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GeneralRe: We are inviting you to hotdotnet. Pin
Uwe Keim11-Feb-04 1:43
sitebuilderUwe Keim11-Feb-04 1:43 
GeneralBinding array to combobox Pin
Anonymous10-Feb-04 20:05
Anonymous10-Feb-04 20:05 
QuestionPanel Control covering my other controls... IDE BUG? Pin
gordingin10-Feb-04 16:15
gordingin10-Feb-04 16:15 
AnswerRe: Panel Control covering my other controls... IDE BUG? Pin
Heath Stewart11-Feb-04 3:14
protectorHeath Stewart11-Feb-04 3:14 
GeneralC# communication with events Pin
MusicAlly10-Feb-04 14:45
MusicAlly10-Feb-04 14:45 
GeneralRe: C# communication with events Pin
Kentamanos10-Feb-04 15:35
Kentamanos10-Feb-04 15:35 
GeneralRe: C# communication with events Pin
MusicAlly10-Feb-04 16:54
MusicAlly10-Feb-04 16:54 
GeneralRe: C# communication with events Pin
Heath Stewart11-Feb-04 3:52
protectorHeath Stewart11-Feb-04 3:52 
A similar way is possible using an object-oriented framework like .NET. Instead of thinking procedurally, though, thing about how these objects react with each other, or with other objects.

For instance, you could code an event on the object that starts all the threads, for which they would handle. You should invoke these delegates attached to the event in an asynchronous manner, most likely. You could also add events to the threaded object but then the invoking class has to keep track of them and add and remove delegates. The first way makes more sense.

One thing that may help is that the C# compiler (I believe the VB.NET compilers does as well) generates synchronous (Invoke) and asynchronous invocation methods (BeginInvoke, EndInvoke). that are visible in the code editor when the delegates are declared in the current project. For more on asynchronous calls in .NET, see Including Asynchronous Calls[^] in the .NET Framework SDK.

It seem, though, like you are headed in the right direction. The only thing you have to watch out for is that you invoke the methods from the calling thread in the thread that contains the object.


Microsoft MVP, Visual C#
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GeneralRe: VS-style colors Pin
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GeneralRe: VS-style colors Pin
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GeneralRe: Debugging into a reference Pin
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GeneralRe: Debugging into a reference Pin
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GeneralRe: Debugging into a reference Pin
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protectorHeath Stewart10-Feb-04 11:35 
GeneralRe: Debugging into a reference Pin
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Generalparallel port Pin
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Member 87345210-Feb-04 7:51 
GeneralRe: parallel port Pin
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GeneralRe: parallel port Pin
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