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We're Moving! (and some downtime...)

Source: CodeProject     Posted by Chris Maunder    Wednesday, March 10, 2004 6:00pm    
We're Moving! (and some downtime...)

CodeProject moves to it's new Hosted facility this afternoon. We will be down from 1pm US Eastern Standard for around 5 hours as we unplug everything, hail a taxi, head over to the Bunker and then attempt to untangle the wires and plug in.

We now have 90% of our scheduled hardware upgrades done. Some upgraded web servers to handle current load, a new content Database server, dual firewalls with automatic failover, new switches and gigabit ethernet cards for inter-server communication (we're crying over not being able to afford fibre) and new cases all round.

Our new hosted facility will provide us with redundant internet connections, backup power, fire, security and a nifty thumbprint scan doorway. We'll also be increasing our bandwidth capacity 10 fold and reducing the latency to the closest backbone. This should mean a nice increase in connection speed and no more bottlenecks at peak times.

There is still a lot to be done, and we'll probably never be finished in our quest to reduce load time, bandwidth bottlenecks, and page access times. We are working our bums off trying to improve access to CodeProject for everyone.

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