262.42
Yes, as soon as I can504.65
Yes, eventually756.97
Probably not17916.64

GeneralWork just order mine. Pin
ARon_14-Sep-12 8:18
ARon_14-Sep-12 8:18 
GeneralNo budget and no interest Pin
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar14-Sep-12 7:28
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar14-Sep-12 7:28 
GeneralNot rich enough Pin
Jonathan Nethercott13-Sep-12 23:54
professionalJonathan Nethercott13-Sep-12 23:54 
GeneralI get what I want Pin
Mohibur Rashid13-Sep-12 23:34
professionalMohibur Rashid13-Sep-12 23:34 
GeneralApple urges customers to buy SECOND iPhone! Pin
Palavos13-Sep-12 11:50
Palavos13-Sep-12 11:50 
GeneralYes Chris, I am! May I expense this? Pin
Lisa Sidlow13-Sep-12 9:20
professionalLisa Sidlow13-Sep-12 9:20 
GeneralRe: Yes Chris, I am! May I expense this? Pin
Steve Mayfield15-Sep-12 18:29
Steve Mayfield15-Sep-12 18:29 
GeneralGrabbing? Pin
Vivi Chellappa13-Sep-12 6:11
professionalVivi Chellappa13-Sep-12 6:11 
GeneralRe: Grabbing? Pin
Sharath C V15-Sep-12 4:33
professionalSharath C V15-Sep-12 4:33 
GeneralNo Pin
Mohamed Mitwalli12-Sep-12 9:55
Mohamed Mitwalli12-Sep-12 9:55 
GeneralRe: No Pin
__TR__13-Sep-12 6:10
__TR__13-Sep-12 6:10 
GeneralRe: No Pin
Harry Neethling13-Sep-12 23:24
Harry Neethling13-Sep-12 23:24 
GeneralRe: No Pin
Mohamed Mitwalli14-Sep-12 6:37
Mohamed Mitwalli14-Sep-12 6:37 
GeneralRe: No Pin
Pankaj Nikam16-Sep-12 17:31
professionalPankaj Nikam16-Sep-12 17:31 
GeneralRe: No Pin
Mohamed Mitwalli16-Sep-12 19:11
Mohamed Mitwalli16-Sep-12 19:11 
GeneralRe: No Pin
Pankaj Nikam17-Sep-12 2:08
professionalPankaj Nikam17-Sep-12 2:08 
GeneralA Windows mobile Pin
Mazen el Senih12-Sep-12 9:41
professionalMazen el Senih12-Sep-12 9:41 
GeneralRe: A Windows mobile Pin
Mohamed Mitwalli12-Sep-12 9:47
Mohamed Mitwalli12-Sep-12 9:47 
GeneralRe: A Windows mobile Pin
thrakazog12-Sep-12 10:51
thrakazog12-Sep-12 10:51 
GeneralRe: A Windows mobile Pin
devvvy12-Sep-12 18:26
devvvy12-Sep-12 18:26 
GeneralMonoTouch and Mono for Android Pin
Yvan Rodrigues13-Sep-12 3:05
professionalYvan Rodrigues13-Sep-12 3:05 
GeneralRe: MonoTouch and Mono for Android Pin
Mazen el Senih13-Sep-12 6:19
professionalMazen el Senih13-Sep-12 6:19 
GeneralRe: MonoTouch and Mono for Android Pin
devvvy13-Sep-12 15:06
devvvy13-Sep-12 15:06 
GeneralRe: A Windows mobile Pin
Amol_B12-Sep-12 19:48
professionalAmol_B12-Sep-12 19:48 
GeneralRe: A Windows mobile Pin
Mazen el Senih13-Sep-12 5:58
professionalMazen el Senih13-Sep-12 5:58 

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