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AnswerRe: whats wrong? Pin
Heath Stewart17-Feb-04 3:15
protectorHeath Stewart17-Feb-04 3:15 
GeneralCustom ListBox.Items Pin
Simon Wren17-Feb-04 2:11
professionalSimon Wren17-Feb-04 2:11 
GeneralRe: Custom ListBox.Items Pin
Heath Stewart17-Feb-04 4:52
protectorHeath Stewart17-Feb-04 4:52 
GeneralWinForms: SuspendLayout on Application Pin
troels_sorensen17-Feb-04 2:06
troels_sorensen17-Feb-04 2:06 
GeneralRe: WinForms: SuspendLayout on Application Pin
Heath Stewart17-Feb-04 4:54
protectorHeath Stewart17-Feb-04 4:54 
QuestionResize all items? Pin
thomasa17-Feb-04 1:51
thomasa17-Feb-04 1:51 
AnswerRe: Resize all items? Pin
Heath Stewart17-Feb-04 4:57
protectorHeath Stewart17-Feb-04 4:57 
GeneralRe: Resize all items? Pin
je_gonzalez17-Feb-04 17:28
je_gonzalez17-Feb-04 17:28 

This is the second time someone asks a question like this. Simply point them to the code I posted (see post below this one).

This is a typical question from programmers that used a third party VB control, and that I believe is not available for .NET.

FYI: I know that the code posted does not work nicely with text boxes (for which I have a private solution), but it should give them a starting point to work from.
GeneralRe: Resize all items? Pin
Heath Stewart17-Feb-04 19:35
protectorHeath Stewart17-Feb-04 19:35 
GeneralRe: Resize all items? Pin
je_gonzalez18-Feb-04 3:20
je_gonzalez18-Feb-04 3:20 
AnswerRe: Resize all items? Pin
je_gonzalez17-Feb-04 17:21
je_gonzalez17-Feb-04 17:21 
GeneralProblems with thread cancellation. Pin
Chen Pang17-Feb-04 1:21
Chen Pang17-Feb-04 1:21 
GeneralRe: Problems with thread cancellation. Pin
Corinna John17-Feb-04 1:41
Corinna John17-Feb-04 1:41 
GeneralRe: Problems with thread cancellation. Pin
Chen Pang17-Feb-04 1:53
Chen Pang17-Feb-04 1:53 
QuestionException Handling . To throw or not to throw? Pin
bzurer17-Feb-04 1:05
bzurer17-Feb-04 1:05 
AnswerRe: Exception Handling . To throw or not to throw? Pin
Jonathan de Halleux17-Feb-04 1:13
Jonathan de Halleux17-Feb-04 1:13 
GeneralRe: Exception Handling . To throw or not to throw? Pin
bzurer17-Feb-04 1:50
bzurer17-Feb-04 1:50 
GeneralRe: Exception Handling . To throw or not to throw? Pin
Jonathan de Halleux17-Feb-04 2:09
Jonathan de Halleux17-Feb-04 2:09 
GeneralRe: Exception Handling . To throw or not to throw? Pin
bzurer17-Feb-04 1:56
bzurer17-Feb-04 1:56 
AnswerRe: Exception Handling . To throw or not to throw? Pin
Heath Stewart17-Feb-04 5:04
protectorHeath Stewart17-Feb-04 5:04 
GeneralAccessing properties as an array Pin
Omega50116-Feb-04 21:28
Omega50116-Feb-04 21:28 
GeneralRe: Accessing properties as an array Pin
thomasa16-Feb-04 23:32
thomasa16-Feb-04 23:32 
GeneralRe: Accessing properties as an array Pin
Heath Stewart17-Feb-04 5:11
protectorHeath Stewart17-Feb-04 5:11 
GeneralRe: Accessing properties as an array Pin
OmegaSupreme17-Feb-04 0:46
OmegaSupreme17-Feb-04 0:46 
GeneralRe: Accessing properties as an array Pin
Jonathan de Halleux17-Feb-04 1:15
Jonathan de Halleux17-Feb-04 1:15 

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