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GeneralXmlTextReader with a NetworkStream causes problems Pin
Borgbjerg11-Feb-04 23:00
Borgbjerg11-Feb-04 23:00 
GeneralRe: XmlTextReader with a NetworkStream causes problems Pin
Heath Stewart12-Feb-04 4:04
protectorHeath Stewart12-Feb-04 4:04 
GeneralRe: XmlTextReader with a NetworkStream causes problems Pin
Borgbjerg12-Feb-04 4:30
Borgbjerg12-Feb-04 4:30 
GeneralRe: XmlTextReader with a NetworkStream causes problems Pin
Heath Stewart12-Feb-04 4:42
protectorHeath Stewart12-Feb-04 4:42 
GeneralGrant permission to access the Msysobjects Pin
Daminda11-Feb-04 21:18
Daminda11-Feb-04 21:18 
GeneralRe: Grant permission to access the Msysobjects Pin
Heath Stewart12-Feb-04 3:56
protectorHeath Stewart12-Feb-04 3:56 
GeneralImage into a database Pin
bengolong11-Feb-04 20:42
bengolong11-Feb-04 20:42 
GeneralRe: Image into a database Pin
Mazdak11-Feb-04 22:43
Mazdak11-Feb-04 22:43 
You have to read a FileStream into byte[] then you can set this value into your DataSet in the image field. This is the way:

System.IO.FileStream stream = new System.IO.FileStreammybmp.bmp", System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read);
byte[] buffer = new byte[stream.Length];
stream.Read(buffer, 0, (int)stream.Length);

dataSet11.Tables["Employees"].Rows[index]["Photo"] = buffer;


"Improvisation is the touchstone of wit." - Molière

GeneralDeleting read-only files Pin
pankajdaga11-Feb-04 20:42
pankajdaga11-Feb-04 20:42 
GeneralRe: Deleting read-only files Pin
Colin Angus Mackay11-Feb-04 23:15
Colin Angus Mackay11-Feb-04 23:15 
GeneralRe: Deleting read-only files Pin
pankajdaga12-Feb-04 5:49
pankajdaga12-Feb-04 5:49 
GeneralRe: Deleting read-only files Pin
Tom Larsen12-Feb-04 5:13
Tom Larsen12-Feb-04 5:13 
GeneralRe: Deleting read-only files Pin
pankajdaga12-Feb-04 5:48
pankajdaga12-Feb-04 5:48 
GeneralHelp required......... Pin
shkhan11-Feb-04 20:16
shkhan11-Feb-04 20:16 
GeneralRe: Help required......... Pin
John Kuhn11-Feb-04 20:39
John Kuhn11-Feb-04 20:39 
GeneralDeep copy Hashtable Pin
RickardB11-Feb-04 20:15
RickardB11-Feb-04 20:15 
GeneralRe: Deep copy Hashtable Pin
Heath Stewart12-Feb-04 3:43
protectorHeath Stewart12-Feb-04 3:43 
GeneralRe: Deep copy Hashtable Pin
RickardB12-Feb-04 19:06
RickardB12-Feb-04 19:06 
GeneralRe: Deep copy Hashtable Pin
Heath Stewart13-Feb-04 3:31
protectorHeath Stewart13-Feb-04 3:31 
GeneralListing the tables of MS Access (Error is This) Pin
Daminda11-Feb-04 17:14
Daminda11-Feb-04 17:14 
GeneralRe: Listing the tables of MS Access (Error is This) Pin
krisp11-Feb-04 19:34
krisp11-Feb-04 19:34 
GeneralWhile we're on the subject of language constructs Pin
Tom Clement11-Feb-04 16:27
professionalTom Clement11-Feb-04 16:27 
GeneralRe: While we're on the subject of language constructs Pin
krisp11-Feb-04 16:47
krisp11-Feb-04 16:47 
GeneralRe: While we're on the subject of language constructs Pin
Kentamanos11-Feb-04 16:54
Kentamanos11-Feb-04 16:54 
GeneralRe: While we're on the subject of language constructs Pin
Tom Clement11-Feb-04 17:07
professionalTom Clement11-Feb-04 17:07 

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