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Comments by Ozer Karaagac (Top 37 by date)
Ozer Karaagac
14-Apr-11 8:23am
You're welcome. :-)
It entered my head that the files might have been encrypted for only 4GB portion and the rest would still be in unencrypted form. If so, encrypted part (say, first 4GB) could be copied out into a new file, could be decrypted there and could be merged with second part. But the encrypted part might or might not be 4GB exactly, that is, 4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 = 4294967296. It might be (4GB - n) where the n might be 1 or any arbitrary number.
The best way to understand this. You can inspect a file grater than 4GB with the help of a hex editor. You should inspect it in both original and encrypted form in order to find out the position where encryption ends.
The second way that comes to my mind, maybe, you can use an enhanced file comparison utility.
Ozer Karaagac
13-Apr-11 20:32pm
My 5.
Ozer Karaagac
12-Apr-11 15:53pm
Thanks, Espen...
Ozer Karaagac
11-Apr-11 23:53pm
Complete explanation. My 5.
Ozer Karaagac
11-Apr-11 22:40pm
Greetings, SA...
Ozer Karaagac
11-Apr-11 22:16pm
Thanks, Albert...
Ozer Karaagac
29-Mar-11 21:00pm
Not really. I don't have any more useful job to do for now.
And also it would be really a diverse way of returning value from void (though not recommended). I thought, maybe, someone might want to know.
Ozer Karaagac
25-Mar-11 8:39am
In doc/view, you normally don't need to handle CFileDialog yourself. Framework does this for you and send you selected file name by lpszPathName parameter of above function when you override CYourAppDoc::OnOpenDocument() member.
If you don't want to use Doc/View architecture and want to show CFileDilog yourself, you need to handle ID_FILE_OPEN event in one of your Doc, View, Frame or App derived classes.
Ozer Karaagac
24-Mar-11 23:23pm
No one shows an interest in your question unless it is in the programming problem domain.
Ozer Karaagac
24-Mar-11 22:38pm
This one is the more appropriate answer within Document/View architecture.
Ozer Karaagac
24-Mar-11 22:10pm
Yes, it provides more accuracy and precision.
It was in my mind when I started to write. Forgot it while considering to append to the end.
Ozer Karaagac
23-Mar-11 10:29am
Sorry for my misunderstanding. You mean email provider's server name or its user name. :-) I haven't noticed that this is an AOL specific question. I don't know much about AOL, I know "C++" only. Like Emilio said, it may be handled by email client and it may also be stored into a configuration file if you are not sure about registry.
Ozer Karaagac
22-Mar-11 12:40pm
I posted a reply for your new Q.
Ozer Karaagac
21-Mar-11 19:39pm
Discrete Cosine Transform. A kind of lossy compression.
Ozer Karaagac
19-Mar-11 17:10pm
I'd like to draw attention to the first two results. Both operate on char. First one decrements a counter, increments 3 pointers and possibly uses direct register addressing. Second increments a counter but possibly uses indexed register addressing. There is a huge difference on i3. Pretty different on my system (2.4GHz Montevina NB). I think, indexed addressing matters. There may be some other factors such as blending.
XOR (1000,1048576) = 933.972893ms
tXOR<char> (1000,1048576) = 1211.190808ms
tXOR<short> (1000,1048576) = 683.663426ms
tXOR<unsigned int> (1000,1048576) = 373.330130ms
tXOR<__int64> (1000,1048576) = 361.271335ms
tXOR<__m128> (1000,1048576) = 170.242587ms
Ozer Karaagac
19-Mar-11 16:58pm
I'd like to draw attention to the first two results. Both operate on char. First one decrements a counter, increments 3 pointers and possibly uses direct register addressing. Second increments a counter but possibly uses indexed register addressing. There is a huge difference on i3. Slightly different on my system (2.4GHz Montevina NB). I think, indexed addressing matters.
XOR (1000,1048576) = 933.972893ms
tXOR<char> (1000,1048576) = 1211.190808ms
tXOR<short> (1000,1048576) = 683.663426ms
tXOR<unsigned int="">(1000,1048576) = 373.330130ms
tXOR<__int64> (1000,1048576) = 361.271335ms
tXOR<__m128> (1000,1048576) = 170.242587ms
tXORo<__m128> (1000,1048576) = 170.447082ms
Ozer Karaagac
18-Mar-11 18:30pm
Thanks Dalek. :-)
Ozer Karaagac
18-Mar-11 17:52pm
I don't exactly know but I don't think so. If you don't want to use MFC, CPallini's solution is right for you. You may want to add it recursion and skipping '.' dirs.
Ozer Karaagac
18-Mar-11 15:18pm
Thanks SA. :-)
Ozer Karaagac
18-Mar-11 12:49pm
How do you open the file? Text or binary. I think, it's time to post file open codes here.
Ozer Karaagac
18-Mar-11 9:33am
You're right. VC6 doesn't and 2008 does. ASCII is better for your aim.
Ozer Karaagac
18-Mar-11 8:02am
Which cases? I didn't say that empty lines are because of UNICODE. They should be related file open mode. Try this. Save it as UNICODE and in binary mode. But before the text insert two '0xff 0xfe' lead bytes into file beginning. You can do this by using following lines. Beware, file pointer should point to start.
BYTE leadbytes[2] = { 0xff, 0xfe };
file.Write((void *)leadbytes, 2)
You should be able to open the (UNICODE) file in VC++ editor (recent versions, I mean). You will probably post another question regarding two lead bytes when loading it into RE control. :-)
Ozer Karaagac
18-Mar-11 7:11am
Not at all. In general, you can use WideCharToMultiByte(...) function in order to convert it to any code page you want. If you are using MFC string, you can convert it like that CStringA strAsc(strFromRichEdit). But be careful about string lengths while writing to a file.
Ozer Karaagac
18-Mar-11 6:31am
Normally you don't have any problem with it. Try open the file with notepad or any other text editor that supports UNICODE. I think, VC++ editor doesn't support UNICODE text files. If you want to save it as ANSI, you need to convert it before saving (maybe vise versa when loading).
Ozer Karaagac
18-Mar-11 6:18am
Do you build your project using UNICODE character set?
Ozer Karaagac
16-Mar-11 21:57pm
Conceptually, an interface should (only?) define some behaviors (as with COM, pure interface that is all functions are pure virtual). But, in C++, we can utilize a class in which some of its behaviors pre-defined but one is left as pure virtual that is undefined.
Additionally, we can probably pass an interface pointer to a function and we have to delete that object there in that function. All we have a base interface pointer in hand. If we use this pointer to delete and also its dtor is not virtual, derived classes cleanup can't be done.
So virtual dtors may be used but dtors can't be pure virtual because it must be implemented somewhere and dtors can only be implemented within its class.
Ozer Karaagac
16-Mar-11 20:41pm
may be necessary to ensure "virtuality" for destructors within derived classes.
Ozer Karaagac
16-Mar-11 20:28pm
Thank you, --SA.
Ozer Karaagac
16-Mar-11 18:16pm
Not at all!
I had written pStorage instead of pStream mistakenly. I've fixed it though IStorage doesn't have a Write method.
Ozer Karaagac
16-Mar-11 17:40pm
BTW, You can also use CFile or CStdioFile MFC classes for file operations if you are using MFC.
Ozer Karaagac
16-Mar-11 13:15pm
Latter one can be compiled but can't be linked. :-)
Ozer Karaagac
14-Mar-11 6:52am
Sorry, I made a typo by forgetting parenthesis around &pStg. It should be "reinterpret_cast<void**> (&pStg)". (may be, interference by paste operation, overlooked). Anyway, It must have been corrected by you in order to compile above line without error. Additionally, initializing pointers with NULL is a good practice (pStg = NULL);
When it comes to run-time error. It seems to be a pointer points to an invalid memory address. I don't think that my correction can cause this error. May be, subsequent lines. If I were you, I would try to determine which line caused the error by stepping through the code (by F10 key). Then, you can past that line here. :-)
Ozer Karaagac
10-Mar-11 19:52pm
Yes, two static controls can be an option. But, much more controls means more resource consumption and may be performance penalty. Subclassing a control for such a specific function is not so tedious especially while using MFC and it can be used across all projects. I'll consider your project suggestion (if I have time). :-)
Ozer Karaagac
10-Mar-11 17:35pm
OK, but, OP would like to have "some text should be with one font and some text should be with another font". At least two different fonts. Is it possible with SetFont() or WM_SETFONT?
Ozer Karaagac
7-Mar-11 21:03pm
If you would like to know how to register using OS commands after successful build, you can type this command in the same folder, where DLL file resides in it, at command prompt.
regsvr32 yourdllname.dll
If you ask me how to implement DllRegisterServer() function, I can't know how to because I don't know anything about your project. Depending on your project, you can create necessary registry keys or you can register type library. It is up to you.
Not at all.
Ozer Karaagac
7-Mar-11 18:46pm
Now you are using .def file right. Because you don't have those functions in your code. You need to implement those functions.
BTW, I didn't understand what you mean by previous comment.
Ozer Karaagac
7-Mar-11 17:55pm
Do you have such functions in your code?
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