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Comments by jar8695 (Top 24 by date)

jar8695 12-Mar-24 15:59pm View    
Thanks - this gave me something to go on. See solution
jar8695 5-Oct-21 15:13pm View    
Thanks Richard - I discovered one problem and resolved it and it was a permissions issue. However, I am still getting the 404 error but now it is passed the first permissions issue the Failed Request Tracing has created files and what it is failing on is - url="http://the". In Scripts folder there is a JS framework file modernizr-2.6.2 and in the Modernizr site this was released in 2013. I suspect modernizr-2.6.2 is not compatible with windows server 2019. However, I cannot seem to find a straight download of latest version!!!
jar8695 5-Oct-21 15:12pm View    
Thanks Richard - I discovered one problem and resolve it and it was a permissions issue. However, I am still getting the 404 error but not it is passed the first permissions issue the Failed Request Tracing has created files and what it is failing on is - url="http://the". In Scripts folder there is a JS framework file modernizr-2.6.2 and in the Modernizr site this was release in 2013. I suspect modernizr-2.6.2 is not compatible with windows server 2019. However, I cannot seem to find a straight download of latest version!!!
jar8695 24-Jun-21 17:37pm View    
Okay. I found this script for checking Public role

USE [Databasename] -- Specify database name

WITH [PublicRoleDBPermissions]
AS (
SELECT p.[state_desc] AS [PermissionType]
,p.[permission_name] AS [PermissionName]
,USER_NAME(p.[grantee_principal_id]) AS [DatabaseRole]
,CASE p.[class]
THEN 'Database::' + DB_NAME()
THEN 'Schema::' + SCHEMA_NAME(p.[major_id])
END AS [ObjectName]
FROM [sys].[database_permissions] p
WHERE p.[class] IN (0, 1, 3)
AND p.[minor_id] = 0
SELECT [PermissionType]
,SCHEMA_NAME(o.[schema_id]) AS [ObjectSchema]
,o.[type_desc] AS [ObjectType]
,[PermissionType] + ' ' + [PermissionName] + ' ON ' + QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(o.[schema_id])) + '.' + QUOTENAME([ObjectName]) + ' TO ' + QUOTENAME([DatabaseRole]) AS [GrantPermissionTSQL]
,'REVOKE' + ' ' + [PermissionName] + ' ON ' + QUOTENAME(SCHEMA_NAME(o.[schema_id])) + '.' + QUOTENAME([ObjectName]) + ' TO ' + QUOTENAME([DatabaseRole]) AS [RevokePermissionTSQL]
FROM [PublicRoleDBPermissions] p
INNER JOIN [sys].[objects] o
ON o.[name] = p.[ObjectName]
AND OBJECTPROPERTY(o.object_id, 'IsMSShipped') = 0
WHERE [DatabaseRole] = 'Public'
ORDER BY [DatabaseRole]
jar8695 24-Jun-21 17:11pm View    
Thanks Wendelius. So, if I check the public role has NO privileges then a CREATE USER statement will mean that user has no privileges until granted to them - correct?
Then if I create a role, add the new user to the role and grant SELECT on the specific view to the role then this will limit the user to only have SELECT on that view and provide better control of granting and revoking additional privileges - is that correct?