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GeneralRe: basic question about COM Pin
liyang yu23-Oct-04 16:38
liyang yu23-Oct-04 16:38 
GeneralRe: basic question about COM Pin
liyang yu23-Oct-04 16:40
liyang yu23-Oct-04 16:40 
GeneralRe: basic question about COM - the answer is here!! Pin
liyang yu23-Oct-04 17:14
liyang yu23-Oct-04 17:14 
GeneralRe: basic question about COM - the answer is here!! Pin
User 21559725-Oct-04 19:59
User 21559725-Oct-04 19:59 
GeneralRe: basic question about COM - the answer is here!! Pin
liyang yu26-Oct-04 8:18
liyang yu26-Oct-04 8:18 
GeneralRe: basic question about COM Pin
vikramlinux26-Oct-04 20:05
vikramlinux26-Oct-04 20:05 
GeneralMaximum Rows/Columns in an Excel Worksheet Pin
moredip21-Oct-04 8:11
moredip21-Oct-04 8:11 
GeneralRe: Maximum Rows/Columns in an Excel Worksheet Pin
moredip21-Oct-04 8:20
moredip21-Oct-04 8:20 
Well, to answer my own question:

however, I'd like to get an 'official' description from Microsoft, to satisfy my boss if nothing else...
GeneralRe: Maximum Rows/Columns in an Excel Worksheet Pin
darkbyte11-Nov-04 10:26
darkbyte11-Nov-04 10:26 
GeneralI can't get the body of the mail Pin
ting66820-Oct-04 21:19
ting66820-Oct-04 21:19 
GeneralGet Recipients of a mail inbox using mapi Pin
ting66820-Oct-04 21:09
ting66820-Oct-04 21:09 
GeneralExcel Project DLL's Pin
Jeremy Ouellette20-Oct-04 9:28
Jeremy Ouellette20-Oct-04 9:28 
GeneralMAPI thows Cannot change thread mode after it is set exception Pin
Gavin Jeffrey20-Oct-04 4:22
Gavin Jeffrey20-Oct-04 4:22 
GeneralWord Automation - set underline font Pin
onyx19-Oct-04 20:55
onyx19-Oct-04 20:55 
Generalshell extension dll not loaded for Win98. Pin
Abhi Lahare18-Oct-04 21:18
Abhi Lahare18-Oct-04 21:18 
Generalserial port communication Pin
Anonymous18-Oct-04 13:50
Anonymous18-Oct-04 13:50 
GeneralRe: serial port communication Pin
Cedric Moonen18-Oct-04 22:11
Cedric Moonen18-Oct-04 22:11 
GeneralNtier app Pin
StephenMcAllister18-Oct-04 7:53
StephenMcAllister18-Oct-04 7:53 
GeneralScript hosting applicatrion has problem Pin
Anonymous17-Oct-04 21:30
Anonymous17-Oct-04 21:30 
GeneralClass not registered Pin
Minh17-Oct-04 15:44
Minh17-Oct-04 15:44 
GeneralRe: Class not registered Pin
vikramlinux26-Oct-04 20:13
vikramlinux26-Oct-04 20:13 
GeneralDOS client/server (C++)... Pin
porac6917-Oct-04 5:56
porac6917-Oct-04 5:56 
QuestionHow to Create Events Pin
ThatsAlok16-Oct-04 3:55
ThatsAlok16-Oct-04 3:55 
Questionhow to invoke com event Pin
ThatsAlok15-Oct-04 3:52
ThatsAlok15-Oct-04 3:52 
AnswerRe: how to invoke com event Pin
Lim Bio Liong16-Oct-04 19:23
Lim Bio Liong16-Oct-04 19:23 

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