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Date Survey #
25 Apr 2022 -
  2 May 2022
You're being handed someone else's code to manage. What do you most hope for?
18 Apr 2022 -
  25 Apr 2022
How would you use Artificial Intelligence in your apps?
Sure it's a hammer, but there a lots of different shaped nails
11 Apr 2022 -
  18 Apr 2022
How would you describe a Software Developer?
Pick 1 for "not even close" to 5 for "Spot on". If you're a developer, maybe get a second opinion from the closest person non-developer near you.
4 Apr 2022 -
  11 Apr 2022
How do you participate in Open Source projects?
We'll define "Open Source" as being code that is released under a license that allows a user to use, study, change, and distribute the software and its source code. Contributed by Shao Voon Wong.
28 Mar 2022 -
  4 Apr 2022
Do you get up in the middle of the night to code because you can't sleep?
Insomnia's a terrible thing, but what if you finally work out how to get that feature working?
20 Mar 2022 -
  27 Mar 2022
How do you manage your passwords?
14 Mar 2022 -
  21 Mar 2022
Pick one: what will improve your productivity?
You're offered a wish but you only get one. Which do you choose to make your day job more productive?
7 Mar 2022 -
  14 Mar 2022
Have you ever been asked to include a backdoor in your software?
28 Feb 2022 -
  7 Mar 2022
What things do you (currently) trust AI to do for you?
It's ubiquitous, but is it a hammer looking for a nail? Is it mature enough to be relied upon? Is it just too creepy? Or is it just all good? Which of the following are you OK with?
21 Feb 2022 -
  28 Feb 2022
For the C# devs: expression body or old school functions?
Do you prefer the expression body public override string ToString() => "I am an object"; or the traditional public override string ToString() { return "I am a string"; }?
14 Feb 2022 -
  21 Feb 2022
AI can drive a car and write a novel. What's the value a software developer brings that AI can't?
Are we slowly being replaced and haven't yet noticed, or will AI always be merely a tool that us Skilled Professionals wield to make a better world?
7 Feb 2022 -
  14 Feb 2022
Which social media do you engage in?
Social Let's see how things have changed in 5 years...
31 Jan 2022 -
  7 Feb 2022
Which methods of installing software do you prefer?
Anyone else miss "Please insert the disk: 10"? I thought not.
24 Jan 2022 -
  31 Jan 2022
What's important to you when considering the license of open source code?
The "use it for free" statement has many, many subtle shades. Not the least in the term "free". What's most important to you?
17 Jan 2022 -
  24 Jan 2022
Have you moved to Visual Studio 2022?
For the Visual Studio Devs. Time for a quick straw poll.
10 Jan 2022 -
  17 Jan 2022
What's the worst thing your manager / team lead can announce?
Obviously the list can be pretty long, but let's stick to the basics.
3 Jan 2022 -
  10 Jan 2022
How important is formatted code?
27 Dec 2021 -
  3 Jan 2022
What are your New Year resolutions?
I'm getting a serious case of déjà vu here.
20 Dec 2021 -
  27 Dec 2021
How will you be spending this Holiday period?
Another year of strangeness for many, and back to normal for many others. How's your holiday season looking?
13 Dec 2021 -
  20 Dec 2021
What genre of books do us developers like to read?
Obviously RFCs and Spec documents top the list, so let's skip them and see what's on everyone's bedside table these days.

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