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Date Survey #
3 Sep 2001 -
  9 Sep 2001
Operating Systems
How many operating systems do you target in your day to day programming? (Treat minor OS revisions and SP's as a separate OS if they require separate coding)
27 Aug 2001 -
  3 Sep 2001
Who would you prefer as Supreme Ruler of the Desktop?
For good or bad, the desktop is ruled by Microsoft. Just imagine an alternate reality where a different company owned the desktop OS market. Who would you prefer?
13 Aug 2001 -
  30 Aug 2001
Site navigation and newsletter survey
CodeProject has grown enormously in the last year, and in order to manage the site more effectively and ensure that navigation remains simple we are considering a few changes. Thank you for choosing to participate in this survey. There are only 4 questions, so it should take less than a minute to fill out. Your feedback is very much appreciated.
20 Aug 2001 -
  26 Aug 2001
So what are you working on these days?
Not only is it hard enough to keep up with the technologies you currently use - it's also hard keeping up with what everyone else is using.
13 Aug 2001 -
  19 Aug 2001
Upgrading to Windows XP
We've all heard the hype about XP - both the good and the bad - but will you be upgrading to XP?
6 Aug 2001 -
  12 Aug 2001
By nature we love our gadgets - so what sort of personal organisers do you use?
30 Jul 2001 -
  5 Aug 2001
Writing C++ on the .NET CLR
The .NET CLR provides you with a lot of convenience, but for a C++ programmer that may not always be good. When writing C++ code on the CLR, what feature is most important for you (submitted by Walter Sullivan, Microsoft)
23 Jul 2001 -
  29 Jul 2001
The power of C++
C++ developers enjoy an extremely powerful environment and language. What aspects of this are most important to you?
16 Jul 2001 -
  22 Jul 2001
Is software development still enjoyable?
Software development has changed a lot over the last few years. New technologies and an ever increasing pace of change means life is never dull. But is it exciting?
9 Jul 2001 -
  15 Jul 2001
Are current applications buggier than they used to be?
Each year applications we write, and the tools we write them with, get more and more complex. Have the tools we use kept up with the complexity to help us write more reliable apps, or are apps getting buggier and buggier.
2 Jul 2001 -
  8 Jul 2001
'Shared Source' vs GPL License
Would you rather release some softeware under Microsoft's new Shared Source license or the tried and true GPL licence?
25 Jun 2001 -
  1 Jul 2001
What is the oldest Windows OS that you support?
Supporting older OS's can be painful.
18 Jun 2001 -
  24 Jun 2001
How many computers do you own?
This includes mobile devices, but not stuff that is gathering dust in your closet (suggested by Mike Dunn)
11 Jun 2001 -
  17 Jun 2001
Comments in code
Do you comment your code, and if so, how much?
4 Jun 2001 -
  15 Jun 2001
VS.NET competition voting form
The Visual Studio.NET articles are in. Now's your chance to vote for your favorite!
4 Jun 2001 -
  10 Jun 2001
The size of the .NET redistributable.
What is the maximum acceptable size for the .NET redistributables? (For reference: W2K SP2 - 100Mb, Netscape 6 - 16Mb, Java 2 RE - 7.4Mb, Adobe Acrobat - 5.2Mb)
28 May 2001 -
  3 Jun 2001
Your choice of programming languages
Which programming languages do you expect to be working with in the next 12 months?
30 May 2001 -
  31 May 2001
Left or Right?
21 May 2001 -
  27 May 2001
Developer Magazines
What is your favorite developer magazine?
14 May 2001 -
  20 May 2001
Does .NET make sense to you?
.NET overload is everywhere, but are we doing a good job or a bad job of explaining exactly what it all means?

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