<br /> <table class="table table-bordered border-success" ><br /> <thead style="height: 500%;"><br /> <tr><br /> <th scope="col">Serail Number:</th><br /> <th scope="col">Date</th><br /> <th scope="col"><h1>Activities</h1></th><br /> <th scope="col">Numbers/Hours</th><br /> <th scope="col">Position of Interviewed Person</th><br /> <th scope="col">Marks (out of 10)</th><br /> <th scope="col"><h1>Comments</h1></th><br /> <th scope="col">Attachments</th><br /> <th scope="col">Refer</th><br /> </tr><br /> </thead><br /> <tbody style="height: 500%;"><br /> {% for interview in interviews %}<br /> <tr><br /> <td>{{ forloop.counter }}</td><br /> <td>{{ interview.date }}</td><br /> <td style="width: 30%;">{{ interview.activities }}</td><br /> <td >{{ interview.no_of_Hours }}</td><br /> <td>{{ interview.positon_of_interviewd_person }}</td><br /> <td>{{ interview.marks }}</td><br /> <td style="width: 100%;">{{ interview.comments }}</td><br /> {%if interview.attachments%}<br /> <td><a href="{{ interview.attachments.url }}">CV</a></td><br /> {%else%}<br /> <td>No Cv</td><br /> {%endif%}<br /> {%if interview.refer%}<br /> <td>Yes</td><br /> {%else%}<br /> <td>No</td><br /> {%endif%}<br /> <br /> </tr><br /> {% endfor %}<br /> </tbody><br /> </table><br />
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