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GeneralRe: C# exceptions not showing filename/line numbers (PDB issue?) Pin
Arun Bhalla3-Feb-04 7:49
Arun Bhalla3-Feb-04 7:49 
GeneralRe: C# exceptions not showing filename/line numbers (PDB issue?) Pin
Heath Stewart3-Feb-04 8:49
protectorHeath Stewart3-Feb-04 8:49 
GeneralRe: C# exceptions not showing filename/line numbers (PDB issue?) Pin
Arun Bhalla3-Feb-04 10:26
Arun Bhalla3-Feb-04 10:26 
GeneralRe: C# exceptions not showing filename/line numbers (PDB issue?) Pin
Heath Stewart3-Feb-04 10:32
protectorHeath Stewart3-Feb-04 10:32 
GeneralRe: C# exceptions not showing filename/line numbers (PDB issue?) Pin
Arun Bhalla3-Feb-04 11:08
Arun Bhalla3-Feb-04 11:08 
GeneralRe: C# exceptions not showing filename/line numbers (PDB issue?) Pin
Heath Stewart3-Feb-04 11:15
protectorHeath Stewart3-Feb-04 11:15 
GeneralWinForms app displays differently on different computers. Pin
~michL~2-Feb-04 12:47
~michL~2-Feb-04 12:47 
GeneralRe: WinForms app displays differently on different computers. Pin
Heath Stewart3-Feb-04 5:29
protectorHeath Stewart3-Feb-04 5:29 
~michL~ wrote:
Any ideas on what could be going on here???

Screen resolution.

Since .NET uses pixels and pixels display differently on different resolutions, the layout of the form can't truly be garaunteed. This is why some languages like VB6 (and below) use twips, points, and other logical units. The anchoring won't matter in this case because the initial positions and sizes of the controls are correct in relation to pixels. It's pretty hard to explain.

I've actually never seen that big of a problem before. What resolution are you using? What resolution is the other machine using?

If necessary, you can always P/Invoke the GetDeviceCaps native function (for which the SystemInformationClass does, but doesn't support everything) and get the number of pixels per whatever logical unit you like. The reason it works when you use RDP (termainal services) is because you can specify a resolution in which to work when you connect. The graphics card on the target machine should support your target resolution, so you might want to try using that resolution locally on that machine.


Microsoft MVP, Visual C#
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GeneralRe: WinForms app displays differently on different computers. Pin
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GeneralRe: WinForms app displays differently on different computers. Pin
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GeneralRe: Updating table from datatable Pin
Heath Stewart2-Feb-04 12:01
protectorHeath Stewart2-Feb-04 12:01 
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Gary Kirkham2-Feb-04 11:23 
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protectorHeath Stewart2-Feb-04 12:06 
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Alex Korchemniy2-Feb-04 11:04 
GeneralCOM/C# datatype mismatch Pin
KingTermite2-Feb-04 10:26
KingTermite2-Feb-04 10:26 
GeneralRe: COM/C# datatype mismatch Pin
Heath Stewart2-Feb-04 10:29
protectorHeath Stewart2-Feb-04 10:29 
GeneralRe: COM/C# datatype mismatch Pin
KingTermite2-Feb-04 10:59
KingTermite2-Feb-04 10:59 
GeneralRe: COM/C# datatype mismatch Pin
Heath Stewart2-Feb-04 11:01
protectorHeath Stewart2-Feb-04 11:01 

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