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GeneralRe: How do I draw on a bitmap? Pin
MikeBeard24-Jan-03 9:01
MikeBeard24-Jan-03 9:01 
GeneralRe: How do I draw on a bitmap? Pin
Heath Stewart24-Jan-03 10:11
protectorHeath Stewart24-Jan-03 10:11 
GeneralRe: How do I draw on a bitmap? Pin
MikeBeard24-Jan-03 10:46
MikeBeard24-Jan-03 10:46 
GeneralRe: How do I draw on a bitmap? Pin
Heath Stewart24-Jan-03 11:37
protectorHeath Stewart24-Jan-03 11:37 
GeneralRe: How do I draw on a bitmap? Pin
MikeBeard25-Jan-03 11:07
MikeBeard25-Jan-03 11:07 
GeneralRe: How do I draw on a bitmap? Pin
Heath Stewart25-Jan-03 11:12
protectorHeath Stewart25-Jan-03 11:12 
GeneralRe: How do I draw on a bitmap? Pin
MikeBeard27-Jan-03 3:44
MikeBeard27-Jan-03 3:44 
AnswerRe: How do I draw on a bitmap? Pin
MikeBeard24-Jan-03 11:25
MikeBeard24-Jan-03 11:25 
Okay. Here's what I've tried. I was successful on doing the simple and easy way that Heath suggested in just having a Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp) and drawing on the bitmap when in the On_Paint() method of the class I'm working on.

To simplify things for myself, I've changed the Bitmap to an Image and loaded it in from the BMP file and had everything work correctly.

Now for the thing I'm not sure how to do: When I'm in the OnMouseDown() (which is where I would like to call a function to draw a node on the map since I have a Point to do it at), I can't seem to get a Graphics object from my Image object to do the drawing with. What should I do? It obviously can be done since I do it in the On_Paint() function.

Any pointers would be appreciated.

Thanks a bunch,
GeneralAdding File Type actions Pin
Waleed Zedan24-Jan-03 6:07
Waleed Zedan24-Jan-03 6:07 
Generalsilly gui question/request Pin
bertb24-Jan-03 3:50
bertb24-Jan-03 3:50 
QuestionWhat happens with events if computer is slow. Pin
Zinj24-Jan-03 2:24
sussZinj24-Jan-03 2:24 
AnswerRe: What happens with events if computer is slow. Pin
leppie24-Jan-03 6:16
leppie24-Jan-03 6:16 
GeneralRe: What happens with events if computer is slow. Pin
jinz25-Jan-03 11:40
jinz25-Jan-03 11:40 
GeneralRe: What happens with events if computer is slow. Pin
leppie25-Jan-03 20:30
leppie25-Jan-03 20:30 
GeneralThe mystical power C# Pin
gekoscan24-Jan-03 2:11
gekoscan24-Jan-03 2:11 
GeneralRe: The mystical power C# Pin
Mark Sanders24-Jan-03 3:38
Mark Sanders24-Jan-03 3:38 
GeneralFlicker Free is not the Key Pin
gekoscan24-Jan-03 3:58
gekoscan24-Jan-03 3:58 
GeneralRe: The mystical power C# Pin
Q&A27-Jan-03 23:16
Q&A27-Jan-03 23:16 
Generalreading header informations from avi files Pin
hlandler24-Jan-03 0:24
hlandler24-Jan-03 0:24 
GeneralQuery design UI in C# Pin
hnguyen23-Jan-03 19:24
hnguyen23-Jan-03 19:24 
GeneralRe: Query design UI in C# Pin
leppie24-Jan-03 6:32
leppie24-Jan-03 6:32 
GeneralRe: Query design UI in C# Pin
FruitBatInShades25-Jan-03 13:16
FruitBatInShades25-Jan-03 13:16 
QuestionHow to integrate FLEX with C#? Pin
anjana23-Jan-03 16:39
anjana23-Jan-03 16:39 
GeneralEXE header Pin
Anonymous23-Jan-03 15:23
Anonymous23-Jan-03 15:23 
GeneralRe: EXE header Pin
Heath Stewart23-Jan-03 18:18
protectorHeath Stewart23-Jan-03 18:18 

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