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Comments by Robert Ellis (Top 3 by date)

Robert Ellis 23-Feb-15 17:24pm View    
The BinaryTransport methodology referenced by Richard works perfectly and is incredibly easy to add to the existing code. So it seems AJAX can be used with binary responses without any real difficulty - you just have to know where to look.
Robert Ellis 4-Jan-15 22:35pm View    
The concept of MVC, like the concept of Dependency Injection, Unity, SOLID and other software paradigms, is to lessen the overall amount of work that is required to MAINTAIN and TEST software solutions; and (in some cases) to lessen the amount of overhead required to co-ordinate software development between different teams of developers.

The additional complexity that using these paradigms brings to up-front development work is supposed to be outweighed by the benefits described above.

If you are working on small-scale projects, it may be, for example, that you will not realize any benefit at all by adopting a strict MVC model. The additional development effort required to implement the model up-front may not reveal any significant benefit down the road. However, on larger projects, this is unlikely to be the case.

If you want to know WHY these models are recommended and want to understand How they save time over the course of development cycles, the best thing to do is read up and take a few tutorials on each. Doing so will NEVER be a waste of your time, because understanding how they work and where the benefits lie, will put you in a better position to decide whether or not they are good models for you to use on your projects.

It is certainly not the case that any of them are "magic bullets"; nor is it the case that they must be used. None of them (including MVC) are best practice for all projects. As I have mentioned, size and scale tend to be important aspects to consider when making a decision as to how to model your software, but they are not the only considerations.
Robert Ellis 9-Dec-14 15:47pm View    
Can you make sure that in your Visual Studio "Exceptions..." settings, all exceptions are being immediately thrown (i.e. make sure you do NOT have it set up to break only on Unhandled exceptions)

If you don't, make the changes, run the code again, and see if the exception is actually occurring somewhere else and bubbling up the stack.

If you had declared employeeID as an "incorrect" type in the way implied by your embedded remarks, I would have thought you would be seeing an exception at the line above (Line 4 rather than Line 5)

A C&P of the full exception might also help to diagnose.