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GeneralRe: Using Interfaces Practically Pin
Jonathan de Halleux13-Feb-04 2:39
Jonathan de Halleux13-Feb-04 2:39 
GeneralRe: Using Interfaces Practically Pin
paw197213-Feb-04 5:33
paw197213-Feb-04 5:33 
GeneralMaking Variables In C# Global Pin
Eric Houser12-Feb-04 18:44
Eric Houser12-Feb-04 18:44 
GeneralRe: Making Variables In C# Global Pin
John Kuhn12-Feb-04 18:49
John Kuhn12-Feb-04 18:49 
GeneralRe: Making Variables In C# Global Pin
Eric Houser12-Feb-04 18:54
Eric Houser12-Feb-04 18:54 
GeneralRe: Making Variables In C# Global Pin
John Kuhn12-Feb-04 19:07
John Kuhn12-Feb-04 19:07 
GeneralRe: Making Variables In C# Global Pin
John Kuhn12-Feb-04 18:52
John Kuhn12-Feb-04 18:52 
GeneralRe: Making Variables In C# Global Pin
Meysam Mahfouzi12-Feb-04 18:59
Meysam Mahfouzi12-Feb-04 18:59 
Follow steps below:

1- Define a public or internal property inside your initial form(source class), which holds the integer value to send.

2- Define an overloaded constructor for the second form(destination class), which accepts an instance of the first form(i.e. Form1) as input parameter.

3- When instanciating the destination class(Form2), pass this keyword as input parameter to its constructor.

4- In destination class's constructor you have access the sourcr class's property, through this.PropertyName.

I hope this helps.

Don't forget, that's
Persian Gulf
not Arabian gulf!
GeneralRe: Making Variables In C# Global Pin
Eric Houser12-Feb-04 19:07
Eric Houser12-Feb-04 19:07 
GeneralArabic to roman Pin
GetOn&GetGoing12-Feb-04 18:30
GetOn&GetGoing12-Feb-04 18:30 
GeneralRe: Arabic to roman Pin
John Kuhn12-Feb-04 18:46
John Kuhn12-Feb-04 18:46 
GeneralRe: Arabic to roman Pin
GetOn&GetGoing12-Feb-04 18:50
GetOn&GetGoing12-Feb-04 18:50 
GeneralRe: Arabic to roman Pin
John Kuhn12-Feb-04 18:57
John Kuhn12-Feb-04 18:57 
GeneralRe: Arabic to roman Pin
GetOn&GetGoing12-Feb-04 19:08
GetOn&GetGoing12-Feb-04 19:08 
GeneralRe: Arabic to roman Pin
John Kuhn12-Feb-04 19:18
John Kuhn12-Feb-04 19:18 
GeneralInterview Pin
GetOn&GetGoing12-Feb-04 17:41
GetOn&GetGoing12-Feb-04 17:41 
GeneralRe: Interview Pin
John Kuhn12-Feb-04 18:13
John Kuhn12-Feb-04 18:13 
GeneralRe: Interview Pin
CWIZO13-Feb-04 0:30
CWIZO13-Feb-04 0:30 
GeneralRe: Interview Pin
Kannan Kalyanaraman13-Feb-04 1:14
Kannan Kalyanaraman13-Feb-04 1:14 
GeneralRe: Interview Pin
CWIZO13-Feb-04 1:45
CWIZO13-Feb-04 1:45 
QuestionnumericUpDown Control - double digits? Pin
KingTermite12-Feb-04 17:07
KingTermite12-Feb-04 17:07 
AnswerRe: numericUpDown Control - double digits? Pin
Anonymous12-Feb-04 18:43
Anonymous12-Feb-04 18:43 
AnswerRe: numericUpDown Control - double digits? Pin
Heath Stewart13-Feb-04 3:36
protectorHeath Stewart13-Feb-04 3:36 
GeneralRe: numericUpDown Control - double digits? Pin
KingTermite13-Feb-04 3:43
KingTermite13-Feb-04 3:43 
GeneralRe: numericUpDown Control - double digits? Pin
Heath Stewart13-Feb-04 3:56
protectorHeath Stewart13-Feb-04 3:56 

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