- Internet Explorer uses the WebBrowser object, so there really is no difference. The InternetExplorer automation server is just an out-of-process container for the WebBrowser control (which hosts and provides services to MSHTML). So no, it won't fetch pages any faster.
- Settings for the WebBrowser control (and many affect MSHTML in general) are global. Only a few things like printer settings can you override on a per-instance basis. You can use the hosting interfaces, however, to control a few aspects of the WebBrowser control, such as the context menus, URL resolution when a link is clicked, and several other things. See Using MSHTML Advanced Hosting Interfaces[^] for more information.
Version: 3.21
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I am working on a project in which we have to provide a UI to user in which all frames belonging to a selected mpeg2 video file are displayed. User then assign some attribute to each frame and then we have to store that video with those attributes added to each frame. Can any one give some idea about libraries or API's or controls which can help us.
hey guys i have a question
i have a project that uses voice wich input to the pc through microphone so i need to know how to catch voice from the mic and deal with it as binary bits using C# code
thanks to u all
You can use the Microsoft Speech SDK[^], although it's still in beta stages. You can use older versions but they rely on COM components for the most part that you can use from your .NET applications through a COM interop assembly (which you can generate through VS.NET or using tlbimp.exe for typelibs and aximp.exe for ActiveX controls. There are several ActiveX controls included, but you will need to redistribute the Speech runtime in order for users to use this (there are Merge Modules for Windows Installer projects available).
Version: 3.21
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hey i'm doing a project which enables the user to control windows through voice (Ex:-if the users says open word it should open MSWord), i want to know how this can be done.
thank you
I had written a windows servcie which creates a message queue .I write some data into the queue & read it back when the receive _completed event is fired.
I have 2 issues:
1) I can write a single msg into the Queue & read it back from my service .If I view under in Computer Management - Service & Applications - Message queuing -private queues , I get the msg " Access Denied".
2) How do I write approximately 100 msgs into the queue continuously & read it back one by one.
Can Anybody help me with these issue?
Thanks in advance
It depends on what kind of queue you created. If you've created a private queue, then the queue runs under the permissions configured for the Windows Service. If you're running the service as the LocalSystem account, you won't be able to access it. Same goes if you're running it as another user, unless you impersonate that user access will be denied. Create a public queue instead.
As far as writing messages continuously while reading them, you should create a separate thread or threads for writing to the queue or use asynchronous calls to send messages while you continue reading them one by one (which is all you can do since they are queued).
Version: 3.21
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A have a panel which contain several objects which are lager than the panel. The autoscroll setting is set true.
How can i now enable the scroll wheel of my mouse for scrolling througt the panel.
Jonathan Slenders
The Panel (or any control deriving from ScrollableControl and most other controls with scroll bars) already supports the scroll wheel. Check your mouse settings in the Mouse control panel applets in your Control Panel folder. Make sure it recognizes the mouse and is using the correct driver, and make sure the scroll wheel settings are correct.
Version: 3.21
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Subclass your panel using System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow. Process the WM_MOUSEWHEEL message.
I am new to office development so I have a question. I have a database where rtf files are stored in image filed. From my application I need to show this rtf document in word application. I think I have to use office application PIA's.
One solution would be to save this image filed (rtf document) in some temp directory but then I would not be able to delete this file becouse I would not know when the user would stop using it.
So is there a way I can open this image field (rtf file as System.Byte[]) in word application not saving it before on physical drive?
thenx a lot
Why don't you show them in a RichTextBox if they are i RTF format ? With its LoadFile() function you can show stream of data.
No sig. available now.
If this is only RTF, you could use System.Text.Encoding.ASCII or System.Text.Encoding.Unicode (depending on how the RTF is stored) to convert to byte[] array to text and assign it to the RichTextBox.Rtf property.
If you need to use Word instead, you'll have to save this to a temporary file. The only way to load a stream is with a structured storage document, which RTF isn't (only compound documents like Word Documents are). Since you would be using the Office PIAs, however, you'll have to create an instance of Word.Application. Since you have that reference, you can attach events to know when the application is closed, or even if a document is closed. In this event handler, you can delete the temporary file.
Version: 3.21
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thenx you both, it really helped me a lot. I do not know but I forgot about such a thing as RichTextBox!!
Hi, I'd like to pass files to the default mail user agent.
What trying to do exactry is to do the same in Windows XP (Open "My Pictures" and select files then click on "E-mail this file" link in the task pane menu on the left).
If you know a good way to solve, please let me know.
Thanks in advance for your kindness.
ShellExecute(0,"open","mailto:?file=\"c:\autoexec.bat\"", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
Where can i find the shellexecute function
(which namespace)
Jonathan Slenders
ShellExecute is one of shell functions so you have to import it via DllImport ,so check for it in MSDN. But I don't know why he didn't recommend you the .NET way: Process.Start()
No sig. available now.
Does Process.Start() can handle it? If you know how to, please let me know.
What I am trying to is to emulate one of Windows XP function ("e-mail this file").
FYI: http://www.codeproject.com/managedcpp/pinvoke.asp
Thanks > Dmitriy,
However I'm not willing to use P/Invoke. I haven't tested yet but I'd like to use managed code.
I tried with Process.Start() but no luck so far.
Is there any other way?
#BTW: Is following command (with cmd.exe) can be used to test?
cmd> explorer.exe mailto:?file=\"c:\autoexec.bat"
You can do it either way using the following:
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
public class Send
private static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length != 1) return;
ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo();
psi.UseShellExecute = true;
psi.FileName = string.Concat("mailto:?file=", Path.Combine(
psi.FileName = psi.FileName.Replace(" ", "%20");
Console.WriteLine("Executing '{0}'...", psi.FileName);
} The problem with this method is that not every client (like Outlook) support the file segment in a URL this way.
If you want to do this the right way, you'll have to use MAPI which most major email readers support (in order to be a default mail reader, they have to). There are several articles on this on CodeProject. Just try this search: http://www.codeproject.com/info/search.asp?cats=3&cats=5&searchkw=MAPI[^].
Version: 3.21
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Thanks a lot.
I'll read the articles of MAPI. I hope I don't have to import MAPI32.DLL.
I'm just starting to get my teeth in to C# and so far I think its going quite well. I used to do quite a bit of coding in Delphi which brings me on to my current problem.
In Delphi you used to be able to create your own class using a Thread class as its base
<br />
-------------------------------- <br />
TMyClass = Class(TThread) <br />
.... <br />
Public <br />
FVariable : string; <br />
End; <br />
<br />
Var<br />
MyClass : TMyClass; <br />
<br />
MyClass := TMyClass.Create(True); <br />
MyClass.FVariable := 'Test'; <br />
-------------------------------- <br />
MyClass now has all the functions/procedures and variables of a normal thread class. I would like to do the same thing in C# but I can't inherit from system.threading.thread because it's sealed. I suspect there might be another approach to this but I can't find much on google. I guess I am not searching for the right things here. I guess I'm trying to do this the Delphi way when I should be doing them the C# way!!!
Any ideas anyone?
In C# threads are handled differently. You create an instance of System.Threading.Thread and pass ThreadStart delegate to the constructor. ThreadStart delegate represents a method that thread will run.
public static void RunMe()
public static Main()
Thread myTread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(RunMe));