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GeneralRe: Help with c# Pin
DougW488-Aug-04 6:52
DougW488-Aug-04 6:52 
GeneralRe: Help with c# Pin
Tom Dziedzic8-Aug-04 6:02
Tom Dziedzic8-Aug-04 6:02 
GeneralRe: Help with c# Pin
Tom Dziedzic8-Aug-04 6:31
Tom Dziedzic8-Aug-04 6:31 
GeneralInvalidCastException with CAPICOM and webServices Pin
Escroto7-Aug-04 12:50
Escroto7-Aug-04 12:50 
GeneralRe: InvalidCastException with CAPICOM and webServices Pin
Alex Korchemniy7-Aug-04 13:09
Alex Korchemniy7-Aug-04 13:09 
GeneralRe: InvalidCastException with CAPICOM and webServices Pin
beowulfagate7-Aug-04 16:55
beowulfagate7-Aug-04 16:55 
GeneralReplace Task Manager Pin
mrtaikandi7-Aug-04 2:08
professionalmrtaikandi7-Aug-04 2:08 
GeneralRe: Replace Task Manager Pin
Alex Korchemniy7-Aug-04 13:04
Alex Korchemniy7-Aug-04 13:04 
Ctrl+Alt+Delete is a special key combination that cannot be intercepted (at least on NT). On windows 9x branch it might be possible but i haven't checked.

I strongly recomend against replacing anything that is considered standard windows UI, unless you are trying to do something that is specifically designed to modify the entire user experience.
GeneralExecuting an external application Pin
mrtaikandi7-Aug-04 2:00
professionalmrtaikandi7-Aug-04 2:00 
GeneralRe: Executing an external application Pin
Alex Korchemniy7-Aug-04 12:59
Alex Korchemniy7-Aug-04 12:59 
GeneralUrgent - Need help inserting line into text file. Pin
IrishSonic7-Aug-04 1:30
IrishSonic7-Aug-04 1:30 
GeneralRe: Urgent - Need help inserting line into text file. Pin
DavidR_r7-Aug-04 2:00
DavidR_r7-Aug-04 2:00 
GeneralRe: Urgent - Need help inserting line into text file. Pin
leppie7-Aug-04 2:32
leppie7-Aug-04 2:32 
GeneralRe: Urgent - Need help inserting line into text file. Pin
IrishSonic7-Aug-04 6:46
IrishSonic7-Aug-04 6:46 
GeneralRe: Urgent - Need help inserting line into text file. Pin
Sue92abc23-Oct-04 8:26
Sue92abc23-Oct-04 8:26 
GeneralSimple Math on a datagrid Pin
christopher_seewald6-Aug-04 23:18
christopher_seewald6-Aug-04 23:18 
GeneralRe: Simple Math on a datagrid Pin
Sukrath Mahajan7-Aug-04 2:03
Sukrath Mahajan7-Aug-04 2:03 
GeneralRe: Simple Math on a datagrid Pin
Robert Rohde8-Aug-04 0:06
Robert Rohde8-Aug-04 0:06 
GeneralA sample cluster program Pin
qi_zhang6-Aug-04 22:29
qi_zhang6-Aug-04 22:29 
GeneralRe: A sample cluster program Pin
Alex Korchemniy7-Aug-04 12:57
Alex Korchemniy7-Aug-04 12:57 
GeneralRe: A sample cluster program Pin
qi_zhang7-Aug-04 16:15
qi_zhang7-Aug-04 16:15 
Generalbase question Pin
Mathew Hall6-Aug-04 22:20
Mathew Hall6-Aug-04 22:20 
GeneralRe: base question Pin
leppie6-Aug-04 23:23
leppie6-Aug-04 23:23 
GeneralRe: base question Pin
Mathew Hall7-Aug-04 1:05
Mathew Hall7-Aug-04 1:05 
GeneralRe: base question Pin
leppie7-Aug-04 1:29
leppie7-Aug-04 1:29 

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