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Survey Results

Is your monitor landscape or potrait?   [Edit]

Survey period: 30 Jan 2012 to 6 Feb 2012

Monitors are usually oriented with the width longer than the height. Yet we work with long, narrow documents. Does this make sense?

All my monitors are landscape.1,10779.47
I use a mix of landscape and portrait.15611.20
All my monitors are portrait.433.09
My monitors are square.876.25

GeneralRe: Square monitors? Pin
Nish Nishant30-Jan-12 8:01
sitebuilderNish Nishant30-Jan-12 8:01 
GeneralRe: Square monitors? Pin
OriginalGriff30-Jan-12 8:43
mveOriginalGriff30-Jan-12 8:43 
AnswerRe: Square monitors? Pin
Marc Clifton30-Jan-12 9:54
mvaMarc Clifton30-Jan-12 9:54 
AnswerRe: Square monitors? Pin
jan lucas30-Jan-12 10:13
jan lucas30-Jan-12 10:13 
GeneralRe: Square monitors? Pin
Nish Nishant30-Jan-12 12:09
sitebuilderNish Nishant30-Jan-12 12:09 
GeneralRe: Square monitors? Pin
jan lucas30-Jan-12 22:22
jan lucas30-Jan-12 22:22 
GeneralRe: Square monitors? Pin
Nish Nishant31-Jan-12 8:05
sitebuilderNish Nishant31-Jan-12 8:05 
AnswerRe: Square monitors? Pin
Addy Tas31-Jan-12 7:43
Addy Tas31-Jan-12 7:43 
Wow - Is that a American thing? Poke tongue | ;-P
Cogito ergo sum

GeneralI have two monitors Pin
Gregory Gadow30-Jan-12 7:20
Gregory Gadow30-Jan-12 7:20 
GeneralRe: I have two monitors Pin
Kamran Behzad30-Jan-12 13:41
Kamran Behzad30-Jan-12 13:41 
GeneralRe: I have two monitors Pin
GregoryW31-Jan-12 4:09
GregoryW31-Jan-12 4:09 
GeneralWell I like uniformity Pin
Lakamraju Raghuram30-Jan-12 6:55
Lakamraju Raghuram30-Jan-12 6:55 
GeneralIt's not like you have a choice Pin
ed welch30-Jan-12 2:50
ed welch30-Jan-12 2:50 
GeneralMessage Removed Pin
30-Jan-12 3:55
professionalN_tro_P30-Jan-12 3:55 
GeneralRe: It's not like you have a choice Pin
ed welch30-Jan-12 4:23
ed welch30-Jan-12 4:23 
GeneralRe: It's not like you have a choice Pin
jtrz30-Jan-12 4:46
professionaljtrz30-Jan-12 4:46 
GeneralMessage Removed Pin
30-Jan-12 5:16
professionalN_tro_P30-Jan-12 5:16 
GeneralRe: It's not like you have a choice Pin
ed welch30-Jan-12 5:21
ed welch30-Jan-12 5:21 
GeneralMessage Removed Pin
30-Jan-12 5:43
professionalN_tro_P30-Jan-12 5:43 
GeneralRe: It's not like you have a choice Pin
jan lucas30-Jan-12 10:15
jan lucas30-Jan-12 10:15 
GeneralRe: It's not like you have a choice Pin
ed welch30-Jan-12 11:06
ed welch30-Jan-12 11:06 
GeneralRe: It's not like you have a choice Pin
jan lucas30-Jan-12 22:24
jan lucas30-Jan-12 22:24 
GeneralTypo Pin
Ravi Bhavnani30-Jan-12 2:09
professionalRavi Bhavnani30-Jan-12 2:09 
GeneralOnly one Pin
Mario Majčica30-Jan-12 1:48
professionalMario Majčica30-Jan-12 1:48 
GeneralRe: Only one Pin
Ravi Bhavnani30-Jan-12 2:12
professionalRavi Bhavnani30-Jan-12 2:12 

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