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Comments by Member 13188016 (Top 14 by date)

Member 13188016 16-May-17 3:52am View    
tis is the output of the problem that i want to write
since im beginner so maybe approach this problem in beginner way too :/
Member 13188016 16-May-17 3:50am View    
thanks for the answer please refer this link for the output.
to produce this output, is it better use for loop or array(?)
and please explain the way too!!
Member 13188016 14-May-17 8:46am View    
thankyou so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for the detailed explanation!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope to find someone like you again everytime im confuse!!!lol ><
Member 13188016 14-May-17 8:33am View    
ah got it!!!!
it means i=2 because the initialization
and j =2
because the condition is true 4<10000 it will execute the execution statement
then j will be incremented to 3
so i*j<10000 -> 6 <10000 that is why all the value of even number in array become 0
then for i=j=3 it will make the value of multiple 3 become 0 in array
and so on?
Member 13188016 14-May-17 8:14am View    
Still dont understand the inner loop part
For (j=i;i*j<10000;j++) {prime(i*j)=0}
Means i=j=2
2^2=<10000(means if the condition true will process the latter or will increment j++ until it reach 10000?);j++
And if j is incremented by 1 it should be 3*3=9 so why the even number all was eliminated? Is the elimination occur in the first iteration?