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Comments by Rocky23 (Top 1 by date)

Rocky23 28-Dec-10 8:42am View    
Hi, am getting a error like cannot do type conversion, as i used dictionary in my function..

my function GetUsersByGroup is like this..

public static Dictionary<string, person=""> GetUsersByGroup(string group)
Search s = new FWD2Search { Username = DataKey.ldapCredentialValue, Password = DataKey.ldapPassword };
Group grp = s.GetGroup(group);
Dictionary<string, person=""> list = grp.PeopleInGroup;
return list;

so will u tell me how can i convert it into string array type to display the users name in the listbox..

string strGroupName = "lrg_prod";
string[] employees = Helper.GetUsersByGroup(strGroupName);
foreach(string employee in employees)