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Comments by seydost (Top 7 by date)

seydost 19-Feb-15 6:38am View    
OK.I tried.But;
Error 2 'Tutanak.WebAPI.StdntInf' does not contain a definition for 'Select' and no extension method 'Select' accepting a first argument of type 'Tutanak.WebAPI.StdntInf' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) C:\Users\seydabenli\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\Tutanak.WebAPI\Tutanak.WebAPI\Controllers\StdntInfController.cs 65 22 Tutanak.WebAPI
seydost 19-Feb-15 5:43am View    
var id = db.StdntInf.ToList().OrderByDescending(p => p.StdntInfID);
var nt = id.Select(p => new StdntInf()
StdntInfiID = p.StdntInfID,
x= p.x,
y= p.y,
z= p.z,
t= p.t,
m = p.m,
v= p.v,
return nt;
I tried this code,but get all data
seydost 19-Feb-15 5:05am View    
I am using Entitiy Framework !
seydost 18-Feb-15 4:52am View    
problem solved...I forgot table with border..thx
seydost 17-Feb-15 9:18am View    
Thank you !