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Comments by Valery Possoz (Top 193 by date)
Valery Possoz
14-Sep-18 13:44pm
use the [run] section for this purpose.
Filename: "{app}\batch.bat";
see here: http://www.jrsoftware.org/ishelp/index.php?topic=runsection
Valery Possoz
30-Jan-18 17:32pm
Maybe a non-CLSCompliant exception is thrown and Catch(Exception e) will not catch it.
You actually need a catch {balh blah;}, notice the lack of brackets...
See here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb264489.aspx
Valery Possoz
30-Jan-18 15:07pm
did you try "float: right;"
Valery Possoz
25-Jan-18 13:08pm
You'll need to host the server side API somewhere. Azure and AWS are the best, I prefer Azure. You can get a free Azure account to get started, google Azure Media Services
You'll need a Mac to compile the iOS version, any recent enough Mac will do. A second hand 2 or 3 years old mac mini is enough.
You'll need a secondary monitor, it is optional but it will make things much easier.
good luck.
Valery Possoz
25-Jan-18 12:36pm
Well... I disagree a bit. If you plan to use Xamarin and you want to build an Android and an iOS app, your laptop won't be enough, and by far. First, you will also need a Mac, and pretty decent one too as you will need to be able to install a recent version of OSx and Xcode and all the libraries needed for Xamarin to compile the iOS version, anything over 4 or 5 years old won't cut it. Assuming you currently have a Windows laptop you will need one that has Hyper-V enabled so that rules out the Home edition of Windows, further if you want to use the Android emulator to test/debug then a second monitor is a must. Also make sure to use the Microsoft emulator it is 10 times faster than the google crappy one.
In conclusion, a 6 or 7 years old laptop might work but it will be a real pain to use and not good enough if you do an Android/iOS app. My advice, get a decent piece of kit it is well worth the investment.
Valery Possoz
7-Jan-18 4:38am
For that kind of stuff, you can use hangfire. There's plenty of code sample available and it's a great tool.
Valery Possoz
7-Jan-18 4:33am
A few things to check:
- have you created the grid columns? if they do not exist it will throw an exception.
- Your casting of values is weird. If the data is not what the code expects it will crash.
- ProductName is a string but you cast it as an integer, if you have a string in the text file it will crash.
- Quantity is an integer but you do not cast it. It is likely to throw an exception.
use the debugger it will be obvious, it is a good opportunity to learn about exception handling.
Once you solve this, it will work.
Valery Possoz
25-May-17 17:45pm
I guess you are trying to write a selenium test on a yahoo mail page or something ... It's full of scripts! This error means that the element does not exist or has changed or does not yet exist. It's probably due to a script.
See here : http://www.seleniumhq.org/exceptions/stale_element_reference.jsp
Valery Possoz
23-Feb-17 18:59pm
Yep! exactly...
Valery Possoz
23-Feb-17 18:58pm
What do you mean "And after?"
It's on github with the full source! The question has nothing to do with homework or whatever, it's obviously some guy that has no clue about anything relating to code...
But it's nice of you to take some time to answer him/her.
Valery Possoz
23-Feb-17 18:57pm
What do you mean "And after?"
It's on github with the full source! The question has nothing to do with homework or whatever, it's obviously some guy that has no clue about anything relating to code...
But it's nice of you to take some time to answer him/her.
Valery Possoz
23-Feb-17 18:46pm
That would help.
Also, temp tables are notoriously slow... Avoid if performance is a concern! maybe try replacing by variable tables or even better don't use temp tables at all.
In this quite simple piece of code, there does not seem to be any reason to use temp tables, you can get the same result directly.
Valery Possoz
23-Feb-17 18:29pm
Yep! exactly...
Valery Possoz
23-Feb-17 17:55pm
what about this link?
Just read the readme.md
Valery Possoz
23-Feb-17 16:17pm
Nowadays SQL feels a bit like old stuff, there are more modern and flexible ways to access your data. If you google ORM you'll get a few clues. See a general article about it on wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-relational_mapping and a specific article about what is probably the most popular one in the .net world: Entity Framework. See here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa937723(v=vs.113).aspx
If you really, really want to use SQL in a .net program look at ADO.net... but most of the time it's not worth it IMHO. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/h43ks021(v=vs.110).aspx
Valery Possoz
22-Feb-17 18:42pm
Fair enough.
Valery Possoz
22-Feb-17 18:12pm
looks like there could be a static property somewhere?
Valery Possoz
20-Feb-17 14:00pm
Valery Possoz
17-Feb-17 14:38pm
WPF or Winform?
Valery Possoz
16-Feb-17 15:51pm
You have a point but Kendo is pretty nice when used correctly. See my answer below.
Valery Possoz
15-Nov-16 15:55pm
Is it OData 4 or OData 3?
If it is OData4 you're in luck as there is a now() function, what you could do is something like month(TimeByDay) eq month(now())-1
Valery Possoz
25-Feb-16 17:55pm
Have a look at clientTemplate()
columns.Bound(s => s.CostBand).ClientTemplate("#=Product.CostBand#");
the template can contain any javascript you want... pretty flexible.
Valery Possoz
25-Feb-16 17:37pm
You don't, it's a bad idea and it does not work well.
To learn about responsive design have a look at bootstrap for example.
Valery Possoz
25-Feb-16 17:33pm
You can try pdf.js it's quite cool!
Valery Possoz
25-Feb-16 17:28pm
Look here:
Valery Possoz
1-Sep-15 17:58pm
There does not seem to be anything in this code that can trigger this exception. Have you try to debug it? add a breakpoint and go step by step until you find the line that causes an issue.
Valery Possoz
18-May-15 17:57pm
You could write an extension method that extract formatted lines (or paragraphs)
a line ends in /line
a paragraph ends in /par
Refer to the rtf specifications for details.
Valery Possoz
12-May-15 14:23pm
Yes I agree with you, it is a bit heavy handed and potentially dangerous but for sake of argument it is possible.
Also from within the clickonce you can do what ever you want, call a webservice exposing the server file system for example.
Valery Possoz
12-May-15 14:14pm
When you say "There is no way to launch Windows Explorer". This is not strictly true. There are ways round this limitation. For example host a clickonce and activate it, once the app is downloaded you can do what ever you want on the client PC...
For example:
HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/x-ms-application"
HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect(clickOnceUrl, False)
See here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/t71a733d.aspx
ClickOnce is supported natively by Internet Explorer and Firefox and and Chrome using an extension like "ClickOnce for Google Chrome"
Valery Possoz
11-May-15 15:02pm
Try google or youtube.
for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxCq77mrQyo
Valery Possoz
9-May-15 17:18pm
No worries. Glad you found the problem :)
Valery Possoz
9-May-15 14:19pm
I can't really tell you the answer as it could be a lot of things... But...
What you need to do is look at the meaning of "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".
Basically it means you are trying to access a property or a method of an object that does not exist.
There are things you can do to make sure this does not happen. For example check for nullity before using a property or method or at least use a try{} catch{}
Also if you run in the debbuger step by step it is quite trivial to find the object that is null... look in the autos window.
Valery Possoz
28-Apr-15 17:41pm
I agree 100%. That's the way to go.
Valery Possoz
22-Apr-15 18:40pm
This link is so old!! Forget about it!
Instead have a look at codedUI, it is a proper framework rather than some kind of WPF UI automation clever hack...
anyway read here :https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd286726.aspx)
There are millions of google links for CodeUI.
Valery Possoz
23-Feb-15 14:58pm
You could start by reading the documentation... http://docs.opencv.org/doc/tutorials/introduction/desktop_java/java_dev_intro.html
Valery Possoz
14-Feb-15 18:55pm
Agree! It depends what you need to do. Another option for a beginner is to use a BackgroundWorker as it is so simple to use.
Valery Possoz
14-Feb-15 18:50pm
Sometimes the get is pretty complex and you need to specify what is returned. How would you do it otherwise?
If you want something simpler just use a variable.
Valery Possoz
9-Jan-15 16:16pm
yes use a variable for 3 and for 7.
int _min = selectedRange.Min;
int _max = selectedRange.Max;
and use them in the method...
if (e.NewValue < _min | e.NewValue > _max)
Valery Possoz
9-Jan-15 14:15pm
I've put the host, password, user and port in the appsettings section. Also I'm in the UK so the server is smtpout.europe.secureserver.net not the US one smtpout.secureserver.net
Valery Possoz
26-Nov-14 15:39pm
I'm calm and I did not shout at you... Sorry if you felt offended that was not my intention.
Anyway that does not change the point I was making iTextSharp is not free for commercial projects.
Valery Possoz
26-Nov-14 14:38pm
iTextSharp is not free!
For hobbyist or open source projects it is free under the AGPL v3 license.
If you want to use iTextSharp in a commercial product you need to pay for it... Server price is about $2000 per server, desktop price is about $100 per workstation... If you ask me that's quite expensive!
If you want to use version prior to v5 of iTextSharp then you are in troubles as it contains code fragments that infringe on many people's intellectual property and you could be sued...
Valery Possoz
11-Sep-14 3:15am
Valery Possoz
7-Sep-14 7:13am
and .net 3.5? .Net 4.0 is not an upgrade from 3.5... As far as I know SQL Server uses 3.5 not 4.0, so you must have 3.5 enabled even if 4.0 is installed.
Valery Possoz
7-Sep-14 6:49am
Is .Net 3.5 installed? I saw that same error happening after .Net 3.5 was removed from a server.
Valery Possoz
4-Sep-14 13:29pm
I think someone down-voted some comments you made on an article.
Valery Possoz
3-Sep-14 18:51pm
Does the value that has 7 characters start with "0"....?
Valery Possoz
3-Sep-14 14:40pm
I think you might take it the wrong way round.
What I would do for an existing site is
1)In visual studio create a TFS workspace, copy locally (ie in the workspace) the site files add them to TFS, check in.
2)work with the tfs version of the site, check in, check out, get latest etc... (the other developers have access to the same tfs copy)
3)once your are happy publish the site.
Seems fairly straight forward, you never work on the publish (deployed) site directly.
Valery Possoz
30-Aug-14 5:14am
Why did someone downvote my answer? An explanation would be nice...
Valery Possoz
30-Aug-14 4:05am
Professional UML Using Visual Studio .Net ?
Valery Possoz
29-Aug-14 14:26pm
What about pluralsight?
they have literally hundreds and hundreds of good quality training videos. It's not a book but maybe it's good enough?
For example: http://beta.pluralsight.com/courses/vs2010-uml
Valery Possoz
29-Aug-14 8:41am
That seems to be a user right issue. In your setup project you can use a custom action to set the correct rights.
Valery Possoz
28-Aug-14 9:34am
if you need to execute the code that is in the event without firing the event I would suggest you refactor your code and do it another way. for example you could put the code that is in the event in a separate method and call this method where ever it is needed.
Valery Possoz
28-Aug-14 7:54am
That looks like homework to me... Maybe you should try to do it yourself? It's way more rewarding to achieve something by yourself than to copy someone else's answer...
Valery Possoz
28-Aug-14 7:50am
yes it's possible. It's actually the purpose of ClickOnce. Easy deployment, accessible from anywhere.
From MSDN: "ClickOnce deployment allows you to publish Windows-based applications to a Web server, it enables you to create self-updating Windows-based applications that can be installed and run with minimal user interaction."
Valery Possoz
28-Aug-14 7:06am
You did not mention InstallShield in your question. Anyway ClickOnce does not require InstallShield...
Valery Possoz
27-Aug-14 15:14pm
I might be wrong but I though ASP.net was compiling the sites using Aspnet_compiler.exe, not the compilers provided by the framework (or at least not directly)
Valery Possoz
27-Aug-14 15:00pm
This code is OK and should work.
Have you checked your connection string? are you targeting the same database, same server? my guess is that you have a server/database mix up.
Valery Possoz
27-Aug-14 12:16pm
mstsc.exe has two interesting flags:
/admin => connects to the console and does not lock the PC.
/shadow:xxx => connects to session number xxx and shadows a user.
have you tried these?
Valery Possoz
25-Jul-14 10:51am
Yes it will be null... you've just declared the array. you need to fill it with data.
string[] lines = File.ReadLines("malincinsi.txt").ToArray();
string[] ListProductCodeFileLines = File.ReadLines("productcode.txt").ToArray();
Valery Possoz
25-Jul-14 8:46am
Where do you assign data to comboBox1? and what is the content of your text file?
Put a break point on "if (comboBox1.Text == ListLines[i])" press F9 in Visual Studio to set a break point.
Look at the value of your variables and see why if does not work.
String comparison is case sensitive, try "comboBox1.Text.ToLower() == ListLines[i].ToLower()"
Also spaces can be a problem... try "comboBox1.Text.Trim().ToLower() == ListLines[i].Trim().ToLower()"
Valery Possoz
19-Jul-14 9:17am
What is in your variable "a" ?
Valery Possoz
17-Jul-14 17:35pm
Actually I think it may be possible using OpenXML. When the document is rendered, each rendered page break in the document object model is marked with a LastRenderedPageBreak. see here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/documentformat.openxml.wordprocessing.lastrenderedpagebreak(v=office.14).aspx
You need to delete all the elements between 2 LastRenderedPageBreak. This is where it becomes tricky as LastRenderedPageBreak can be anywhere in the document elements tree and you'll need to re-create a coherent tree.
I think it might be quite a complex task!
Valery Possoz
21-Jun-14 6:01am
That does not work... only the active tab has it's MainWindowTitle set. All the other processes have an empty window title.
Valery Possoz
20-Jun-14 15:25pm
A web application is not a desktop application? Can you explain what is the reason to do this conversion?
Valery Possoz
20-Jun-14 14:29pm
Yes you can use it. It is "marked" as deprecated but it is still there... actually it is still there in .net 4.5
Extract form the Microsoft documentation:
The .NET Framework and the common language runtime strive to support backward compatibility (allowing applications that were developed with one version of the .NET Framework to run on the next version of the .NET Framework). This makes it difficult to simply remove a type or a type member. Instead, the .NET Framework indicates that a type or a type member should no longer be used by marking it as obsolete or deprecated. Deprecating a type or a member involves marking it so that developers are aware it will go away and have time to respond to its removal. However, existing code that uses the type or member continues to run in the new version of the .NET Framework.
Valery Possoz
13-Jun-14 18:13pm
If I were you I would start with the basics and read about exceptions... Here's a good starting point: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/125470/Exception-Handling-for-C-Beginners
Valery Possoz
16-Apr-14 14:17pm
Valery Possoz
15-Apr-14 17:34pm
Where is the code to correct?
Valery Possoz
15-Apr-14 17:32pm
What have you been using? Can you show us some code?
Valery Possoz
8-Mar-14 15:08pm
Installshield is big piece of junk! If you have the opportunity to use anything else then consider changing!!!
Valery Possoz
3-Mar-14 13:59pm
Where are you stuck? for copy-paste see google.
Valery Possoz
13-Feb-14 15:11pm
Use FireFox, go to Add-ons, search for youtube... the first 300 ish result download youtube videos.
Valery Possoz
13-Feb-14 15:07pm
2 good advices!
buy one, get one free :)
Valery Possoz
6-Jan-14 19:16pm
I guess some server at google must be able to load your file to display it. LocalHost is visible to you only, you should provide a public URL rather than a local one.
Valery Possoz
3-Jan-14 17:13pm
I love Linqpad! such a great tool! and plenty of example of the c# in a nutshell book available. It's a great tool to use and a great tool to learn.
Valery Possoz
3-Jan-14 17:01pm
Valery Possoz
3-Jan-14 16:56pm
Yep! That's what I would do :)
Valery Possoz
29-Oct-13 16:32pm
simple and easy :)
Valery Possoz
29-Oct-13 11:40am
It's not really a programming question...
A way to do it is to configure your firewall for example: http://www.trishtech.com/2010/05/block-a-program-in-windows-7-firewall/
Valery Possoz
24-Oct-13 16:08pm
good to know :)
Valery Possoz
13-Oct-13 6:51am
Maybe you should ask once only ???
Valery Possoz
13-Oct-13 6:48am
And you for got to show us the work you have made to do this... If you just want someone to do it for you try http://www.rent-acoder.com/
Valery Possoz
11-Oct-13 18:04pm
And... what do you want? sorry but I don't get it.
Valery Possoz
23-Sep-13 15:18pm
Reason for my vote of 5 \n Really good tip. I'm currently doing something similar in the process template xaml definition. I'll refactor using a t4 template, it's a really good idea. Nice and clean :)
Valery Possoz
23-Sep-13 7:16am
well... what have you tried? and in which language?
Valery Possoz
19-Sep-13 13:05pm
look at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/System.Windows.Annotations.AnnotationService.aspx
Valery Possoz
19-Sep-13 8:32am
Valery Possoz
18-Sep-13 12:20pm
I don't think that the right attitude when you find something boring to search is to ask someone else to do it for you... If you can't be arsed making an effort don't expect others to do it for you.
Valery Possoz
16-Sep-13 3:54am
Wow! it's more than just a question... it seems you need to learn everything.
Google is full of resources. A few good places http://www.w3schools.com/aspnet/ or http://www.asp.net/ or http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-gb/vstudio/cc136611.aspx
Valery Possoz
12-Sep-13 9:17am
you can always go to http://writemyhomework.org/ and ask them to give you the answer :)
Valery Possoz
10-Sep-13 3:08am
Where is the code to export to Excel? What you are showing here is just he code to send an email with an excel attachment. It's not possible to help you if we can't see the code where the problem is.
Valery Possoz
6-Sep-13 14:45pm
Why would we do that? Most people here are happy to help if you are stuck on a specific problem, or if you don't understand something. They are not here to do your homework.
Valery Possoz
25-Aug-13 10:54am
What is the code in the constructor of Data_Con?
Valery Possoz
30-Jul-13 16:22pm
Very good but .Net 4.5 only which rules out Windows XP and Server 2003.
Valery Possoz
24-Jul-13 13:07pm
I have the same issue but the other way round! vs2010 unloads all the projects from the solution, it happens only on one Windows server 2012, all other machines are fine. I never really found what the problem is.
Valery Possoz
18-Jul-13 10:59am
The problem is that there's a huge fixed size width for the label and he's right aligned then in the CSS:
form.register label{
float: left;
text-align: right;
margin-right: 16px;
So even if the form is centered, the CSS for the labels will push everything to the right, and it will look weird.
Valery Possoz
30-Jun-13 18:35pm
That seems quite expensive!... Did you look at the Standard rather than Shared option in the calculator, it mentions up to 500 websites. It does not calculate the price on the number of sites, but on the size and number of Virtual Machines. I guess 1 machine should be enough for you... It is still expensive at nearly $900 a year, but I guess you can run quite a few small sites from the VM.
Valery Possoz
30-Jun-13 17:26pm
Here's the best link ever: http://www.google.co.in/search?q=adventure+works
Valery Possoz
30-Jun-13 17:18pm
Do you use Visual Studio? Which version? What did you use to create the installer? Can you give a few clues?... It's difficult to guess with so little information.
Valery Possoz
30-Jun-13 17:13pm
And you have the source of this VB6 program? Surely you can find how it is encrypted.
Valery Possoz
22-Jun-13 15:33pm
No. 2008 express is maximum 1 CPU, 2012 is maximum 4 cores on 1 socket.
Valery Possoz
9-May-13 13:40pm
This question has been asked so many times... Look on google, you will se that there is no 64b version of Jet.
Look here for more details:
Valery Possoz
1-May-13 13:13pm
You can start an application from Windows Explorer and pass it arguments... Just create a shortcut, and add your arguments there and use it to start your application, actually you can pass argument from the command line, from Windows Explorer, even when your application is called from another application.
Valery Possoz
22-Apr-13 8:23am
use a httpwebrequest:
HttpWebRequest webRequest = WebRequest.Create(@"https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/search/json?location=52.00,1.1957362&radius=7500&types=restaurant&sensor=false&key=yourkey") as HttpWebRequest;
webRequest.Timeout = 20000;
webRequest.Method = "GET";
webRequest.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(RequestCompleted), webRequest);
and in the call back parse the response:
private static void RequestCompleted(IAsyncResult result)
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)result.AsyncState;
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.EndGetResponse(result);
string response = string.Empty;
using (Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream())
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream);
response = reader.ReadToEnd();
The response string will have something like:
"results" :
"geometry" : {
"location" : {
"lat" : 51.8664050,
"lng" : 1.2132110
"name" : "King of spices",
write a class to parse the response and load in the listbox the info you like.
Valery Possoz
7-Apr-13 16:32pm
Valery Possoz
25-Mar-13 19:15pm
5 :) I read once a quote from Bruce Schneier on that subject: "Digital files cannot be made uncopyable, any more than water can be made not wet."
Valery Possoz
10-Mar-13 14:46pm
Why did you mention the webbrowser control?
Valery Possoz
10-Mar-13 9:08am
A hosted VM is a virtual machine, basically it is like a normal server, except that it is somewhere in the "cloud" and you don't have to worry with hardware failure or internet access etc...
Valery Possoz
10-Mar-13 7:15am
Visual Studio.
Valery Possoz
10-Mar-13 6:26am
Did you try to type in google "triangulation library"... and try out one of the 1 million results.
Valery Possoz
10-Mar-13 6:22am
I don't understand. Have you got some code already?
Valery Possoz
23-Feb-13 5:02am
What do you mean? what do you want to do? display it, change it? can you clarify?
Valery Possoz
22-Feb-13 17:27pm
You can do that in 2 easy steps... Read about Timer, try coding something... It should not take more than 10 minutes.
Valery Possoz
20-Feb-13 17:46pm
Point well made! There are things that are off-limits... 5
Valery Possoz
20-Feb-13 17:34pm
What a silly assignment! I don't think that using riddles to teach programming is very clever... lewax00 solution points you articles showing how to format outputs.
Valery Possoz
18-Feb-13 17:27pm
If you can avoid using Access. There are better alternatives Sql Server compact for example, The sdf file can be encrypted and the connection can require a password.
Valery Possoz
18-Feb-13 17:14pm
I got the same as you, there's nothing wrong with the code itself, the problem is a bad using. See my answer.
Valery Possoz
17-Feb-13 9:24am
Hmmm... what does this mean?
Valery Possoz
16-Feb-13 17:24pm
Google.com... 1.85 million hits for this question.
Valery Possoz
16-Feb-13 15:13pm
Recently I've been using this component:
Valery Possoz
16-Feb-13 14:06pm
You were faster than me :)
Valery Possoz
16-Feb-13 13:35pm
Valery Possoz
14-Feb-13 14:34pm
Could you explain what you need exactly.. what do you mean by modelviewpop? do you mean model view controller? or model view presenter? Have you tried anything?
Valery Possoz
13-Feb-13 19:14pm
my pleasure.
Valery Possoz
7-Feb-13 18:06pm
A string is an object. Object is the ancestor of everything. Everything is an object. Just pass the string.
Valery Possoz
2-Feb-13 10:57am
Here is a way to do it in C# using WMI for local printers. http://www.codekeep.net/snippets/d8dc075a-79d0-4cc2-95a5-b298dbea307c.aspx
Valery Possoz
31-Jan-13 13:52pm
Although Cisco contributes to a few open source projects, as far as I know the Cisco routers os (IOS)is not freeware and not open source. By giving the source away you most likely commit a crime and I think you may be in troubles... The only exception I am aware of is the that after purchasing Linksys, Cisco had to give away the sources of the WRT54g Os has it used some open source components, but cisco was quite quick to close the loophole.
Valery Possoz
31-Jan-13 13:12pm
I quite sure that nobody will give you this here...
Valery Possoz
31-Jan-13 13:09pm
What does this mean? Can you clarify?
Valery Possoz
27-Jan-13 18:56pm
Oops! Sorry... My answer was for the now deprecated V1 ActiveX. I did not realise you are using the V2 of the ActiveX.
With Version2 all you need to do is
AxVLCPlugin21.input.Time = milliseconds
Documentation is here: http://wiki.videolan.org/Documentation:WebPlugin
Valery Possoz
27-Jan-13 16:31pm
Vs2012 does not support all project types that were supported in VS2010, for example BizTalk, MSI setup, SharePoint 2007, some Windows Mobile and Windows Phone project... But the general rule is that if you can open in 2010, you can in 2012.
Valery Possoz
27-Jan-13 13:49pm
Well... the answer is in the question! What about doing a bit of homework before asking? A good place to start reading about SQL syntax : http://www.w3schools.com/sql/default.asp
Valery Possoz
24-Jan-13 18:18pm
Here is a C example:
As said before save the data in a file and bob's ur uncle done.
Valery Possoz
21-Jan-13 16:42pm
For what ever reasons I think he want 0s and 1s... What about adding Dim bits As New BitArray(data)?
5 anyway :)
Valery Possoz
21-Jan-13 16:17pm
A good book is always a good start :)
Valery Possoz
21-Jan-13 6:35am
Maybe you could give us a bit more details about what you have done and where you have a problem?
Valery Possoz
19-Jan-13 8:51am
Valery Possoz
19-Jan-13 6:01am
Set you project as x86, not AnyCPu. That will force it to execute as a 32bit process even on 64b platforms.
Valery Possoz
5-Jan-13 14:40pm
Have a look here: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/17123/Using-Raw-Input-from-C-to-handle-multiple-keyboard
This article will show you how to do it. It's not that trivial. Good luck.
Valery Possoz
22-Oct-12 6:11am
Valery Possoz
19-Oct-12 12:50pm
Without seeing any code it is difficult (or impossible) to know what's wrong...
Valery Possoz
18-Oct-12 9:13am
CurStep let's you select at which point you want to perform the operation. CurStep=ssInstall means just before the installation starts,CurStep=ssPostInstall means just after the installation finishes CurStep=ssDone means just before Setup terminates. Anyway happy that you made it work. :)
Valery Possoz
17-Oct-12 14:17pm
Thanks. ;)
Valery Possoz
17-Oct-12 14:11pm
The exception you asked a question about was "cannot convert type string to system. mail.attachment", that's fixed. What is the error you have now?
Valery Possoz
12-Oct-12 8:39am
" " is ASCII code 20... "~" is ASCII 126. Any character whose code is between 20 and 126 will be ok.
Valery Possoz
26-Sep-12 18:14pm
If you are refering to the TFS process editor that comes with the vs2010 tfs power tools, I guess if you want the source code you can try asking Microsoft... good luck :)
Valery Possoz
14-Sep-12 14:03pm
cmdDatabase.Parameters.Add("@makeComboBoxText", SqlDbType.VarChar);
cmdDatabase.Parameters["@makeComboBoxText"].Value = makeComboBox.Text;
Valery Possoz
14-Sep-12 13:48pm
What is the error?
Valery Possoz
9-Sep-12 15:26pm
Good link :)
Valery Possoz
27-Aug-12 5:35am
These tools export/import test cases in batch, not one at a time.
Valery Possoz
16-Jul-12 4:47am
< html type='application/msword'>Hi < /html> won't work.
<html type='application/msword'>Hi </html> does work.
There should be no spaces in your html tag.
Valery Possoz
15-Jul-12 17:53pm
I've just tried the only demo of the editor and type the following html code in it : <strong>Hi</strong>
I then modify this text (not in the editor, in my code...) so that it looks like that:
<html type="application/msword">
Save that as Test.Doc, and open in word, it renders correctly, everything is fine in Word.
Could you describe your issue with more details please, maybe show some code?
Valery Possoz
25-Jan-12 4:54am
my pleasure :)
Valery Possoz
21-Dec-11 16:04pm
Thanks :)
Valery Possoz
14-Dec-11 6:28am
Could you show us some code please?
Valery Possoz
14-Dec-11 4:02am
Is that C#?
Valery Possoz
12-Dec-11 9:37am
You beat me to it! :) 5!
Valery Possoz
12-Dec-11 6:46am
A very good and detailed answer! it's a 5 :)
Valery Possoz
12-Dec-11 6:44am
By the time I posted my answer 3 other answers were posted! :)
Valery Possoz
12-Dec-11 6:27am
your question is a bit confusing, could you show us some code?
Valery Possoz
10-Dec-11 13:30pm
The answer is in the article you are using! Use compressed video.
Valery Possoz
20-Nov-11 19:16pm
I have seen that wikipedia link somewhere else :) I must bookmark it!!
Valery Possoz
20-Nov-11 17:54pm
It seems that there is a bug in your code in testxbeedlg.cpp. Can you show us your code?
All the other messages are just telling you that there are no pdb files available for some windows dlls you are using. (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/yd4f8bd1(v=vs.71).aspx)
Valery Possoz
4-Nov-11 9:57am
You are right, I have updated my answer, thanks for spotting that! :)
Valery Possoz
2-Nov-11 5:04am
It does not copy the source, it copies the rendered content. But I'm sure you could tweak it a bit to get the source. :)
Valery Possoz
18-Sep-11 17:35pm
Mapforce allows you to generate a c# program that will convert an xml file from one schema into another. That is the purpose of this software!... there is menu in it to generate a conversion program in most popular language... it is kind of difficult to miss it!
I suggest you read about mapforce or maybe try to use it.
What is your question about?...
Valery Possoz
6-Sep-11 17:17pm
I suggest you read a few books or maybe spend some time studying with websites like http://www.w3schools.com/ or many others... or aps.net as previously mentioned!
Valery Possoz
6-Sep-11 17:01pm
sure... everything is possible but it will take a long time!!
Valery Possoz
18-Jul-11 4:36am
You could have used "if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Left)" but otherwise it is fine, this code is correct, the problem must be somewhere else.
Valery Possoz
30-Jun-11 18:14pm
did you add at the beginning of the file : using System.IO ;
Valery Possoz
30-Jun-11 17:04pm
On the Reflector toolbar there is a dropdown where you can select the .Net language you want to use for the decompiled code.By default it is set to C#, if you select another language you will see the code in this other language.
As far as I know, there is no obvious and reliable way to tell what is the original language, other than vaguely guessing.
What do you mean when you say "check how the packages are added"? Do you mean the references? that is independent from the programming language.
Valery Possoz
15-Jun-11 8:47am
very good link.
Valery Possoz
7-Jun-11 18:39pm
Spot on!
Valery Possoz
30-May-11 18:10pm
When I was learning my job I use to do my homework myself...
Valery Possoz
30-May-11 4:44am
Thanks. Your solution is nice and simple, I've never done it this way. I'll give it a go ;)
Valery Possoz
28-May-11 16:11pm
Thanks :) Valery.
Valery Possoz
24-May-11 17:39pm
I find it's quite funny that last week survey was about brackets!
Valery Possoz
23-May-11 9:15am
Look for MSB3097 on google... that should point you in the right direction to fix this error.
Valery Possoz
22-May-11 10:03am
Oops! I did not notice you had already answered.
Valery Possoz
15-Feb-11 16:46pm
Then look at Manfred's answer (#4):
for (int x = 0; x < pictureEdit1.Image.Height; x++)
for (int i = 0; i < pictureEdit1.Image.Width; i++)
That will solve your issue.
Valery Possoz
1-Feb-11 17:50pm
Maybe I wrote a bit too quickly, anyway. voting 1 is a bit harsh!
If you have somewhere else in the code something like:
// some code...
I experienced that adding DoEvents() in the loop will make backgroundWorker.CancelAsync() work, otherwise it might not work.
// some code...
Valery Possoz
31-Jan-11 18:46pm
Goto are not always bad... There are very specific cases where they are actually very useful.
you can read this this chapter from Steve McConell book "Code Complete" about using or not using Gotos.
The world isn't black and white.
Valery Possoz
27-Jan-11 15:27pm
Hi, this is an old post!
There is much better nowadays, have a look at VS2010 CodedUI.
Valery Possoz
9-Jan-11 14:33pm
Good to know, I will try that one soon.
Valery Possoz
8-Jan-11 18:42pm
"You cannot do really good software development if you're not teaching software development."
Hmmm... Really?
Valery Possoz
8-Jan-11 18:29pm
I think it is related to his question about a new laptop...
Valery Possoz
8-Jan-11 17:56pm
yes! very well... and on 64 bits too.
Valery Possoz
8-Jan-11 6:31am
What are you using to generate your chart? Give us a bit more details. Thanks
Valery Possoz
7-Jan-11 4:10am
- Is there a workspace on the server?
- Is the server workspace bound to a local folder?
Valery Possoz
5-Jan-11 10:06am
Valery Possoz
2-Jan-11 14:38pm
You could also use relative path <img src="../Sunset.jpg" width="150px" height="150px" >
Valery Possoz
1-Jan-11 11:20am
Did you change your css as well? Note that the "=" signs have been replaced by ":".
If you apply both changes it works very well. ie the ":" in the css and <link> instead of <style>.
I vote 5 for Manfred solution.
Valery Possoz
30-Dec-10 14:51pm
I've got the same problem an another thing I have been looking at for my application is replacing the webbrowser control by an open source .net wrapper of webkit.
Google returns a few code sample, this one for example: http://shelastyle.net/blog/webkit-vs-ie-browser-control-in-c/
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