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QuestionGood PDF Viewer control? Pin
Alex Korchemniy2-Feb-04 11:04
Alex Korchemniy2-Feb-04 11:04 
GeneralCOM/C# datatype mismatch Pin
KingTermite2-Feb-04 10:26
KingTermite2-Feb-04 10:26 
GeneralRe: COM/C# datatype mismatch Pin
Heath Stewart2-Feb-04 10:29
protectorHeath Stewart2-Feb-04 10:29 
GeneralRe: COM/C# datatype mismatch Pin
KingTermite2-Feb-04 10:59
KingTermite2-Feb-04 10:59 
GeneralRe: COM/C# datatype mismatch Pin
Heath Stewart2-Feb-04 11:01
protectorHeath Stewart2-Feb-04 11:01 
GeneralRe: COM/C# datatype mismatch Pin
KingTermite2-Feb-04 11:09
KingTermite2-Feb-04 11:09 
GeneralRe: COM/C# datatype mismatch Pin
Heath Stewart2-Feb-04 11:14
protectorHeath Stewart2-Feb-04 11:14 
GeneralRe: COM/C# datatype mismatch Pin
KingTermite2-Feb-04 11:40
KingTermite2-Feb-04 11:40 
Sorry...I'm lost. I found the command line version of the tlbimp.exe but didn't have much success. I ran it on the vb COM dll (it was created such that type library is built in I'm told), and it created an "imported" version of the dll in the program files\common files\....1033\nt directory. When I tried viewing that type library it couldn't load it.

I don't see the option to do what you are saying VS.Net.

If you (or anybody) and just mention that a bit more, I'd appreciate it. I have to run now, but I'll check again 1st thing in am.

Thanks for all your help so far. Smile | :)

There are only 10 types of people in this world....those that understand binary, and those that do not.
GeneralRe: COM/C# datatype mismatch Pin
Heath Stewart2-Feb-04 11:49
protectorHeath Stewart2-Feb-04 11:49 
GeneralRe: COM/C# datatype mismatch Pin
KingTermite3-Feb-04 3:24
KingTermite3-Feb-04 3:24 
GeneralRe: COM/C# datatype mismatch Pin
Heath Stewart3-Feb-04 3:44
protectorHeath Stewart3-Feb-04 3:44 
GeneralRe: COM/C# datatype mismatch Pin
KingTermite3-Feb-04 4:04
KingTermite3-Feb-04 4:04 
GeneralRe: COM/C# datatype mismatch Pin
Heath Stewart3-Feb-04 4:26
protectorHeath Stewart3-Feb-04 4:26 
GeneralRe: COM/C# datatype mismatch Pin
KingTermite3-Feb-04 4:40
KingTermite3-Feb-04 4:40 
GeneralRe: COM/C# datatype mismatch Pin
KingTermite4-Feb-04 7:28
KingTermite4-Feb-04 7:28 
GeneralCalling a .NET Component from a COM Component Pin
Shahin772-Feb-04 9:11
Shahin772-Feb-04 9:11 
GeneralRe: Calling a .NET Component from a COM Component Pin
Heath Stewart2-Feb-04 9:57
protectorHeath Stewart2-Feb-04 9:57 
GeneralRe: Calling a .NET Component from a COM Component Pin
Shahin772-Feb-04 11:12
Shahin772-Feb-04 11:12 
GeneralRe: Calling a .NET Component from a COM Component Pin
Heath Stewart2-Feb-04 11:45
protectorHeath Stewart2-Feb-04 11:45 
GeneralUrgent help (Calling a .NET Component from a COM Component) Pin
Shahin773-Feb-04 4:16
Shahin773-Feb-04 4:16 
GeneralRe: Urgent help (Calling a .NET Component from a COM Component) Pin
Heath Stewart3-Feb-04 6:30
protectorHeath Stewart3-Feb-04 6:30 
GeneralRe: Urgent help (Calling a .NET Component from a COM Component) Pin
Shahin774-Feb-04 6:48
Shahin774-Feb-04 6:48 
GeneralRe: Urgent help (Calling a .NET Component from a COM Component) Pin
Heath Stewart4-Feb-04 7:04
protectorHeath Stewart4-Feb-04 7:04 
GeneralRe: Urgent help (Calling a .NET Component from a COM Component) Pin
Shahin774-Feb-04 7:42
Shahin774-Feb-04 7:42 
GeneralRe: Urgent help (Calling a .NET Component from a COM Component) Pin
Heath Stewart4-Feb-04 8:41
protectorHeath Stewart4-Feb-04 8:41 

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