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by Nirosh
This tutorial is designed for .NET programmers who need to understand ‘Nido’ framework and its application.
by Bryian Tan
The author is sharing an article on how to create a help tooltip for a HTML element using Web API, Bootstrap Popover and jQuery UI dialog
by Johan G. van der Galien
Example project template for a "Cool Towel" SPA to be filled with a MVC4 application HTML5 and JavaScript code in order to convert
by zebulon75018
Edit Bootstrap Menu by json schema in PHP

Latest Articles

by Nirosh
This tutorial is designed for .NET programmers who need to understand ‘Nido’ framework and its application.
by Bryian Tan
The author is sharing an article on how to create a help tooltip for a HTML element using Web API, Bootstrap Popover and jQuery UI dialog
by Johan G. van der Galien
Example project template for a "Cool Towel" SPA to be filled with a MVC4 application HTML5 and JavaScript code in order to convert
by zebulon75018
Edit Bootstrap Menu by json schema in PHP

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by Johan G. van der Galien
Example project template for a "Cool Towel" SPA to be filled with a MVC4 application HTML5 and JavaScript code in order to convert
by Santhosh Babu Mahimairaj
How to freeze gridview header using JQuery
by Emad Al Hawary
Try this block of HTML 5 code
by NguDeveloper
Angular2 + Webpack web application using VS Code step by step
by Ningomba
$http in Angular simply explained
by Mack Ait-Aoudia
7 good practices that cover common scenarios that web developers face everyday
by Murali Pamidi
Politics aside, here are 7 simple tweaks that could make website instantly fast.
by SrikantSahu
This tip can be used to know more about how dojo templated widgets can be created and used inside a portlet programmatically.
by Ilka Guigova
Display your notes as a collapsible outline to help you keep your thoughts organized
by Paul R Martin
Using functional programming techniques in JavaScript to add rows to a table
by scott_liu
This plug-in enhances user experience of input boxes on a web page.
by George MVC Study
A simple jQuery slideshow
by Member 4206974
A JavaScript for generate gallery with some transition effects.
by Michael Gledhill
A simple example of using AngularJS to turn JSON into a beautiful Master-Detail view !
by Sitang Ruan
How to display a spinner with disabled background when doing postback or Ajax call
by J a a n s
Creating an input control which can accept multiple input values with the help of jQuery and un ordered list (UL).
by UberGeoff
This tip explains how to display a jQuery modal pop-up message using server side events.
by Anshu Krishna
This tip is a simple example to illustrate how the HTML5 CustomElements can be used to create a custom date tag which has the ability to show relative date (like '5 days ago', 'Next month', '5 years ago', etc.)
by Dr. Song Li
This is a quick note on "Chosen". It is a small light weight Javascript & CSS library that you can use to beautify your drop down boxes on your web pages.
by massimiliano aronica
An HtmlHelper for an extended DropDownList, working with custom objects and displaying html options
by Almar Mike
The basics of organizing code with OOP in JS
by Fiyaz Hasan
Building a simple app for windows phone using plain HTML and Javascript
by Raghav Nayak
Simple vertical scroller.
by Nitij
Provides an abstracted way to map data between user interface and the server
by Sitang Ruan
A tab user control with embedded client side object
by Jeremy Falcon
Just a simple routine and helper routine to generate unique IDs suitable for disconnected systems.
by B. Clay Shannon
In which the author takes the "That is an Exercise Left to the Reader" cop-out to Extremes
by Muhammad Waqas Iqbal
How to acccess ASP.NET server controls in JavaScript files
by Muhammad Waqas Iqbal
This tip describes the steps to access server side (webservice) from JavaScript in master page.
by Manas Bhardwaj
How to access the variables/properties from C# in JavaScript?
by Atul Khindria
How to add and delete with AngularJS
by Voicent Support
Delay load g+1 button to make web page loads faster and more responsive
by ASP.NET Community
How to add images in Image Rotator with the help of FileUpload control
by echokilo
A simple tip to avoid the pain caused by PayPal providing code snippets for buttons each in its own form tag
by sam stokes
This is a really simple implementation of JavaScript and HTML5 to be used in a Windows 8 Store app.
by Atish Dipongkor
Customizing breadcrumb in SharePoint 2013. This tip will work for SharePoint 2013 on-premise and online both. In SharePoint 2010, we had nice breadcrumb. In SharePoint 2013, we have only pop up breadcrumb. So let's bring it back!!
by VR Karthikeyan
Change the look and feel of ASP.NET MVC application by adding different UI CSS frameworks
by Or (David) Berkovitch
How to add an 'index' to the file records apearing in fileupload jQuery plugin
by jit_knit
Adding Map support in Dashboard for executive reports
by Sympletech
Using a little jQuery to add the ability to handle the on row clicked of the KendoUI Grid Control.
by Voicent Support
Delay load Facebook Like button to make a web page loads faster and more responsive
by Leisvan Cordero
Adobe Illustrator script for UWP Assets
by maxchen666
Advanced JavaScript Design
by BradodarB
Simple example outlining how to optionally employ AHAH based views in an MVC application.
by Christopher John Paul
Ajax Asynchronous Postback Method
by Muhammad Waqas Iqbal
This tip describes the steps to access server side web service (asmx) from master page JavaScript.
by Yogesh Jamkhindikar
Solution if Ajax method not calling Controller method every time its invoked
by Mehul M Thakkar
In Javascript if you want to access any control, the syntax would be like thisdocument.getElementById('');The alternative of this syntax while using Ajax is$get(''); Enjoy CodingMehul Thakkar
by Peter Leow
This is a simple web application to illustrate visually the difference between Ajax and non-Ajax calls that take place all in a single web page.
by Ramanujam Shankar
Allow only Numeric (either whole or decimal) values in ASP Text box control using JavaScript
by RelicV
Alternative for AutoComplete control without Ajax and Webservices
by Alen Toma
ObjectuseState - the behavior of React.UseState applies to object properties
by George MVC Study
This tip shows an example of ASP.NET MVC cascading dropdown list.
by Mukit, Ataul
My first attempt at contributing something to the Bengali Developer Community
by Gianmaria Gregori
How to add a random sliding effect to the Bakery home page
by Sitang Ruan
An expandable .NET GridView control
by massimiliano aronica
Speed up the loading of the main view by automatically loading partial views in async
by Matias Lopez
How to open an XML file in JavaScript for Web
by Pavel Durov
This tip will cover an uncommon issue in Angular – calling a directive method from a controller.
by Richard Silveira
A discussion about code, strategy and user experience
by @Aradhana_Singh
I know how much I struggled when first working with Angular2+ on the hybris platform, so this is for those with the same challenge.
by Callum Linington (UK)
My way of diminishing the need to write out all those angular script files
by Bert O Neill
AngularJS and Web API Active Directory Security (Authorisation)
by anujk0292
Create AngularJS 1.x web application using Microsoft Typescript
by Thinira
In this tip, we will discuss how to setup Angular 2.0 in Visual Studio and write a very basic “Todo” application.
by Erwin@Attentia
getting to play angularjs and requirejs to play nicely together... piece of cake !
by dumsky
Getting it all together - Controller, Service, $http, caching and more
by Vikas Kmr Chaturvedi
Creating first directive with Vikas Chaturvedi
by Massimiliano Giustizieri
In this tip, I am going to show how to build a grid that can filter your data by joining multiple conditions that can be applied on each grid column.
by Yaseer Mumtaz
AngularJS ng-grid export to CSV workaround for Internet Explorer to avoid showing "Save" dialog box.
by Karthik Coder
How to replace the ng-repeat with Custom Directive
by Bert O Neill
AngularJS RibbonBar written with HTML & CSS (and a little JQuery)
by Asib Al Amin Talukder
This tip describes the angularJs routing and how to configure and work with classic ASP.NET MVC application.
by Pramod Sharma Tech
Securing routes in Angular is not available out of the box. This tip would help in securing routes in Angular based applications.
by kleinelefant
This tutorial would show you how to count characters entered into Textarea, and set maximum characters allowed in Textarea
by kleinelefant
This article would demonstrate how to count the number of words and to set word-limit in Textarea by using AngularJS
by H Kruger
Create an animated SVG to use as a loading image.
by Riaan Lehmkuhl
/* * get a hook on the buttons (> or > or <<) of a Click PickList control. * call in domloaded() passing the name of the PickList and a js callBack method to be envoked. * the callBack method should have one parameter to receive the clicked button element. * an additional attribute ('f
by Tyrone Roson
Fun with Interchangeable UI Controls
by yiangos
How to apply a clipping mask to an image using the raphael vector library
by yaseercp
Arabic text box using simple JavaScript.
by Ahmad F Hassan
An easy way to view hierarchical data in a simple ASP .NET Repeater
by Bryian Tan
Limit/count number of characters in ASP.NET TextBox control
by ChienVH
In this article will show you how to work with ASP.Net and Paypal with Dynamic Ordering Values
by S V Saichandra
Asp.Net Custom Validator Control to validate file size both client side validation and server side validation
by Mikhail Vasilchenko
ASP.NET MVC 5 Multiple Image Uploader with Crop
by Hugo Dominguez
This article shows you how to expose the AngularJS controllers in order that they can work harmoniously with MVC controllers, and they can be loaded dynamically only when they are requested.
by P@Yogesh
Get information about how to work with angularJs bundling and minification in ASP.NET MVC
by Riverama
Improve ASP.NET MVC based SPA application performance by using script Bundles with requireJS
by Christopher John Paul
Prevent users from entering comma
by bbirajdar
How to fix the issues when an ASP.NET web page goes blank with JavaScript alert() .
by thatraja
Here is a simpler version. Using the overload method[^](parameter addScriptTags), you can reduce the code.private void ShowMessage(string Message){ if (!ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered("MyMessage")) { ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "MyMessage",...
XMLHTTP solution for multiple XML Wow Armory requests
by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
Struggling to attach a Client Side Event to AJAX HtmlEditorExtender? Apply the trick and enjoy.
by Pranay Rana
Attach JavaScript with auto-generated buttons of the GridView control.
by Dennis Baberich
How to get a claimbased cookie authentication between custom frontend and self hosted SignalR server
by Bikash Prakash Dash
How to create an auto suggestion control like Gmail/Hotmail/Facebook to add items in list.
by deepaktripathi
Using auto complete textbox in jQuery Tabs content via AJAX in an Microsoft MVC project.
by sumit_kapadia
AutoComplete Texbox with comma separated insertions
by Gil Fink
Back to Basics – OnBeforeUnload Event
by AMB-03
This is a very simple way to create a balloon message... without using any plugin
by Jin Vincent Necesario
An introduction to JavaScript Symbol type
by Sampath Lokuge
This is just an introduction of Node.js.
by Evgeny A. Koryakin
Use Bem.JS library to create CSS classes according to the BEM methodology and add, remove, modify CSS classes of DOM elements or select DOM elements by BEM-like CSS classes
by captnmac
Presenting library functions that circumvent some of the draw-backs of built-in JavaScript inheritance.
by Bhushan Mulmule
This is terribly unorganized document with mix of MVC, Entity Framework, LINQ, HTML 5 and JQuery how tos...
by Arkadeep De
Bind an image slider without database in ASP.NET
by Faisal(mfrony)
This tip will show the power of closure in OO JavaScript
by Khrystyna Popadyuk
Provides tip for attaching events to not yet created DOM element
by Mehul M Thakkar
Bind a JavaScript function to multiple events using jQuery
by Scott Ward
Using extension methods to make working with JavaScript in .NET Blazor easier to work with
by thatraja
Blinking Text in TextBox using Javascript
by Yaseer Mumtaz
This tip will explain step by step Bootstrap basic development for beginners. Attached is small application having three pages using Bootstrap CSS, Components and JS.
by Shashi_Singh
How to use option's in bootstrap modal plugin.
by Muhammad Hassan Tariq
Bootstrap 3.0 Sticky Alerts using Angular JS service
by Sebastiaan Meijerink
Breeze pitfall. Understanding entityQuery function changing.
by Daniel Gidman
An implementation of flag enumerations for Typescript
by Gunnar S
Broadcast messaging in Angular with the observer design pattern and the rxjs npm package
by Plamen Dragiyski
Usage of the new animation technology and compatibility
by RakeshDabde
Browser Back Button Alert/Confirm message functionality
This simple Tip/Trick is focused on providing a simple and cross browser compatible solutio.
by Jon Woo
Consolidating all the information that I have found on cross domain interaction in the web world
by Toniyo Jackson
To get Browsers View port Width & Height using JavaScript
by José Cintra
Do take off your applications with the Cloud Services
by VishwasR
Simple Audio Player to browse any song with Play / Pause, Stop options & a waveform generated using CanvasJS charts
by dimpant
How to use Bridge.NET to convert your C# code into a JavaScript application featuring Bootstrap and jQuery.
by Kranthi Kumar Pothireddy
Bulk Upload in AngularJS
by Terrence Sheflin
I’ve had to build several enterprise size applications over the years, and one of the biggest mistakes I ever made was to re-use the business objects as my data contracts.
by coder255
JSRPC.Net creates a JavaScript object with functions to call your WebAPI.
by AspDotNetDev
This demonstrates how you can call a C# method in a Windows Forms application from JavaScript that is hosted in a webpage inside a WebBrowser control on your form.
by AspDotNetDev
Call a uniquely named JavaScript function inside of an ASP.NET user control from the page it is hosted inside of.
by Praveen Chandran
This tip describes how to call a webservice using JavaScript and also calling that webservice in a regular interval of time without doing a postback in the page.
by adityave22
This article explains how to write JavaScript code in Atlassian Jira to call external REST APIs and load json data into Jira custom fields
by Mahesh Nandanan
Calling Server Side Method inside an aspx file and Web Service(asmx) method using JavaScript and Ajax
by Ankur .K. Vishwakarma
Calling server-side code from client-side using JavaScript and TextBox's onblur event
by John Bonfardeci
Cascading Asynchronous Function Execution (CAFÉ) is a design pattern for easily managing the execution sequence of asynchronous requests and callbacks within a medium to large JavaScript framework.
by Sanwar ranwa
How to create a cascading dropdown using ReactJS and Web API
by Sergi Ortiz Gomez
Optimizing mass queries in Blazor by enhancing interoperability between JavaScript and C#, with a focus on performance improvements.
by H Kruger
Resusable utility to easily center one HTML element over another.
by Sitang Ruan
Central jQuery Version Control
by DiponRoy
How to change the functionality or behavior of a function in JavaScript
by raj ch
How to change the color of a row in a GridView in ASP.NET.
by arunpthampi
Case may come when your client demand PASSWORD HERE to be displayed in readable format in your textbox for password
by Member 10277780
Chart in HTML in 1 minute
by IssaharNoam
Simple and customizable Chat Conversation control, with DataTable datasource, inspired by SMS application balloons in OnePlus One Android smartphone.
by Mariano MountainMan Ureta
WinJS connection status
by Surjit Singh Dadhwal
This post will help you to resolve problem of checking maxlength of Multiline textbox (Internet Explorer, Chrome & Firefox)
by Tamer G. Ahmed
Check/Uncheck all checkboxes in a CheckBoxList (one control).
by Evren Yortuçboylu
A checkbox list jQuery UI widget with real time filtering functionality explained
by rmerca
This is an alternative for "Checkbox List With Filtering jQuery Widget"
by Agrawal Ashok
Checkboxes working like radio buttons.
by Yvan Rodrigues
This tip helps you to check if jQuery will be available to your script.
by Alfeu Lucas Guedes
How to handle Android physical back button events with Chocolatechip-UI and Cordova.
by SheSharp PlusPlus
This tip shows how to create a chrome extension via a background JavaScript page and commands.
by SheSharp PlusPlus
This tip gives the introduction to Bookmark API of chrome and discusses how to create a chrome extension to save the URLs of all open tabs in a window with one click
by Manjeet_Singh
Using CKEditor in ASP.NET without using AJAX assembly files.
by Neelesh Vishwakarma
Introduction to objects and classes in JavaScript
by Gordon Kushner
Initialize Master Page, Page, and Controls in a single JavaScript call.
Make entire table row clickable/selectable by adding "onclick" event and formatting features via JavaScript and CSS3.
by Sunasara Imdadhusen
Following are optimized code for SelectRow functionStylesheet.selectedRow{color: #303030;font-size:3em;font-weight:bold;}.normalRow{color: #909090;font-size:2em;font-weight:normal;}Javascriptfunction SelectRow(row) { // get all data rows - siblings to...
by coolnavjot31
In this article we will see how we can validate a TextBox and DropDownList using JavaScript.
by Shawn Lawsure
A feature-rich, reusable client-side grid control written entirely in JavaScript
by sumit_kapadia
Create and Bind gridview at client side with Jquery Template and ajax in
by Anoop_Ravindran
Here is a small tip to perform a client-side paging without any scripting language
by Raju_B
Code behind JavaScript
by enhzflep
Distracted by ads? Miss forum names "The Lounge" and "Code Horrors"?
by Member 10771162
AngularJS: Communication between Controllers
by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
This tip will help you to communicate with a cross domain Iframe which is added in the form.
by Mehul M Thakkar
Compare Validator is not working with latest jQuery lib while using with ViewModel in MVC
by Arora Sumit
Defining Compile ,Pre & Post in AngularJS
by ADemontis
Talk to ChatGPT and listen to the response in continuous mode
by KK Kod
How to compress JavaScript and CSS files in a web application to reduce page loading time, using GZIP.
by abhinav_soni
Renders JavaScript and CSS from server based on the user's system.
by Abhishek Sur
It is a very common issue to handle automatic postbacks to controls. Here I am going to explain how we can handle autopostback of a button click using Javascript Event. Suppose you have a button : Now you want to occationally c
Discuss the methods of setting different constraints using Angular
by Sourav Kayal
In this tip, we will learn to share data from service to controller in AngularJS
by Rocky R. Fernandes
Accessing Json Data across different domain using JsonP to get arround Security warning
by Bikash Prakash Dash
Create Simple Context Menu in HTML
by Shao Voon Wong
Continuous beep on webpage with SoundManager 2
by Robert Murrell
Given a 32 bit unsigned integer that is really an IEEE single precision floating point number and convert it using JavaScript
by Darren G441
A JavaScript function to turn "myObjectProperty" into "My Object Property"
by Bryan Lyman
A method for duplicating a web page (including all scripts and styles) to run as if it originated from your own server, then modify server-side and client-side functionality afterwards.
by Kirankumar Chauhan
Global Resorce File Creation in json Format using ASP.NET
by Member 12278900
Learn how to create gulp files in TypeScript and how to define gulp tasks in a class-based style
by Isha Attlee
You can call the CreateListItem function (below) in your webpart code to create a sharepoint list item. CreateListItem function further calls CreateSoap function to create a list item.In use your server name (see the url below). If you are using the below code in a subsite then use the u
by Morgan Estes
This is an alternative for "How to Create a jQuery UI-powered Web Page that Requires No Hosting"
by O.Nasri
How to create an input address using Angular and ng-bootstrap
by lschauer
Build and run a real smart watch app without even downloading an SDK
by scott_liu
Create CSS class programmatically
by Siddharth Gajbhiye
In this tip, you will learn how to create dynamic Row with Custom MultiSelect Dropdowns in Angular 8.
by Quí Nguyễn NT
A password text box with an eye at right edge, can click / touch to show password
by ShrutiASharma
Create subsite with custom web template using JavaScript CSOM in SharePoint online site.
by AshishChaudha
This tip talks about creating an auto complete textbox using jQuery.
by Oakman
Especially as the use of JQuery grows, there may be time when you'll want a postback to occur but not right away, especially if you want to animate something on the browser first.
by Wagner NULL
In this post, we will follow step by step how to create a simple game in CANVAS
by Anele 'Mashy' Mbanga
Create a SplitView / Master Details screen in JQuery Mobile
by Sumanyu Soniwal
An based Tagging System.
by ADemontis
Create a visual automatic webpage generator bot using ChatGPT-4o API
by Hrushikesh Patel
Creating an AutoComplete with Images for profile with MVC and Jquery
by Abhishek Jaiswall
Creating Bar Chart from D3JS using CSV Data
by Anoop Kr Sharma
Creating a simple, stylish calculator using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
by Anoop Kr Sharma
Creating Charts using Chart.js JavaScript library
by Murali Gowda
WinJS custom control to plot/draw a simple donut like chart
by Anshu Krishna
Creating parent/child relations between checkboxes
by B. Clay Shannon
A super-terse reference to tools needed to create Isomorphic JavaScript web apps
by Samarjeet Singh
Creating jquery plugins have never been easier !
by Ryan Peden
A quick tip on adding labels to React form elements
by Joel Cogley
How to create a real-time notifications system using ASP.NET and SignalR
by XyedBilal
Turn horizontal d3 tree to vertical
by Jamal Seyedi
How to create print button for non-IE browsers in RDLC Viewers
by Vasudevan Deepak Kumar
The Blink Feature in Netscape browsers is really a cool one. Here we would bring in the Blink feature for Microsoft Internet Explorer using a simple JavaScript trick.
by Indresh_Prajapati
This tip will help beginners to implement CRUD operations in ASP.NET MVC 4 with scripting language as KnockOut and Database as MS SQL 2008R2.
by Indresh_Prajapati
This tip will help beginners to implement CRUD operations in ASP.NET MVC 5 using WebAPI 2 with scripting language as AngularJS and Database as MS SQL 2008R2.
by Sudheer Reddy K
CRUD Operations with $resource
by Alok Gupta From Bangalore
This article is targeted to people who are involved in designing of web based applications and want to give rich look and feel of web based application in all browsers using CSS3.
by hussainasdsd
Custom checkboxlist design through CSS3
by Web Technobrat
This tip shows a quick way to create a Yes No Confirmation Box using Bootstrap Modal Dialog. It helps go around the general Ok Cancel Confirm box built into JavaScript.
by Nikfazan
Using a custom Dojo Persian (Jalali) Calendar with a CDN
by chlohee
Making your apps script URLs a lot more attractive
by niklabh
jQuery customised version to be used with Windows 8.
by Web Technobrat
A quick walkthrough for implementing client and server side validations in a variety of ways in ASP.NET MVC projects.
by HardikPatel.SE
Paging using AJAX
by HardikPatel.SE
Paging and Sorting with AJAX
by Muhammad Hassan Tariq
Integration of datepicker as directive in custom prompt in AngularJS
by sri senthil kumar
Custom Treeview control useful when multilevel hierarchical data need to be displayed and setting default can go at any level and providing access to each level then this can be the right choice.
by Giuseppe Luciano
How to customize HTML5 form validation with JavaScript and CSS
by Dinesh Kr. Choudhary
How to change the context menu of a browser with our menu.
by Ramesh_Joshi
This tip shows how to customize PDF created with the jQuery DataTables plug-in.
by Member 14922387
This article discusses the importance of input sanitization.
by Chetan Naithani
Creating a Simple Interactive Bar Chart With D3
by imamitkumar
Auto update time without page refresh
by Zijian
Resolving issues with date picker component in ASP.NET 7 applications.
by Chinh Vo Wili
This is simple creating datepicker directive using AngularJs and Bootstrap
by Sumit Garg From Chandigarh
How to review dynamic HTML content from browser using JavaScript?These days everybody is using AJAX for web development. Sometimes we need to debug our AJAX code to review what actually get rendered in the browser. The problem is, if you view source code of the page, it will not display...
by Philip.F
If you are using Firefox, there is a wonderful addon called "FireBug"[^]You can do extended JavaScript-Debuging and DOM-Manipulation with it.Phil
by Ivan Perevernykhata
A bit of street magic with JavaScript closures and jquery callbacks
This tip is about how to enable default routing in backbone.js.
by Sourav Kayal
In this tip, we will learn to implement Dependency injection in AngularJS controller.
by ricmrodrigues
Convert a JSON string to a List of C# Objects
by AlexCode
.NET Framework actually has this functionality built-in.The object is this one: system.web.script.serialization.javascriptserializer.aspx[^]I use this a lot and it works as expected.Here's 2 examples:1. Dumb deserializationHere's the easyest way, where you get what you...
by NguDeveloper
Angular2 + Webpack web application using VS Code step by step
by O.Nasri
This article shows you how you implement a background task in JavaScript using Web Worker API
by Dennis E White
Basic framework for a jQuery plugin
by Dennis Baberich
A simple check list on what to look out for when developing a website
by _debasis
Introduction There is always a confusion in .call() and .apply(). Where to use when? Why we need to call a function using .call() and .apply(),  even if, we can directly call that function ? For Instance and someFunc.apply() But we can directly call the function by someFunction(
by Snesh Prajapati
Difference between attr() and val() in jQuery
by Artem Los
This tip explains the way you can protect the source code of an HTML page.
by Sandeep Mewara
How to disable all links on page using JavaScript
by Christopher John Paul
Prevent right click on the web page
by Srinivas Kalabarigi
Disabling the browser's back button.
by jkirkerx
Basically a slideshow script, but more simple in design and easier to deploy.
by netfed
This article explains how to display images and videos in the very same Fancybox gallery using Json-data and existing html-tags as data
by Swagat Swain
Display the uploaded image in the DOM before sending it to the server.
by José Cintra
Tips for creating mathematical cross-platform applications in JavaScript and display formulas and other content with MathJax and JQuery Mobile.
by Jose Segarra
Graphically display objects and their relationships
by Jaume González
Dock height of DOM elements by extending JQuery objects
by Azadeh Kianpour
Jalali (Persian) calendar for Dojo.
by _exebook
A syntax sugaring module that will silently convert sync-style dot preceded calls into an async ladder.
by Ramanujam Shankar
Download any type of file from server using with javascript
by asutreja
Dragging List items within DevExpress MVC FormLayout control to re-arrange/order by end users
by Igor Krupitsky
Example of how to use JavaScript to drag, drop, and rotate elements for Safari in iPad.
by Dave M. (Member 10734106)
Reusable draggable JavaScript panel with dynamic content
by Gerd Wagner
How to drop a DOM node without consulting its parent
by Akshya Dash
Ths jquery plugin helps to store the values that are being changed in the DOM input elements of a webpage for future reference and restoration.
by Himadri Das_
A little pug in for building dynamic dialog box for Success, Error, Information, warning and other message using Bootstrap and JQuery
by Member 10872251
Cascading DropDownList in ASP.NET MVC
by sohaib patel
How to create a dynamic label editor web control on ASP.NET (textbox and label).
by Anshul R
Increase text box length as you type
by Pinakpani Dey
Using MVC’s Action and JQuery’s Load methods, you can retrieve data for dependent dropdown list as user selects the parent.
by Stefan Vincent Haug
Helper method to apply sorting from DataTables.js parameters in C#
by VishwasR
Create Angular dynamic chart with few simple steps using CanvasJS. Dynamic charts are also referred to as real-time chart / live chart.
by Ralph Varjabedian
Easy error mocking in node.js/mocha/istanbul to achieve full code coverage
by Member 10277780
How to create a grid in JavaScript
by Shawn Lawsure
A quick and easy JavaScript implementation of a Generic List with LINQ support.
by jfriedman
This is an alternative for "Easy JavaScript Generic List Implementation"
by M@dHatter
Below is an easy way to create Templates in JavaScript without changing the code format.
by Premraj M
JQuery is an Art of JavaScript and CSS.This tip/trick will show you a. Show an animated tool tip b. Add attributes using script.Step 1:Add the script tag with the required jQuery file in src attributeEx:Step 2:Create...
by Abhishek Maitrey
Easy Learning of AngularJs : Episode 2 of 15
by Mikhus
Lightweight URL manipulation with JavaScript with pretty simple API. Minified and gzipped < 1KB
by Yury Dymov
Using Google CDN might break your site in China
by Muhammad Hassan Tariq
AngularJS directive for valid email tokenizer
by killing the bug softly...
While developing a web page in fully HTML controls, you may not be able to use ASP.NET's controls, then you may need the help of some JavaScript function for validation.
by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
We will explore the JavaScript code, by which we can easily Enable or Disable all the Tabs inside a Telerik RadTabStrip.
by Prince Antony G
This code also performs the same functionality: window.onload = function() { var check = document.getElementById(""); check.onchange = function() { if (this.checked == true) ...
by Sunasara Imdadhusen
How to enable or disable ASP.NET validation on client side
by Thakkar Amit
How to enable or disable the ribbon control using JavaScript.
by e.bonavero-miller
To enable JS intellisense in Visual Studio 2010, you have two options (there are others to do with reference tag name and assembly) but these are the ones that I know work.i) Add a JavaScript file to an AJAX server control project (which references System.Web.Extensions and hence the...
by Tim Cadenbach
Edit, Run and Develop JS Code directly within JavaScript
by Rocky R. Fernandes
SharePoint 2013 Calendar - Capturing Render & Resize events
by George MVC Study
A jQuery function to set all columns in a div with equal height
by Lalit_Chandra
In JavaScript, triggering of events is different in IFrame and Parent Window.
by Sotirios Diamantis
You have latitude and longitude coordinates in Excel and you want to display them in Google maps; this simple Excel add-in will let you do just that.
by Niral Soni
Convert whole or selected data range from any excel sheet to HTML table, with source generated
by Anuj Khadloya
This article provides a solution to the age-long question of "How do I execute some server side code when my browser is closed?". The answer to this question is AJAX.
Executing a event or function on each postback
by Shine K Velayudhan
Executing JavaScript eval function from C#
by adriancs
A program/application for learning and writing HTML. Get instant visual effect side by side with your code as you type. Support HTML5, Javascript and CSS3 elements.
by HitsRathod, Sneha Palve
Easily export chart.js charts in image formats
by Michael Gledhill
Easy-to-use library, to export the data from your jqGrid into a real Excel file.
by Er. Puneet Goel
Here is a quick code for how you can export the HTML table to Excel with CSS of table.
by VishwasR
Export dynamic CanvasJS charts to PDF using Puppeteer for efficient and automated reporting.
by V_Cento
A simple way to extend an HTML element
by Ilka Guigova
Sample regular expression set to filter unwanted Microsoft Word paste tags and characters
by Daniel Vincent
This article about how to extend your ASP.NET session and alert the user based some predefined time
by David Dunhill
Making modifications to the standard jQuery validation behaviour.
by AnkitkJain
ExtJs-JavaScript framework for beginners
by slavik57
A library of notification based objects for TypeScript/JavaScript
by Johnny J.
How to log your application out from Facebook using the Facebook SDK for .NET
by Bibhu Dutta
A content delivery network (CDN) is aimed at serving the content to end-users with high availability and high performance. But what if the CDN fails, due to an un-reliable internet connection? This tip provides a fall back mechanism for such a scenario.
by Vincent Maverick Durano
A quick example on how to implement GridView row highlighting and retain selected row on postbacks.
by Krishna KV
Access the API using the promise HTTP
by lusgon
Uploading a file using WCF REST API and JavaScript
by MairajAhmed
Select only those rows in table which meet search criteria.
by Khrystyna Popadyuk
Provides tips for implementation of complex filter with DHTMLX grid and the approach to improve performance of filtering
by Sibeesh Passion
This tip explains how to find the objects with the same property from a JSON and separate them to be shown in the UI.
by Ramanujam Shankar
In Text box key press event, find the pressed key code value using javascript
by Peter Leow
A brief encounter with computer programming on Google map.
by Siddharth Chandra
Firefox OS browser simulator using HTML5/JavaScript/CSS3
by Eduardo Antonio Cecilio Fernandes
How to fix date validation for non-US date when using Chrome
by Mike Hankey
The Flip jQuery plugin is a light weight extension that allows the user to type raw HTML and CSS in a textarea and have the ability to preview the formatted content without reloading page.
by Alessio Aronica
Generate forms from MVC models in one simple line of code
by Garvit Arya
It is a JavaScript based application for drawing basic free-hand shapes, logos and drawings.
by Pablo A Martinez
How to use Google map and Spatial search to do freehand drawing
by FrostedSyntax
This slideshow plugin extends jQuery and allows all sorts of customization, such as the ability to choose any element type as slides just by specifying a selector string.
by Søren Gullach
Fuzzy lib that have a GUI and uses Lagrange for member curve generating
by Jaume González
Sample game Four in a row with KnockoutJS
by sridharnetha
Binding autocomplete feature to a textbox dynamically using JQuery
by Kalvin Lawrence Ernst
Generate a web app instantly, directly from a database(SQL Server)
by Suroor Wijdan
Generating server side PDFs in 5 minutes with PDFKit and Node.js
by Shamas Imran, Muhammad N@beel
Convert Coordinate data to strings to be stored in database.
by Jim_Gray
Example code showing how to use Subtle Crypto to sign your request to Azure API in pure JavaScript or jQuery
by Samrat Banerjee
Get current page URL on client side.
by Palash Mondal_
How to get the IDs of multiple elements with less code using the power of jQuery
by Agarawal.ankur
How to get a list of all suspended/terminated workflows using JavaScript - SharePoint online
by Tadit Dash (ତଡିତ୍ କୁମାର ଦାଶ)
Have you ever tried to access the values of Child Page/iFrame inside the Parent Page? If not, try this tip.
by AspDotNetDev
Using TinyMCE is fairly simple, but attempting to access the value entered by the user in ASP.NET 4.0 presents with some problems.
by Manas Bhardwaj
I have seen this question so many times on forums, so decided to put it as tip. Here is a simple code snippet to get unique list of values out of javascript array. It makes use of jQuery to do a look up.
by AkramOnly
Get root relative WebSite path to concatenate it with any HTML src path
by raphadesa
I will demonstrate how to easily get the available screen size using PageMethods and ASP.NET
by yozi
function GetSBSize(){ var i = document.createElement('p'); = '100%'; = '200px'; var o = document.createElement('div'); = 'absolute'; = '0px';
by Roman Akhromieiev
Quick Introduction to Deno.js with an example
by Ger Hayden
These notes are based on my experience getting started with IdentityServer4.
by Zahid Tanveer
Starting with Ionic Framework
by HoshiKata
This is a JavaScript / Canvas driven data graphing library. It's designed for speed, big data and simplicity.
by Darren G441
Shows how to get IntelliSense working on function return types in Apps Script
by borchef
Using Global Settings and Values
by Jon Anthony
This is a short tutorial on how to make glowing bullet points that fade in when you move the mouse over and fade away afterwards
by Ludmal de silva
This is a Gmail style user message control I have written and its part of the XWT Toolkit.
by AivanF
Read how to add a dynamic table on Google map for your webpage
by lakhdarr
Control and directives for address form auto completion using Google map V3 and JQuery/AngularJS
by khaled Ezzat Abdelfattah Abdelgawad
Google Maps Drag to select multiple markers or click Marker to select and unselect
by Pankil Bhatt
In this tip, we will see how to use the Google Maps API and Google Maps with custom styles and a custom pin.
by HitsRathod
Customised large legends for Google pie chart without pagination
by Yaseer Mumtaz
In this small tip, I will explain how we can embed Google Visualization Geomap in the AngularJS with select event getting the selected location and using it to populate other data.
by Ievgen Ragulin
Comparing performance channel api and on example of multiuser whiteboard
by pyblendnet-js
Development of an algorithm to gradually change an angular setting and stop it at a particular angle.
by Vincent Maverick Durano
A quick example on how to implement a dynamic cascading DropDownList within ASP.NET GridView control using JavaScript
by Beavis Killer
Salesforce is not a good CRM platform. In case you have to use it, here is how to highlight fields based on their contents.
by Billy S Davis
Wouldn’t it be nice to call your AJAX method and just build a generic object to pass into the server side function, without having to create a bunch of complex server side objects?
by borchef
This is the introduction to a series of articles about Modulair JavaScript.
by jfriedman
When you need a janky [unsafe] way to generate communitive hash codes
by TejasDesai.NET
Hello World with Angular 2.0
by Mostafa Asaduzzaman
Simple Hello World page in TypeScript using Visual Studio code
by John Bernard Lambe
A method of preventing crawlers from seeing email addresses and URLs while still showing links to the user
by Mike Hankey
Highlighting the current menu item in MVC using the MvcSiteMapProvider turned out to be somewhat of a challenge but with a little head scratching and several cups of coffee, this is what emerged.
by Prasaad SJ
This is a small tip regarding highlighting items and getting the element XML path that is clicked in the Web Browser control.
by B. Clay Shannon
Installing Meteor, creating a Meteor project, and running the out-of-the-box Meteor Javascript App
by B. Clay Shannon
Part 2 of the 9-part series "As the Meteor Blazes" - making changes to the default HTML
by B. Clay Shannon
Part 3 of the 9-part series "As the Meteor Blazes" - Creating a MongoDB Collection
by B. Clay Shannon
Part 4 of the 9-part series "As the Meteor Blazes" - Creating the HTML to Receive Input from the User
by B. Clay Shannon
Part 5 of the 9-part series "As the Meteor Blazes" - Writing MongoDB data
by B. Clay Shannon
Part 6 of the 9-part series "As the Meteor Blazes" - Reading MongoDB Data and Displaying it on the page
by B. Clay Shannon
Part 8 of the 9-part series "As the Meteor Blazes" - Filtering and Ordering MongoDB Result Sets
by B. Clay Shannon
Final Installment of the 9-part series "As the Meteor Blazes" - Meatier Meteor and MongoDB for Mutating Mavens
by Ashutosh Mahto
This article explains about hoisting in javascript variables and functions.
by Silvia Campo
How expensive DOM manipulation can be
by Stephen Hewison
Problems with the ASP.Net engine caused by the increase of tablet browsers, IE10 and user agents.
by B. Clay Shannon
Use Hidden Fields to Access Code-Behind/Server-Side Vals from Your Client-side (jQuery) code
by Prosan
How to add and use JavaScript files's functions in DLL
by Junell Zenarosa
Updating referenced scripts realtime
by Melick
How to add/update SharePoint User Field (Person group column) using ECMA scripts
by Nitesh Kejriwal
This post describes how to reference your Javascript files from a page that uses Routed URLs
by R%S
Adding stuff to your logs.
How to append HTML Tags of content Editor webpart using JavaScript in SharePoint
by Hadrich Mohamed
This tip enables you to create an impressive presentation using impress.js and without any presentation tool.
by lissacoffey
Technology is evolving faster than the speed of light and most likely by the time I finish writing this tip, it will be already outdated.
by Technoses
The above code will slow down the browser and the browser can hang when Rows in Grid will be 10000 or above.Please view the below suggestion:CS Codeprotected void grvGroups_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e){ if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { ...
by Sayed Irfanul Hasan
How to protect a page from text copying using JavaScript in ASP.NET.
by Michael Rosqvist
A small sample showing how to create a Google Heatmap in ASP.NET/VB.NET
by B. Clay Shannon
Create a simple and fun standalone web page
by B. Clay Shannon
Create your resume/CV with HTML, including a Google map of where you've worked
by Prosan
Create a menu using JavaScript on mouseover and hide this menu on mouse out event.
by O.Nasri
A good demo of how you can easily create a multilingual application using JavaScript
by Swagat Parida
Steps to create a simple drawing app using HTML5 Canvas
by Silvia Campo
This post contains steps on how to set up an Android application widget in an hybrid mobile application using Apache Cordova and the plugin ACE from Microsoft.
by Aaron_Smith
Using the Microsoft Bing map API to add an overlay to a Microsoft Bing map
by Winson Yau
Create and download the file with Ajax call in ASP.NET MVC
by Member 9528587
Creating a plugin in Jquery is very simple. In this tip, we will learn how to create custom plugins in Jquery.
by Systematix Infotech
How to create the customized Kendo auto complete as a shared control into ASP.NET MVC using VB
by Abhijit Jana
Some times we need to detect the Browser Close to perform some operation before quiting from application. Here is a simple way.function CheckBrowser(){ // Check Browser Close [X] , Alt+F4 , File -> Close if(window.event.clientX < 0 && window.event.clientY <0) { wi
by Danny Chu
Learn how to detect if client has JavaScript enabled or disabled at your backend webserver
by Ankur Rawat
Detect whether the event is click event or drag event of pushpin, performed by user in Bing Map
by Yury Dymov
Use HTTP "Accept-Language" Header Instead Of Geo-IP
by Ramanujam Shankar
Enable/Disable validation group using javascript
by B. Clay Shannon
Use C# and jQuery to control the visibility of a section of a Web Part or Web Page
by O.Nasri
A good example of how you can create a Custom Filter in AngularJs
by Mukit, Ataul
If you are looking to play a live streaming video (flv) file through an rtmp server, then you have come to the right place
by M.Farrukh Abbas
There is no fool-proof technique to catch the browser close event for 100% of time. The trouble lies in the stateless nature of HTTP. I will explain one of them which is very effective and tested
by jfriedman
//Using MooToolswindow.addEvent('unload', Cookie.delete.pass('applicationCookie'));//using JavaScript by itself...// eraser = function () { eraseCookie('applicationCookie'); };if(window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener('unload',...
by Steven.Pinto2000
Several methods to debug JavaScript
by BackyardHackMechanic
This will explain how to geocode an address only by postalcode / zipcode and streetnumber
by Ivan Signore
A workaround to SecurityException while getting file's full path in Silverlight
by sambit kumar swain
How to get list of cam and mic devices in JavaScript
by Shining Legend
How to get the id/name of the ASP.NET server control as rendered on the browser in JQUERY/Javascript
by Dnyaneshwar Kondbale
Get ClientID of User control which is register on Page In JavaScript.
by T.Ashraf
Pass value between user control and aspx page
by Dan Cao
I want to share the tip to get width and height of dynamic image in Chrome
by Lai Taiyu
A simple image binarization
by Alen Toma
How to implement ObjectStatus with EntityWorker.Core and JavaScript
by ManojKumar19
Learn how to configure dynamic compression in IIS 7.5 to improve performance
by B. Clay Shannon
Using HTML and jQuery/AJAX to dynamically modify the contents of a Web page
by B. Clay Shannon
Inserting and Updating Sharepoint 2010 Lists from the Client, using Javascript/jQuery
by Konstantin A. Magg
Using the --legacy-building flag
by Vinayak Hegde (Vinnie)
JavaScript Design patterns - The Constructor Pattern
by SoftwareMonkeys
Logging client side JavaScript errors to the server.
by thatraja
Check this jQuery alternativejqlog - A logging framework plugin for jQuery[^]
by nasir_ml
How to make complicated “multi line charts” using simple HTML and JavaScript
by V. Subhash
I made this list for CNN but it might be useful for any website owner.
by Matias Lopez
How to open a JSON file in JavaScript for Web"
by virang_21
Trick to open your web application in full screen mode in IE.
by V. Subhash
Use policies.json file to force Firefox to respect your preferences.
by B. Clay Shannon
Populating Select Elements' Options Values with "lookup" data stored in your settings.json file in your Meteor apps
by Aftab Ahmed Sajid
Preventing browsers from saving Admin user passwords, intentionally or unintentionally while using STRUTS forms
by chetan dudhagara
How to Protect from SQL Injection in PhP based website
by B. Clay Shannon
A simple way to add a fancy-pants custom "hourglass" to your page with a (very) little HTML and JavaScript
by TheKarateKid
Shows how to restrict and format the dates on Microsoft AJAX Calendar Extender...
by Mannava Siva Aditya
Restrict end user by entering incorrect values
by Awesome Dev
Interview question: how do you reverse a number using JavaScript?
by Rohit Nanda
The easiest way to send form data to Google Docs/Spreadsheet from your web page, using your own form and AJAX. Nowadays, Google Docs/Drive is a widely used service for data storage and documents sharing.
by Hadrich Mohamed
This article shows you how to fetch data from the Web using the powerful Node.js
by Harshal S. Limaye
Utilize Meta service to add, remove and update meta tags in Angular app
by MehdiNaseri
How to show location of your website visitors on Google map based on their IP addresses
by Indrajeet Sutar
Hi, On many occations we want to display random, image, texts or stock-quotes on the web page. e.g. i was working on gallary that will show random images at every page refresh. In my solution i have written server side code to generate JavaScript Code in my page. Here i will explain only...
by mgrks
We can simply do this by calling JavaScript in code behind.
by Nicolò Beltrame
public static void MsgAlert(string message, string optURL) { Page page = (Page)HttpContext.Current.Handler; message = message.Replace("'", "\\'"); message = message.Replace("\r", "\\r"); message = message.Replace("\n", "\\n"); ...
by Shridhar Gowda
This tip will explain how to sort a table / GridView on an ASP.NET or MVC(AngularJs) application. I am demonstrating both client side and server side sorting. I am sure you will have a great knowledge on this topic after reading it.
by Igor Vigdorchik
An example of using CodeProject API to retrieve your articles with AngularJS
by B. Clay Shannon
No muss, no fuss way to get, set, and manipulate cookie vals using jQuery
by databoom
This tip resolves the problem of Kendo Grid losing the focus after editing in autoSynch mode.
by sharkdevZ
I'm going to show how to get, install and start using the free ASP .NET MVC helper.
by Morten Nilsen
From what I understand of best practices in the JS world, one should not use the new keyword very often.For this example, I would suggest this as an alternate approach:Create a new script file arithmetic.jsvar Arithmetic = function(){ var obj = { add: function(a,b) { return a +...
by Atanas N Atanasov
This tip presents a simple example on how to use jQuery Grid Plugin in ASP.NET MVC with bootstrap.
by databoom
This tip is about how to tune up the Kendo Grid when using its authentication feature.
by omryl
Use libphonenumber in iphone apps in an efficient and clean way
by Marc Clifton
Each function should answer "how-what-why."
by Jassim Makki
An easy guide on how to implement ICallbackEventHandler
by saadixl
HTML Input value trimming using JQuery
by Marijan Nikic
HTML line numbering using textarea
by thatraja
HTML Marquee & its alternatives
by George MVC Study
Part one of HTML table inline edit
by George MVC Study
Part two of HTML table inline edit
by Er. Puneet Goel
Now export your table in Excel across all browsers and enable quick filter and paging
by Anoop Kr Sharma
How to use download attribute (HTML5 feature)
by Sarvesh Kushwaha
HTML5 Quick Tips for Developers
by Giuseppe Luciano
How to make two or more input alternatives, as: insert phone or cell number.
by Agon Avdimetaj
the HTML5 Canvas can be used as a background in websites modified as needed to design.
by navin_mantoo
How to Implement HTML5 Web Worker
by Member 3531622
A HtmlEditor written in Blazor based on AngleSharp
3 different techniques of adding hyperlinked image to ASP.NET GridView in data-centric RIA
by Member 10522374
This library was created to parse the AutoCad Dxf format.
by Mehul M Thakkar
A warning you see without HTTP URL from IE.
by Zachary Gardner
IE waits till the end of the thread to send AJAX POST requests to the server.
by Rupesh Kumar Tiwari
Javascript native methods are more faster than jQuery utility methods in IE9/10
by Zachary Gardner
The HTML returned in the AJAX request was actually invalid XML. For XML5633, IE shows a console error even if it's inside a try/catch block.
by Paulo Augusto Kunzel
Quick way to insert an image sliding effect on your web site
by Antariksh Verma
This is an implementation of a loading image using jQuery in MVC.
by Master-Ram
This is to implement anti forgery token with Ajax post in MVC Application
by Hamid Mosalla
In the next two posts, I’m going to show you how to build a load more button for your page using ASP.NET MVC, you can use it for any various kind of things, but in the case of this tutorial, I’ll use it for my fictitious product list.
by Anupam Singh
How to implement Modular Design pattern and OOP in JavaScript
by EmmanuelEri
This article teaches the important ways to improve your website speed with just CSS!
by N.Younaki
Passing custom attribute from Model Class in MVC ASP NET Core and built HTML atrribute accordingly into HTML element, Best Practice Input Masking
by Hernán Hegykozi
Versioning file inclusion JavaScript by date of last modification
by Ahsan Murshed
This article gives ideas to developers to increase development time productivity using the free Visual Studio 2010 extensions.
by wmjordan
Change the revision number of your project without manual intervention.
by wmjordan
Some people remarked that the Visual-Studio-generated build number actually contains a hidden timestamp, which, I think, is far from being intuitive. I wrote the following snippet to do something similar but is easier to understand.Beside changing the version number, we can even write build...
by vdasus
I have written two articles here with solutions to solve this problem. Maybe it'll be useful for somebody:Autoincrement Version in Visual StudioAutoincrement Build Version, Using VCS (bazaar plugin included)
by Anas Karkoukli
I would much rather taking advantage of the tools Visual Studio provides. If you have a continuous building in place, then you might as well use MSBUILD itself from the command line with a Custom MSBUILD TASK. For more infrmation and background on the concept, please refer to this...
by V_Cento
How to snoop around on someone else's website
by Herbert Lausmann
Inject a script (JavaScript) into a web page loaded in a WebBrowser control.
by code.manoz
Inline grid CRUD in ASP.NET MVC
by Sergi Ortiz Gomez
Utility to create Windows type InputBox with JavaScript for our web
by Shahriar Iqbal Chowdhury/Galib
An easy way to integrate CKEditor with ASP.NET web page, validate the editor content and retrive the editor content from server side code
by Shahriar Iqbal Chowdhury/Galib
Simple example to integrate FB javascript API to implement FB Connect application, fast, simple and trusted way to implement FB connect.
by Bojin Li
Integrating jQuery Context Menu Plugin with Bing Maps AJAX Control V7
by Mantri Vishal
Integrating Knockout with Twitter Bootstrap Popover
by User 3776226
This article is a novice level demonstration of using jQuery consuming a REST Web Service written in Perl.
by sunhui
Integrate .NET Component to your Native MFC Application at runtime
by ManishHPatil
IntelliSense for JavaScript files (.js) in Visual Studio
by Asher Barak
A fun interactive way to present multidimensional data, using D3 and Game of Thrones
by Vadym Poberezhny
Concept of interactive menu based on user activity.
by Nicholas Gandolfo
Using Openlayers to display interactive nodes and links.
by Jeremy Likness
Learn how to perform interception of services using Angular's decorator feature.
by Jon Randy
Safe monkey-patching for JavaScript
by Alen Toma
This library is built so that you could secure JSON or string data in JS files. The library will shuffle the data in memory and make it unreadable for the naked eye.
by Nithesh AN
An overview of the brand new ECMASCRIPT 2015(ES6)
by Almar Mike
The basics of OOP in JS.
by B. Clay Shannon
A simple introduction to jsfiddle
by Carlos Luis Rojas Aragonés
Qunit by example
by Neelesh Vishwakarma
In this tip, we will go step by step on understanding of Signal-R.
by Vadym Poberezhny
Making HTML intuitively understandable using CSS and JavaScript.
by Jani Giannoudis
A simple ASP.NET control to invoke JavaScript code dynamic from the server side.
by KSN.Blogger
This tip will try to explain why (almost) everything in JavaScript is an object.
by Anshul Shukla
Reason behind why sometimes JavaScript developers are considered as God.
by John Doherty
Add a JavaScript event handler to any XHTML element where the tagName and attribute value match criteria.
by Rajendra Kumar Sahu
Easy way to show JavaScript Alert Message having Arabic Text
by Member 15080464
Captcha creation and validation in JavaScript
by Md Wahiduzzaman khan
When an inner function is inside in an outer function that is called closure.
by Sebastiaan Meijerink
Object constructor with another object instead of named variables.
by William C. Anderson
A powerful, stand-alone Javascript cookie manager.
by Riaan Lehmkuhl
Save the following code to a .js file or add to an existing one you might have ...
by Ed Nutting
JavaScript Date Validation
by KevinAG
Your statement of, "I wanted to validate text inputed by a user as they were typing to tell them if it was a valid date." seems to be a bit misleading. I was under the impression that your code would start off returning true until I entered a non-number character, invalid separator, or invalid...
by musicm122
Datejs could be a possible alternate helper, or if you are going the way of jQuery, check out jQuery validation engine.
by Jason Sobell
The manipulation of dates in an application is not as straightforward as it first appears, but some simple understanding of the way Dates apply to real-world usage can help avoid all sorts of nasty issues down the line.
by M@dHatter
How to create private fields and methods within JavaScript ES6 classes.
by aditya pewekar
This tip gives a brief of how to export a HTML table with input tags into Excel file using JavaScript.
by Sufyan S Jabr
Using this script, you will automatically add a filtering dropdownlist similar to Excel file filtering at the top, which will filter table based on your selection
by IPI Paul
Use this script to create Bookmarks that enable quick Login to your favourite sites.
by joetavMB
A method to call a function in JavaScript after each response.
by muhammadjawwad
Javascript Functions explained
by muhammadjawwad
Javascript Function's implicit parameters explained
by Abhishek Sur
Sometimes we have requirement to disable Right Click context menu and Text selection of a web page from the user, so that the user cannot use the right click default context menu and also to disable text selection so that sensitive data could not be copied from the website. To Disable Context Menudo
by M@dHatter
Access private fields from Chained Extended classes
by avi shaby
This is the JavaScript implementation of Base26GPS Standard
by M@dHatter
They need to make javascript only execute in scoped containers within the browser. Don't ask me how, I'm sure the browser companies can make some kinda sandbox element.
by Sameera Millavithanachchi
This is a jQuery plugin which can be used to evaluate lambda expressions
by Atul Kale
A Utility JavaScript class to provide a Lap Timer like functionality, in a reusable fashion
by Monu_TCS
JavaScript can listen to the enable/disable event from Firefox4 and can send to XPCOM components
by Member 3531622
A tool like the object browser to browse the interface of documented JavaScript and JavaScript code snippets.
by AntounPG
Javascript Operators === & !==
by egozi13
The actual difference between Javascript's == and === operators is that the == operator is less strict when comparing the operands. For example, 1=="1" evaluates to true while 1==="1" evaluates to false.Full description can be found on ECMAScript standard, at...
by Øyvind Sean Kinsey
The algorithm behind the EqualityExpression (==,===, !=, !==) is a bit more complex than what is portrayed in some of the other alternates and comments, and a correct understanding of this actually quite important in order to avoid unforeseen errors in javascript programs.The short story is...
by Igor Vigdorchik
Presents 4 JavaScript patterns
by Rajesh Udupi
Some useful tips on JavaScript code performance
by Rajesh Udupi
JavaScript performance tips - Part 2
by Frank Kerrigan
Getting and Setting RadioButtonLists in JavaScript for ASP.NET
by M@dHatter
Custom Javascript replaceAll() using prototype with Case Insensitive Matching!
by Kevin Murani
Simple example showing how JavaScript can be used to sort (ascending or descending) a data set in JSON format.
by Riaan Lehmkuhl
Save the following code to a .js file or add to an existing one you might have:function stringHelper() { this.isNullOrEmpty = function(str) { if (null == str) return true; str = this.trim(str); return str.length == 0; } this.trim =...
by Albin Abel
Just a simple note with sys.StringBuilder which is just beginner level
by gladtobegrey
Why not simply:markup = [];markup.push('');markup.push('');markup.push('');markup.push('');markup.push('Sample \'StringBuilder\' HTML');markup.push('');markup.push('');alert(markup.join('\n\r'));markup.toString() could...
by Emerald kwekowe
JavaScript code to change your title instantly, i.e., dynamic title
by S V Saichandra
Sample code to validate the data using JavaScript
by Member 351555
Parse a microsoft visual studio 2008 solution file to create a project dependency graph
by Sudheer Reddy K
This tip is to show how to manually trigger events in JavaScript with cross browser compatibility.
by Salar Hafezi
Type coercion in JavaScript and its Applications
by Ezequiel Campos
JavaScript utils for helping handle Kendo widgets
by Silvercorer
JavaScript validation for textbox special character selection
by Vivek_Sharma
Provides a simple and easy way to use water mark in your application
by Teraten
JavaScript provides Math.floor and Math.random methods that can be used together to return random numbers.
by Clivic TR
Features : There are NO "Next Page" or "Prev Page" buttons, user just clicks the page buttonAlways showing first page button and the last page button, omitting intermediate ones replaced by an ellipsis.
by essence
You would have thought they'd have fixed this by now. I wanted to be sure, and here's the test.
by Srinivas Kalabarigi
Replace text of an HTML element without using Id property.
by Terrence Sheflin
An issue I ran into is sort stability with different browsers.
by Joezer BH
A most common event
by Pablo A Martinez
How to read a JSON variable from a ForEach Controller in JMeter
by Pooya Paridel
jqEziDraw is a drawing control
by SRS(The Coder)
This article tries to create a clear understanding on making synchronous and asynchronous Ajax calls through jQuery Ajax method. After going through it, you can have a clear idea on how and when to do asynchronous Ajax calls.
by tanweer
This is a very simple and easy to implement alert control using jQuery
by luivis7
A simple example of how to use jQuery Autocomplete to make an AJAX call to WebAPI in an MVC4 application.
by Muhammad Hassan Tariq
Copy/Paste Numbers only Validator works on Chrome/Firefox/IE > 6.0
by SrikantSahu
Jquery Datatable already provides individual column filters. However, we can leverage that to create our custom filter that works similar to Excel filter.
by Jaume González
jQuery plugin to enable/disble DOM elements.
by FrostedSyntax
Extends the jQuery object, adding a function to center the selected element to the window
by Sarvesh Kushwaha
How to access elements of a master page in jQuery.
by ronak-webdeveloper
Simple Paging based on HTML / CSS / JavaScript / JQuery. Ready to implement.
by massimiliano aronica
Enable a button with a simple expression in its attribute , basing on the status of the referenced elements
by Anup Das Gupta (asteranup)
jQuery tooltip with Ajax tooltip datasource with gridview
by Rupesh Kumar Tiwari
I have below suggestions:1) Why are you making call to webmethod are you fetching data from server and showing it in tool tip ? But in your example it seems that you are just returning the same data that you get from UI. If you are making some DB call and returning data to UI then its ok to...
by saadixl
jQuery Typewriter effect on HTML text
by AlexCode
Simple way to prevent users from changing the active panel on the jQuery UI Accordion control
by Dinand.dotnet
How to easily run a function in C# from the view using ajax/jquery
by dimaxweb
Smart infinite scroll - easy to use plugin for you web application.
by Anoop Kr Sharma
In this trick we are going to see image magnifying effect as seen on many e-commerce websites
by rohit7209
It is a very simple and effective utility build in jQuery & PHP to implement pagination on HTML table.
by Alexander Parra Lorenzo
example to request a JSON data
by Celso Jr
Save the form entries to local storage preventing loss of data on browser crashing
by Santiago Santos Cortizo
jTable adaptation to be used either with jQuery UI and Bootstrap dialogs
by Bassam Abdul-Baki
Jumping through TD or TR sections in HTML tables
by Muhammad Waqas Iqbal
How to show the popover in Kendo grid
by IpsitaMishra
This tip is used to create a freezing Kendo Grid.
by Nasir M@hmood
A step by step tutorial for drag & drop between Kendo UI Listviews
by AditSheth
Restrict value for repeating character on keypress event
by DiponRoy
Knockout Data-binding to Table with rowspan
by Dinesh K.S. Kushwaha
Simple Paged Grid by using knockout js
by DiponRoy
Knockout Validation Error Message & Bootstrap v3.2 input-group
by Mirzakhmet Syzdykov
Description of the Lavoro web operating system
by Thang Believe
How to wrap costly functions to execute them only when needed, especially for debugging purposes
by Dycz
How to use Leaflet.js to easily create a map with custom markers, popups, baselayers and overlays menu, WMS overlays
by Michael Collins - Intervalia
Use the code below to determine the number of bindings of your Angular apps
by Abhishek Maitrey
Learning AngularJs : Episode 1 of 15
by Gregory Gadow
Does your website need JavaScript to look its best? You can warn users with a very simple JS/CSS trick.
by abhijit jha
This tip is for web developers who want to learn how to get started with editing source of Brackets
by Sandeep Prajapati
Light Weight Popup with CSS and JavaScript
by SupperSlonic
Easily create vertical tabs on a web page with no JavaScript and minimum CSS.
by Vincenzo Malvone
API Linkedin for Contacts retrive
by santosh poojari
This is most general collection operation that we come across daily. Its set based operation using LINQ Except Operator.
by Super Lloyd
Adding LINQ goodness to Javascript?
by Jaume González
Extends Arrays in JavaScript, adding the main domain and filtering functions of LINQ
by Super Lloyd
Some ideas to bring LINQ goodness to JavaScript array
by Sunasara Imdadhusen
Load page in IFRAME based on TreeView node selection without postback.
by LiQuick
Using JQuery AJAX calls to load ASPX page(s) into another HTML/ASPX page
by Kanivalan Raju
Capturing JavaScript errors occured in user's browser at Server side
by Edson_Ferreira
This tip will demonstrate how to create a SPA using an MVC Application, AJAX and History.js
by aziz57
When we go to gmail, we look at the first letter of username in circle. I am trying to explain this object.
by MarcusCole6833
Making Your First App using a JQuery Plugin
by Brady Kelly
How to add a "Show Password" checkbox to ASP.NET MVC projects.
by Kornfeld Eliyahu Peter
How to get information and use of Java from JavaScript...
by B. Clay Shannon
Simple (once you know how) way to modify controls based on the state of other controls in Sharepoint using jQuery
by FrostedSyntax
This tip provides you with several RegEx find and replace patterns to search through and alter HTML and CSS.
by Nicky Enriquez Torres
by Xavier Junqué i de Fortuny
Converts MathML coded string to/from plain text string
by Michał Maniewski
RAD sample of MDI style web app using VisualJS.NET with Google Maps.
by Sampath Lokuge
This is an Introduction tutorial about the MEAN stack and MongoDB
by B. Clay Shannon
Simplest possible step-by-step instructions on how to set up an ASP.NET MVC app to use AJAX from the client to call a Controller method, sending data from the client (jquery code on a View) to the server (C# code on a Controller), and then response data back from the server to the client.
by FrostedSyntax
Regex patterns that will condense multiple spaces, tabs or line breaks into a single space, tab, or line break.
by Pavel Durov
This tip briefly shows how to change your user agent or any other data in window.navigator object.
by Mystery123
Ajax search modal dialog with item selection
by Talal Tayyab
ASP.NET MVC 4 unobtrusive validation - Event hooks.
by Kadir A. Fuzaylov
Bootstrap is too big. Moff.js allows to include only needed parts.
by Abhishek Kumar Goswami
This library provides a very easy way to manipulate dates and times.
by MarcusCole6833
I ran into some trouble using the angular ng-app multiple times. I found a very simple way around this.
by cyber_addicted
Multiple file uploads using jQuery without loss of file on multiple add and click.
by scott_liu
This article shows approaches to set active Bootstrap nav tab under a specific condition.
by taloweb
This tip explains how to enable multiple table searches
by Thiagarajan Rajendran
How to create a checkbox list using simple HTML and jQuery
by Yaseer Mumtaz
MVC 4 Ajax File Upload Control - Workaround
by Mack Ait-Aoudia
MVC and asynchronous calls
by Jaume González
MVC Grid quick inline edit with Jquery
by Wajahat Aftab
How to load data from live market stock feed in a grid view
by Javad Zarrinabadi
MVC Master Detail example with partial view and modal dialog
by lakhdarr
Using angularjs global controllers and MVC Razor to divide page (load) rendering between server and browser
by Abey Thomas
This is an issue which can happen for a variety of reasons - but how do you find the right one?
by James Dale
My Windows Sever 2003 reaches its end of life in 2015. I do not look forward to moving to Server 2012. Surely there has to be a better, portable, and cross platform solution that features zero install and fits on a USB stick.
by Paw Jershauge
Want your own movie database??? Download IMDB in 20 minutes.
by Himanshu Dora
Understanding concept of namespaces in JavaScript
by nvk15
Nested menu’s creation using nested ObservableArray’s of Knockout.js
by Biswal Tanmaya
Node.js async await vs promise vs callback
by Siddharth Chandra
nodejs advance topic simplified
by Mahesh Meegasmullage
Object Oriented Programming with DatumJs
by José Cintra
Small introduction about oCanvas library whose objective is to facilitate development with the HTML5 CANVAS element
by babydragoner
Introduce how to use oGrid
by anjali.l2003
Put a div around the textbox and write handler in the div's onclick. function txt1OnClick(){ alert('Hello...
by ylokesh
function aa(){ alert("oye hoyee... textbox click ho gaya :) ");}
Web app to find geographical coordinates and apply them to the Bing Map
by Alvin George
A whiteboard you can instantly share with others and all can start drawing and watching together in real-time
by Ted D Wagner
Using JQuery to modify a list anchor tag to open in a new window.
by abhinav_soni
Code to open XML document in iFrame in Chrome.
by Igor Krupitsky
This program is implemented as a JavaScript Bookmarklet that uses Open AI TTS API
by e.bonavero-miller
Opening a radwindow with parameters
by Seishin#
Optimal and unobtrusive JavaScript arrangement in MVC project
by Marjan Nikolovski
How to optimize your webapp like a PRO - ASP.NET MVC Boilerplate
by xszaboj
Outlook like autocomplete using Kendo UI with online demo.
by Vahid Tavana
A loading bar as seen on for jQuery.
by toLucky
Overlay - Javascript innerhtml with inline from typecasted Session
by mohammad amiri
Paging DataGridView using LINQ in C#.
by ravindra5233
Sample script for PAN card number validation.
by Peter Occil
Describes parametric curves and surfaces and how to generate them using my public-domain HTML 3D library
by bapak71
How to implement w2ui in ASP.NET MVC - basic configuration
by Marcio_Coelho
This sample demonstrates how to pass data (variables) from code behind to JavaScript.
by shahed.sohail
Passing Parameters to Success method in executeQueryAsync.
by Fernando Cortes Flores
An Apache Cordova app that can download a PDF from an URL, store the PDF in the device and show the PDF to the user
by Sebastiaan Meijerink
Lots of for loops are coded wrong causing a potential performance issue.
by Santiago Santos Cortizo
This pattern will allow you to forget 504 server error on huge operations.
by M. Salah AbdAllah
Pjax ASP.NET webform is simple code that uses Ajax and pushState to deliver a fast browsing experience with real permalinks, page titles, and a working back button.
by Kyle A.B.
Learn how to play Audio in an Android app from an HTML5 page in the Apps Assets folder.
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
The usual problem with publications is broken links. I suggest using a simple script to detect and fix problems.
by Deviprasad Das
A plugin to do the textarea's maxlength validation
by Relfor X
A basic tutorial on using PopScript.js
by Purbasha Ghosh
Portfolio filtering/grouping
by Morgan Estes
Compress and encode a string to save loading time in the browser
by DiponRoy
How to post rowversion or timestamp of MsSQL using jquery
by Ali Al Omairi(Abu AlHassan)
Overwriting the __doPostBack() function to target the post-back form according to eventTarget
by yuvalsol
Pretty print function for JavaScript Object & Array
by WebMaster
Sometime, you dont want user press down some special keys such as Ctrl, Shift.. and view the context menu on webpage, you need to define javascript functions to achieve it. The main issue here is there are a lot of browsers and their version too. How we can do it?
by Dane Balia
A Sample with a Quick Explanation
by Mogya
This tip explains how to print a particular web control's data from a web page.
by Rakesh S S
JavaScript to print Div content.
by ankushpawar
Priority Scenario
by Dhol Gaurav
Problem and solution of add date into JavaScript with daylightsaving in different time zone
by Sandeep Neela
Platform independent jQuery workaround for legacy “Data Islands”
by Omair Vaiyani
Creating modals (popups) in Ember can open you up to some serious code spaghettification. Here's a quick tip on setting up a re-usable modal creation and control system.
by kunal r somani
Regarding progress bar
by Kashif Amin Makhdoom
Progressbar using JQueryUI and SignalR
by Paolo Moretti
Let's see how to use prolific to make better, more effective jasmine tests
by Ningomba
Providers in AngularJS simply explained
by Peter Occil
A public domain JavaScript color picker
by veen_rp
A small JavaScript module to create a modal dialog box or user input box in the familiar .NET style
by veen_rp
Some templates for HTML5, CSS3 and pure JS to create .NET style panels and splitcontainers, using CSS classes for docking. Pure HTML/CSS/JS solution, JQuery not needed.
by danlup
How to push a simple E-Commerce transaction using the new V2 code
by Manoj Mohan 07
Use Django to visualize download stats of Python packages and gain insights into package popularity and usage trends
by Brownie24
A quick and dirty way to ensure your .NET MVC forms apply Bootstrap's ".has-error" and ".has-success" classes, instead of relying on .NET's ".input-validation-error" class.
by vandel212
How to add a quick, low cost slide show to your website
by vandel212
How to add tool tips to your website that are lightweight, and painless
by Michael Safyan
If you've done a regular search for API reference documentation, most likely you've come across links to very old versions of the API (e.g. links to Java 1.4.2 instead of Java 5 or Java 6), or you've probably come across plenty of links that are completely unrelated to the actual search (getting...
by Leong Yee Khin
Using JavaScript to display the Sharepoint 2010 quick launch navigation
by Indranil Pal
Helper for RadioList in MVC 4
by DaveAuld
Simple implementation for determining which radio buttons are selected using Jquery
by John-ph
A simple JavaScript program "Random Number Guessing Game" using knockoutjs
by Gaurav Babbar :D
by Olivier_Giulieri
SVG icon set for CRUD applications packaged as a React component with light & dark themes and tooltip.
by Jamil Hallal
Web.config is the main settings and configuration file for an ASP.NET web application. The file is an XML document that defines configuration information regarding the web application. The web.config file contains information that control module loading, security configuration, session state...
by Balakrishnan Dhinakaran
Add email from Microsoft Outlook to SharePoint list using simple macro, JavaScript
C is still the best language for native-code development.
by dsuryd
How to add asynchronous, real-time data stream from a cross-platform .NET back-end to your React web app without much effort
by TheyCallMeMrJames
A fun script to make yourself sick over how much money your government is spending
Essentially the same code snippet with just a little bit cleaner and more efficient code1. setTimeout() is replaced with setInterval() function2. The interval is correctly set to 333 msec to produce 3 updates per second as specifiedRelated application (as FYI): Inflation...
by dsuryd
SignalR is great for building real-time web functionality. MVVM is great for developing your front-end. What if they can be used together? This tip will show how to do just that, using as example a simple project to do live chart on a web browser.
by AshishChaudha
This article discusses a simple way of rearranging the ASP.NET ListView Items using JavaScript.
by Samrat Banerjee
Select recent value with KeyPress event
by AditSheth
You can pass object as parameter to generalize function function showContent(e,object) { var recentChar...
by Niral Soni
Why don't you try for the onkeyup event. You don't even need to read the last character and concatenate it. Keypress event is a combination of keydown and keyup event. Below is the sample code to test the response when the keypress and keyup event occurs.Test KeyPress event: <input...
by Kamal Surani
Recording video of your product and promoting video in cloud to get more customers
by vinoth kumar rajendran
Regarding back button after signout
by sheetal7
Whenever we want to refresh the parent page from child page to reload the data we use:window.opener.location.reload();This however gives a prompt retry/cancel in parent page reload which is quite annoying for the user. I found a simple trick which results in the parent page being refreshed...
by Đinh Công Thắng
If you know firebase, it very good to use to build realtime applications.
by Paulo Augusto Kunzel
How to remove the HTML required attribute with just JavaScript
by Muhammad Magdi
Step by step guide to remove the hash sign "#" from AngularJS URLs
by Kevin Murani
Example of how to make a list whose items can change positions
by Sitang Ruan
How to make a sequential Ajax call
by Super Lloyd
There is a problem with ko mapping and here is how to fix it
by anirudha-kulkarni01
Report Viewer print issue in Chrome / Mozilla / Safari: A solution where you can print report contents inside Report Viewer in any browser.
by santhosh-padamatinti
This tip display the how to convert a object data to a Javascript array(JSON format)
by Ramanujam Shankar
While click on hyperlink - redirect to another page and pass the Request.Form object values using javascript function
by Sunasara Imdadhusen
This is an alternative for "Reset all Fields using jQuery"
by Ajith K Gatty
This tip helps you to reset all your DropDownList values to the default one when a DropDownList changes its selection.
by Farooq Kaiser
This tip explains how to use jQuery's plug-in colResizable to implement client-side column resizing in an ASP.NET GridView.
by altaf008bd
This tip will describe a simple way to resolve "too much recursion" error when working with multiple modal dialogs
by Rajendra Kumar Sahu
Fix To Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: The 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header contains multiple values
by Atanas N Atanasov
This tip presents a simple example on how to build responsive design with jQuery Grid.
by HitsRathod
Responsive Semicircular doughnut Chart Using Google chart
by Kunwar Bahadur Singh
Rest API/Web API Automated test Using Frisby
by Yahya Mohammed Ammouri
Remove an Entity from top bar fast Quick Create in Microsoft Dynamics 365
by Ahmad Dekmak implementation for the resumable.js
by Sergii Trotsenko
RTCDatachannel with SIP signaling implementation based on JsSIP library
by Ahmet AYDIN
This post describes step by step how to run a Single Page Application template using ASP.NET Web API 2 and angularJS and how to use Web Application Project whose name is Dalyan.
by Style-7
How to send data from HTML form to server safely
by Darren G441
A simple function to use instead of eval() that allows an expression based on some passed data scope
by Narula Srinivas
This article gives you the approaches available to save multiple records in a single request (Batch Processing) to SharePoint 2013 list using REST API.
by Dennis E White
Code for loading and saving images in an HTML5 canvas via Base64
by Alexander Kouznetsov
A way to view, store and process logical expressions
by Jani Giannoudis
A simple ASP.NET container control to represent content which requires JavaScript.
by Ganesh_Mohan
Script for Popup in Chrome replacement of window.showModalDialog
by Praveen Kumar Chauhan (PRK)
Load huge data on your web page without postback
by Narendra Singh Rathore
jQuery scroll: bottom to top.
by nit_singh
This is an example to make a "Select All" check box using JQuey
by nit_singh
Above aproach will work fine if there are less check box on the form. But if you have 1000 or 2000 check box on your page then it will consume some time.There is an alternate, unique and very fast way of doing the same thing.below code will create more than 2000 checkboxes on your...
by thatraja
by Voevudko A. E., Ph.D.
Briefly discussing web accessibility in general. Stressing a few prime points/tips that are easy to use and always good to follow. Suggesting to start using easy to understand and remember "rules of thumb".
by linush
How to serialize a kendo treeview current view into JSON data
by Mehul M Thakkar
function serialize(obj) { var returnVal; if(obj != undefined){ switch(obj.constructor) { case Array: var vArr="["; for(var i=0;i0) vArr += ","; vArr += serialize(obj[i]); } vArr += "]" return vArr; case...
by Manoj Kr. Verma
This demo shows how jquery calls the server side parameterized method.
by AjithKp560_
FTP Client for Web server.
by Sujeet Bhujbal
In this article, I will tell you how to create a cross-browser session expiration popup box using jQuery easily
by Karthik Narahari
The below article helps in executing server side functions when user closes browser abnormally.
by Dennis_Aries
If you do not want to deal with numerous pricelists, or you just want a fixed pricelist to be used, this code can help you.
by pravink83
Trick to show background image in Google Charts in Internet Explorer.
by bbirajdar
How to set the height of a div to full screen.
by thatraja
by GottZ
blahhtml, body { height: 100%; width: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0;}#derpy { height: 100%; width: 100%; background-color: #123456;} derpNo...
by Giuseppe Luciano
With the method proposed here, you can set CSS in an easy way, as with setAttribute-style, but without surprises
by Feature Extraction
In this article I will cover the steps to set up Apache Cordova. I’ll first set up the Android SDK, an Android Virtual Device, Apache Ant and finally, Cordova.
by jicking
This is written for devs who have no or little npm knowledge but would like to develop/tinker with expressjs (I used to be that guy too)
by Muhammad Hassan Tariq
Uplaod files to SFTP using ASP.NET Web API and AngularJS upload plugin by nervgh with Bootstrap 3.0
by Ahmad F Hassan
5 minute trick
by Sunil Kumar Pashikanti
This blog describes how to modify the SharePoint top link bar.
by Bajirao_
It's a SharePoint 2013 POC of modal popup in which HTML can be used as content of popup.
by Vincenzo Malvone
A simple way to create a Calendar View for Sharepoint Custom Library in aspx Page created in Sharepoint Designer 2010
by bradcurtis74
A Sample using AngularJS with Sharepoint OnLine
by Chintankumar Panchasara
The below tip will help developers retrieving user id by account name using SharePoint REST APIs.
by sieunhantanbao
Show more data when window scrolling down like Facebook, Twitter...
by Praveen Chandran
Showing the property bag values of a site in a content editor Web Part using JavaScript.
by Dnyaneshwar Kondbale
Show/hide Label control by radio button selection using JavaScript.
by thatraja
Show/hide elements dynamically in web page
by Ashwin M. Hegde
This script helps you understand basic shuffling of images.
by Vlad Neculai Vizitiu
Short post which will tie in with the next post about branching authentication in ASP.NET Core using middleware.
by Yaseer Mumtaz
Using SignalR with AngularJS to develop real time communication application in ASP.NET MVC and C#.
by Robert J. Barr
Simple AJAX/ASP .NET Web API SMS/Texting Service
by Afshin Mehrabani
This post discusses some simple and useful JavaScript Regular Expressions
by Chinh Vo Wili
Send HTTP GET requests, consume ASP.NET Web API server
by Osman Kalache
Building an easy to reuse widget with jQuery
by LordXandor
Simple cross browser JavaScript get set
by Evren Yortuçboylu
jQuery widget structure explained on a simple drop down panel control.
by Tareq_Gamal
Simple compact reusable native JavaScript function, you can use it easily in your web Pages to run Ajax Enabled and avoid refresh
by DiponRoy
This is a simple inheritance example in JavaScript
by mahakgupta
Simple JavaScript Captcha Code
by Mehdi Maujood
This tip provides an approach to object-oriented programming for developers familiar with class-based OOP in languages such as C++ and Java.
by Teraten
Simple JavaScript/jQuery Photo Gallery in 10 lines of code (jQuery)
by Ming_Lu
Simple and Fast Color Picker Built on JQuery
by MortezaKeshavarz
A slide show for web form projects.
by Manivannan Chidambaram
This tip will help beginners to understand basic data-binding of model-view using AngularJS.
by Schatak
A very simple and useful progress bar in HTML using Jquery
by mahongtao
A jQuery rating control.
by brian_eckert
A simple web page that would allow the user to see all locations where their service could be found
by Jeson Martajaya
MVC 4 knockoutJS project at bare minimum
by B. Clay Shannon
How to insert values into a MongoDB, and then read them out into a select element in a Meteor app in seven easy steps
by B. Clay Shannon
Using routing in Meteor with IronRouter to allow users to navigate between templates/pages
by Pinakpani Dey
Run one instance of web application in client browser
by Stephen Hesterman
Turn off social media buttons on a mobile device for faster page loading
by Andy Feng
This article introduces multiple approaches to implement a Javascript maxlength check in browsers
by r verma
Continuing from last upload about some useful findings
by Shawn Lawsure
This is a browser-based game similar to the old Space Invaders video game written in TypeScript.
by Wieslaw Popielarski
Shows how to start from problem to get state monad
by GameDevMadeEasy
Overview and implementation of State Validation in Javascript
by Ankur Rawat
Alternative way to refresh the page using JavaScript and not using meta tag of HTML to refresh the page
by Dejan Mauer
This is probably the simplest solution for storing web form data into database. We will use Google Forms and Google Spreadsheets as our 'database'.
by Giancarlo Rhodes
Creating the Web UI
by AspDotNetDev
A JavaScript function to replace string placeholders with values
by jsc42
You can simplify the replacement by not translating the strings to numbers as all array subscripts are treated as strings, and by representing '{' and '}' as more user-friendly substitutions (e.g. {{} and {}}) rather than {-1} and {-2} which can be pre-populated into the replacements array....
by Anshu Krishna
A JavaScript function for showing image on a webpage with a stylish animation.
by tanweer
Regular Expression for a strong password using jQquery AJAX.
by Sky Sanders
NOTE: This article presents another solution that does not depend on interop with an ASP.NET ScriptService in JavaScript is simple, just deserialize the payload, e.g. result.d.But if you are consuming with managed code it gets a bit tricky.The 3.5 stack wraps the payload in...
by amitthk
Post the page forms using Ajax intead of Normal Post (Like when using MVC)
by amitthk
For ASP.NET MVC, HERE! is a much cooler approach:Basically, we use Ajax.ActionLink like this:The controller takes care of both the possibilities (Normal Post...
by puzsol
This outlines a method for being able to submit HMTL tags from a particular ASP.NET text box while still using the page validation for the rest of the page.
by saadixl
Super simple AngularJS web app, realtime vCard creator
by TheyCallMeMrJames
If you have two blocks of code that you are testing and need to switch back-and-forth between them, here's a commenting trick that works as a powerful code block toggling mechanism.Say you have a variable called foo of type string and want to change between using initialized values and...
by Caner Korkmaz
For debug use, you can do something like this:#ifdef DEBUG #define dprintf(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)#else #define dprintf(...)#endif//Usage:dprintf("In debug mode.");//orchar *foo = "foo";dprintf("%d bar.",foo);// :)/*Edit reason :: *if you type...
by ILa @ work
This nice trick extends into://*/block 1/*/block 2; // commented out/*/block 3;/*/block 4; // commented out//*/and removing the first slash gives inverted alternation:/*/block 1; // commented out/*/block 2;/*/block 3; // commented out/*/block...
by invingagan
How to use SVG icon into Angular material application having Angular version 4 and above
by yuvalsol
Swap positions of two elements in a jQuery object
by josh.rendon
That conclusion is definitely wrong. Your equation expanded equals: b = (a+b) - (a-b) = a+b - a + b = 2*bFor your example a=20, b=10b = (20+10) - (20-10) = (30) - (10) = 20b = 20 + 10 - 20 + 10 = 20A counter example to disprove this: a=75, b=88b = (75+88) - (75-88) =...
by GregEllis
You can do it with some XORs:int a = 25, b = 7;a = a ^ b;b = b ^ a;a = a ^ b;Or the same thing with some shorthand to make the code even harder to read:a ^= b;b ^= a;a ^= b;
by Ram Balak Sharma
How to call synchronous and asynchronous way web service method in JavaScript by using JSON
by George MVC Study
A simple implementation of table sorting and paging in an ASP.NET MVC application
by yuvalsol
Use marquee tag to expose table's cell overflowing text
by B. Clay Shannon
Replacing the main body's template using Template.dynamic in a Meteor Single-Page-App
by Jithin Geroge
Tips to improve the performance of ASP.NET web applications
by MaulikDusara
some credit card numbers for testing purposes.
by Anshul R
Prefix, Length, and Check Digit CriteriaHere is a table outlining the major credit cards that you might want to validate.CARD TYPE Prefix Length Check digit algorithmMASTERCARD 51-55 16 mod 10VISA 4 13, 16 mod 10AMEX 3437 15 mod 10Diners Club/Carte...
by Sky Sanders
After a minor bout of forgetfulness regarding legal regexp flags in Javascript, I knocked this one out that parses the comment block at the end of an YSOD. var rxYSOD = //;if (rxYSOD.test(text)) { // looks like one.. ...
by Member 8735318
Differnces betwenn testing and QA.
by Prasanta_Prince
Text box to accept only number
by Sander Rossel
The following Class is a TextBox for WinForms that only accepts 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (numerics) or backspace as input. Not using regular expressions.using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Windows.Forms;namespace...
by pankajupadhyay29
I have created a jQuery code to achieve this/*User Options --allowHex:Allow hexadecimal number default falseallowNeg:Allow negative default falseonlyInteger:did not allow decimal default true*/$(function () { var mergedOptions = {}; var common = { allowHex:...
by Nigam Patel
Here is a really simple code for a numeric text box and it will work in all browsers. Only works for web applications. function CheckNumeric(e) { if (window.event) //...
by Manish K. Agarwal
WinForms TextBox to accept numbers in a range[^]
by Vaibhav Bodake
Text/HTML Editor With JQuery In ASP.Net
by Peter Occil
Describes projection and view transforms commonly used in 3D graphics, such as perspective and orthographic transforms
by Swagat Swain
Get the maximum out of Chrome's Developer Console
by Marc Clifton
A short look into what you need to be aware of when using duck-typed languages
by B. Clay Shannon
If you don't need to send or receive data, it is very easy to call Server code from Client/jQuery Code
by Niladri_Biswas
In this write up we will explore Knockout and Linq for Javascript Libraries
by Troy W. Locke
The JavaScript Module Pattern used with jQuery
by Jin Vincent Necesario
Object.assign() and some things to be remembered when dealing with this method
by Rion Williams
A one-stop-shop for improving the web.
by Sergey Alexandrovich Kryukov
Combination of jQuery and HTML5 allows implementing themes purely on client side
by Dinand.dotnet
Fast, easy with/without local js, allow ins HTML code by saving
by Sem Shekhovtsov
Importing jQuery UI library into ES6 project
by Shrikant Dhar Dwivedi
Detect type of key press through JavaScript and jQuery
by Shrikant Dhar Dwivedi
How to detect Online/Offline mode through code
by The Doer
Adding Favicon to your Web page
by Yahya Mohammed Ammouri
Javascript to disable all Dynamic CRM entity form fields according to their parent entity specific field value
by Yashwanth R
To fetch the ID of a grid view control which is inside a User Control
by xibao
This library helps you to build and style your own tooltip simply by setting CSS properties and title property of tags
by Shivi Gupta Lucknow
To showcase the tracking by placing markers on a route displayed by directions service of the Google maps API every 5 seconds
by Er. Puneet Goel
This tip implements the TreeView like DropDownList with Search Functionality using Telerik Kendo.
by Kamlesh Ganar
This tip will show how to design Treeview in HTML using CSS and JQuery in a simple way.
by pravink83
Create files at runtime and download from a SharePoint WebPart.
by Ramanujam Shankar
Trim, Change button mouse hover pointer Functions using JavaScript
by DiponRoy
Trimmed value binding in knockout.js
by Oliver Smith 2022
Save time comparing JSON docs and build collaboration features into your applications
by Dimitris Nemtsov
How to integrate mxGraph with Angular 15 and above
by Rico MNC
I did two versions, one with a simple text dump to a span as HTML, and the other to filter contents of a drop down list (select). This article only contains the simpler one. I hope to add the other one depending on how this is received and if I can host code samples demos somewhere.
by Oleksandr Viktor (UkrGuru)
Minimally simple UkrGuru.SqlJson package for your ASP.NET Core Web Application
by Sourav Kayal
In this tip, we will learn to implement SPA using AngularJS
by Member 13040242
We are going to talk about the problem faced because of asynchronous nature of SQL query execution in node js and the solution for it.
by Ahmed Bouchefra
In this post, we are going to learn how to use $ionicLoading service with Ionic 1 to give some visual feedback to your app users when some background task is taking place.
by Francois D Viljoen
Re-thinking the way we develop web content by moving everything into JavaScript
by Bob.LiuZhenDong
IE10 standard mode doesn't support htc (Html Components), so we have to update .htc code to js.
by Vinoth Kumar Kannan
Update a Div element using ajax.ActionLink with Loading Panel
by Richard Roe
Example to show how to update an ASP.NET GridView control using Ajax JQuery client side script
by Bob.LiuZhenDong
This tip gives a method to update code to js because IE10 standard mode doesn't support htc (Html Components).
by rohit7209
How to change state of child from parent, state of parent from child and state of sibling from another sibling
by Mannava Siva Aditya
Uploading a File with the required validation
by Richard A. Dalton
If you use JavaScipt to pop up error message boxes in your ASP.NET applications, then use a custom exception.
by DiponRoy
How to use Ajax validation in Knockout
by saini arun
How to call a function when an error occured while calling a page using $.getJSON
by PaulKukiel
Static sites are common place, often I'll knock something up as a proof of concept and to share that with my friends I'll make a public s3 bucket and send the link, quick and easy.
by Mohsen dorparasti
NoAPI is a website that assists web developers to scrap pieces of data they need from public web pages, save them and use them in their web pages
by Mr Digs
A brief look at using Event Forwarding to separate your JavaScript from your HTML
by TheyCallMeMrJames
Leverage VSDoc and DEBUG file documentation in VS2010
by Mahesh Pachbhai
Use of callback function for synchronous execution of Ajax call from JavaScript in MVC 4.0
by Biswal Tanmaya
Use of Realm object in Realm event handler
by Giuseppe Luciano
With jsTimers-rAF library we can use RequestAnimationFrame with the simplicity of setTimeout/setInterval.
by DiponRoy
How to use trimming during object to JSON string serialization in JavaScript
by DiponRoy
Using $index in Knockout.js
by B. Clay Shannon
Easy-as-eating-gooseberry-pie handful of steps to incorporate a dialog into your Meteor app
by Technoses
This process can be used for management of bulky and long processes.
by yiangos
How to use javascript bitwise operations to filter out search results based on user selected filters in checkboxes
by George Tryfonas
Not sure I got it correctly... But if I did, here's a simpler solution which doesn't rely on implication. Bitfields are ubiquitous in C programming, they are used to specify flags. If, for instance, your hotel requirements amount to bitfield 01101010 then you can simply AND the bitfield with...
by Dhanabati
Using Bootstrap Carousel Slider in Servoy 7.4
by Prosanta Kundu online
I always prefer this approach belowASPX pageIn aspx.cs page Page_LoadPage.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Page.GetType(), "pageVars", string.Format("var TextBox1 = '{0}';", TextBox1.ClientID),true);When required...
by barry fat
Using iframe to Interact Between Parent and Child Page in Jquery Syntax
by Sibeesh KV
Using Intro JS (Integration to Code Project FAQ)
by ManishHPatil
Using jQuery $() function and animation and an image carousel example
by Junlin Xu
This article shows how to use jQuery DataTables (version v1.10.7) with server-side processing.
by mnguyen88
This is an alternative for "Using the jQuery unobtrusive validator with Twitter Bootstrap tooltips"
by Daniel Killyevo
Some notes on how to quickly create a vertical menu with the help of jQueryUI
by DiponRoy
Using Observable and Computed for validation in Knockout
by Alejandro Barrada
How to pass custom args to the OnSuccess callback function of javascript ajax
by Mihail Mateev
This blog is about how to start with PhoneGap / Apache Cordova and Windows Phone 8
by Mihail Mateev
In this article you will learn about how to use PhoneGap with the new cutting edge Microsoft platform – Windows 8
by Geethanga Amarasinghe
Using a Regular Expression within a Javascript to validate user input
by Ahmad F Hassan
Using SPLoader.js to create UI components that read its content from Lists and Libraries in minutes using only HTML
by joseacl79
This tip is about the spring security and how to create a custom JSP page to login with.
by Abet Giron 2022
A simple working solution for real-time (almost) update using server-sent events
by Cristian Moldovan
jQuery unobtrusive validation plugin with Twitter Bootstrap 3 showing error messages as tooltips
by Gregory Morse
WebView navigateToLocalStreamUri can be used from WinJS/JavaScript with some more advanced coding techniques to wrap a necessary interface
by gardnerp
Here's a simple tip to use web worker code; yet maintain support for IE9.
by C. Groß
The WebBrowser.Document.InvokeScript() method claims to provide a way to interact with JavaScript code inside of a WebBrowser HTML document. Trying to mess around with a third-party JavaScript over which I had no control (meaning: included in an external webpage that I could not alter), however,...
by FrostedSyntax
Learn how to use regular expressions to find addresses or parts of an address in a given string. These patterns can also be used to verify that a given string is a true address.
by Muhammad Albedewy
Validate Anti-Forgery in 6 easy steps
by John Bhatt
Validate Email ID in ASP.NET TextBox using JavaScript Regular Expression. Get the code and checked example on how to allow only E-Mail ID in TextBox.
by Ramanujam Shankar
Validate entered From Date and To Date in web application using JavaScript
by Dhol Gaurav
I have made some changes in the code and made some user friendly validation and removed extra code and unnecessary conditions, also changed the Regular Expression for date validation. function isValidDate(varFrom, varTo) { var fromdate, todate, dt1, dt2,...
by Ramanujam Shankar
Entered multiple email id's with comma/semicolon separator in text box to validate using javascript
by Pradip P Patel
To validate phone and/or fax number using JavaScript
by ashish_5437
Implement validations in knockout js
by mhamad zarif
How to capture videos snapshots at specified times where you can press on those snapshots and make the video go back to play from that point.
by Coding 101
A simple Registry change will enable IE to display JSON responses.
by Nikola Radosavljevic
View Manipulation in AngularJS Applications
by toplan
Simple vim for textarea and input
by Vadim Loboda
This is an alternative for "VS2010 Box Selection with Copy and Paste"
by Adel Refaat
VoiceOver will read hidden elements inside a parent with aria-hidden="false"
by Odd Marthon
A versatile visualization web browser application using standard web technologies.
by Anup Kumar Verma
Printer independent Watermark on webpage print in & C#
by xibao
Generate class definition for Web API Service Models.
by Gerd Wagner
Don't confuse a DOM collection with a JS array: Array functions, such as the forEach looping method, cannot be applied to a DOM collection!
by Amir Hamza Md. Kayes
Web modal window using IFrame.
by xioxu
Introduce how to retrieve the web page data using jQuery
by Md. Shariful Islam (Adil)
Alignment and sorting icon in WebGrid header
by sonic_youth
This tip will tell you how to add popular web maps such as Google, Nokia, OpenStreet and Yandex maps into a Webix app with just several lines of code.
by Shao Voon Wong
Static Webpage Loading and Displaying Local Image Without Postback to Server
by Mikeqm
Making the web work with Pick
by richardwise
This technique is for use with a Web site, where your visitors may come from any part of the world - expecting different date formats.To handle this requirement, the date can be displayed using:document.lastModified.toLocaleDateString()
by R. Giskard Reventlov
If you want to see what the themes at bootswatch look like when applied to your site...
by Gen1us2k
Choose how to build your own solution for implementing Audio/Video Calls using WebRTC
by Hisham Abdullah Bin Ateya
This is some of cool stuff that shipped with Visual Studio.NET 2013 Preview release
by Ondra Spilka
Let's explain the basics so developers understand weak spots of date and time handling
by Konstantin A. Magg
Why automated tools are the key to managing translation resources - discussed on the example of angular-translate and how to start with some basic tools
by Kadir A. Fuzaylov
What is Mobile First and what are its advantages. Implementing the approach and results stats.
by Gunnar S
Good reasons for using State Management in Front End Code
by Herbert Lausmann
Shows how to manipulate the DOM of a page loaded in WebBrowser control of Windows Phone.
by Anas Karkoukli
A small tip for debugging WinRT component calls from WinJS applications
by Elagizy
Most of the mobile browsers don't support audio autoplay to save mobile bandwidth on behalf of the user!
by Afzaal Ahmad Zeeshan
How to use the keyboard events of the user and use them to dynamically change the User Interface or to perform some actions
by Clifford Nelson
This tip presents a way to have disabled items in your ComboBox
by #realJSOP
One way to get around the "invalid character" error
by Robert J. Barr
Dynamically write a new row every Nth columns
by georgepaterson
This article will describe how to write a unit-testable jQuery plugin.
by Anamera
This XSLT will output an Excel worksheet containing a CSV type of record collection in a more usable XML format.
by Gregory Nozik
How to do XSLT transformation with the Processor object
by Magyar András
Load videos automatically from selected Youtube channel with PHP and Youtube Data API v3