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Comments by R. Hoffmann (Top 33 by date)

R. Hoffmann 3-Jun-11 10:05am View    
I've just tested this again in Office 2007, and it also doesn't change the colours. Microsoft may have changed some or other implementation somewhere between Office 2003 & 2007, that breaks this solution. In any case, I'm very grateful for all your assistance! Member Ruard has provided an alternative idea that did the trick, so this question can finally be closed :)

Thanks again!
R. Hoffmann 3-Jun-11 9:57am View    
Aaaaaand we have a WINNER! Your code does the trick. Thanks a million!!
R. Hoffmann 2-Jun-11 12:47pm View    
Thanks for your answer! I'll be able to test this tomorrow and provide feedback.
R. Hoffmann 2-Jun-11 12:37pm View    
Thank you very much! Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work under Office 2010 (which is the only version I have available at the moment for testing). The ClearFormats call causes a border to appear around the chart, which the LineStyle = 0 statement later clears, and the position of the slices change when FirstSliceAngle is set, but those are the only changes. The solid colour unfortunately remains..

Tomorrow I'll test this under Office 2007 to see if that makes a difference.

Thanks again!
R. Hoffmann 2-Jun-11 9:55am View    
Hi losmac,

Thanks for your continuing interest! I've quickly uploaded a sample file to here: (20KB). I apologize for the stupid enforced delays before you can download, I didn't have time to pick a better free hosting service.