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Comments by Rod Kemp (Top 57 by date)

Rod Kemp 26-Feb-11 8:20am View    
Also have you looked into how JIT compliers work and the difference between how programs that use byte code (.net, Java) work versus native programs?
Rod Kemp 26-Feb-11 8:15am View    
The processor is irrelevant, as part of your R&D have you mapped out the classes/methods/properties that make up the .net compact framework and how these can map to the underlying OS or how Java maps to the underlying OS and how it compares to the .net compact framework as both are frameworks that sit on top of an underlying OS.
Rod Kemp 26-Feb-11 7:45am View    
That was my point, look at the work that has gone into the mono project and then look at your question and ask yourself is this a simple question or will it require some real R&D on your part.

Rod Kemp 26-Feb-11 7:30am View    
What is the EXACT error message you are getting?
Rod Kemp 21-Feb-11 0:54am View    
Interop.CAMSERVERLib.dll is a wrapper that is created so that you can access a COM component you do NOT register it.
What you need to register is CAMSERVERLib.dll with regsrv32, notice how there is no Interop at the start of the filename, this is the COM component that the Interop wrapper accesses.