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GeneralRe: Change Color of CheckedListBox's Item Pin
hxxbin28-Jan-04 4:46
hxxbin28-Jan-04 4:46 
GeneralRemove/hide scrollbar in listbox Pin
Fleischen27-Jan-04 9:18
Fleischen27-Jan-04 9:18 
GeneralRe: Remove/hide scrollbar in listbox Pin
Mazdak27-Jan-04 9:22
Mazdak27-Jan-04 9:22 
GeneralRe: Remove/hide scrollbar in listbox Pin
Fleischen27-Jan-04 9:39
Fleischen27-Jan-04 9:39 
GeneralRe: Remove/hide scrollbar in listbox Pin
Heath Stewart27-Jan-04 11:30
protectorHeath Stewart27-Jan-04 11:30 
GeneralRe: Remove/hide scrollbar in listbox Pin
Fleischen27-Jan-04 21:15
Fleischen27-Jan-04 21:15 
GeneralRe: Remove/hide scrollbar in listbox Pin
Heath Stewart28-Jan-04 5:21
protectorHeath Stewart28-Jan-04 5:21 
GeneralC# Web Service with Oracle Pin
Chris Meech27-Jan-04 9:08
Chris Meech27-Jan-04 9:08 
After a couple of frustrating days, my webservice is still not operational. Since I believe that the error message 'DLL not found (oci.dll)' was not the real problem, but having no ideas of what to try next, I converted my C# code from using the Oracle classes to using the Odbc classes. I'm now getting an HTTP 500 error 'Internal Server Error' when I invoke my web service. Besides the web server log that also indicates this same error, is there any other logging information that I could use to figure out what could be wrong. Thanks for any thoughts (and condolences Smile | :) ).

Chris Meech

We're more like a hobbiest in a Home Depot drooling at all the shiny power tools, rather than a craftsman that makes the chair to an exacting level of comfort by measuring the customer's butt. Marc Clifton

VB is like a toolbox, in the hands of a craftsman, you can end up with some amazing stuff, but without the skills to use it right you end up with Homer Simpson's attempt at building a barbeque or his attempt at a Spice rack. Michael P. Butler
GeneralRe: C# Web Service with Oracle Pin
Mazdak27-Jan-04 9:18
Mazdak27-Jan-04 9:18 
GeneralRe: C# Web Service with Oracle Pin
Chris Meech27-Jan-04 9:31
Chris Meech27-Jan-04 9:31 
GeneralRe: C# Web Service with Oracle Pin
Mazdak27-Jan-04 9:39
Mazdak27-Jan-04 9:39 
GeneralRe: C# Web Service with Oracle Pin
Chris Meech27-Jan-04 9:51
Chris Meech27-Jan-04 9:51 
GeneralRe: C# Web Service with Oracle Pin
Mazdak27-Jan-04 10:02
Mazdak27-Jan-04 10:02 
GeneralRe: C# Web Service with Oracle Pin
Chris Meech28-Jan-04 4:07
Chris Meech28-Jan-04 4:07 
GeneralRe: C# Web Service with Oracle Pin
Mazdak28-Jan-04 4:32
Mazdak28-Jan-04 4:32 
GeneralRe: C# Web Service with Oracle Pin
Chris Meech28-Jan-04 4:46
Chris Meech28-Jan-04 4:46 
GeneralRe: C# Web Service with Oracle Pin
Guillermo Rivero27-Jan-04 10:13
Guillermo Rivero27-Jan-04 10:13 
GeneralRe: C# Web Service with Oracle Pin
Chris Meech28-Jan-04 3:34
Chris Meech28-Jan-04 3:34 
GeneralRe: C# Web Service with Oracle Pin
Guillermo Rivero28-Jan-04 4:22
Guillermo Rivero28-Jan-04 4:22 
GeneralRe: C# Web Service with Oracle Pin
Chris Meech28-Jan-04 4:58
Chris Meech28-Jan-04 4:58 
GeneralRe: C# Web Service with Oracle Pin
Chris Meech28-Jan-04 7:18
Chris Meech28-Jan-04 7:18 
GeneralRe: C# Web Service with Oracle Pin
Guillermo Rivero28-Jan-04 7:38
Guillermo Rivero28-Jan-04 7:38 
GeneralRe: C# Web Service with Oracle Pin
Chris Meech28-Jan-04 8:30
Chris Meech28-Jan-04 8:30 
GeneralRe: C# Web Service with Oracle Pin
Guillermo Rivero30-Jan-04 2:43
Guillermo Rivero30-Jan-04 2:43 
GeneralRe: C# Web Service with Oracle Pin
Chris Meech30-Jan-04 6:05
Chris Meech30-Jan-04 6:05 

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