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Comments by sazib (Top 9 by date)

sazib 21-Oct-10 6:11am View    
Thanks for your answer. There's some other things to do. need to retrieve data from the database and show it to specific textboxes
sazib 20-Oct-10 5:48am View    
I need only days.nothing else.
sazib 20-Oct-10 5:16am View    
Thanks for your reply.You solution works well for any values.But I have to work with dates. I've two text box startdate and enddate. I will input two date into two text box one is txtBoxStartDate and another one txtBoxEndDate. I want to show the duration of these two dates after I click on duration text box. Can you please tell me the whole procedure using javascript or jquery? I know the calculation in C# but as I'm a beginner of javascript,so I need your help.
sazib 20-Oct-10 4:09am View    
Thanks for your ans. It's not working the way I need to.I've two text box startdate and enddate. I want to show the duration of these two dates after I click on duration text box. I know the calculation but I don't know how to automatically put the duration value after just a single click on duration textbox.
sazib 11-Oct-10 3:54am View    
I've got this error after using your solution.
Compiler Error Message: CS1061: 'Telerik.Web.UI.RadDatePicker' does not contain a definition for 'Value' and no extension method 'Value' accepting a first argument of type 'Telerik.Web.UI.RadDatePicker' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

The code is like this-
string user = Session["username"].ToString();
string type = DropDownListType.SelectedValue.ToString();
TimeSpan ts = RadDatePickerStart.Value - RadDatePickerEnd.Value;
durationTextBox.Text = ts.Days.ToString();