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GeneralExecutiveNonQuery() returns 0 Pin
hkl27-Jan-04 11:53
hkl27-Jan-04 11:53 
GeneralSQL Query (on access) Pin
Jeremy Pullicino26-Jan-04 23:11
Jeremy Pullicino26-Jan-04 23:11 
GeneralRe: SQL Query (on access) Pin
Guillermo Rivero27-Jan-04 2:22
Guillermo Rivero27-Jan-04 2:22 
GeneralRe: SQL Query (on access) Pin
-Dr_X-27-Jan-04 2:28
-Dr_X-27-Jan-04 2:28 
GeneralSQL Server - sa password Pin
Kant26-Jan-04 10:04
Kant26-Jan-04 10:04 
GeneralRe: SQL Server - sa password Pin
Mazdak26-Jan-04 10:10
Mazdak26-Jan-04 10:10 
GeneralRe: SQL Server - sa password Pin
Kant26-Jan-04 11:19
Kant26-Jan-04 11:19 
Generaltry to get trigger_body over 32KB size Pin
yu-yu25-Jan-04 14:43
yu-yu25-Jan-04 14:43 
Hi I have a question of database.
If you have some solutions, please tell me.

Now I'm developing tool getting and filing trigger_body from database using ODP.NET. As a ODP.NET case, I can set fetch size value, so I set value. But Trigger_body I'd like to get is heavy, so I couldn't get it all( I could get 80%).
I investigated ODP.NET, I noticed there is maximum fetch size is exist(32KB).
So I am looking for how to get it using .NET Framework and etc.
I usually use Toad, this have a function display trigger_body. So I tried to display trigger_body over 32KB. I got it. I noticed that how to get trigger_body over 32KB was exist using program.

thank you in advance for your kindness.

best regards,

GeneralRe: try to get trigger_body over 32KB size Pin
Guillermo Rivero25-Jan-04 16:06
Guillermo Rivero25-Jan-04 16:06 
GeneralRe: try to get trigger_body over 32KB size Pin
yu-yu25-Jan-04 17:30
yu-yu25-Jan-04 17:30 
GeneralRe: try to get trigger_body over 32KB size Pin
Guillermo Rivero26-Jan-04 3:20
Guillermo Rivero26-Jan-04 3:20 
GeneralRe: try to get trigger_body over 32KB size Pin
yu-yu26-Jan-04 20:24
yu-yu26-Jan-04 20:24 
GeneralRe: try to get trigger_body over 32KB size Pin
Guillermo Rivero27-Jan-04 2:17
Guillermo Rivero27-Jan-04 2:17 
GeneralRe: try to get trigger_body over 32KB size Pin
yu-yu27-Jan-04 15:33
yu-yu27-Jan-04 15:33 
GeneralRe: try to get trigger_body over 32KB size Pin
yu-yu28-Jan-04 0:00
yu-yu28-Jan-04 0:00 
GeneralRe: try to get trigger_body over 32KB size Pin
Guillermo Rivero28-Jan-04 4:42
Guillermo Rivero28-Jan-04 4:42 
GeneralRe: try to get trigger_body over 32KB size Pin
yu-yu28-Jan-04 14:43
yu-yu28-Jan-04 14:43 
GeneralRe: try to get trigger_body over 32KB size Pin
Guillermo Rivero29-Jan-04 2:01
Guillermo Rivero29-Jan-04 2:01 
GeneralRe: try to get trigger_body over 32KB size Pin
yu-yu29-Jan-04 3:58
yu-yu29-Jan-04 3:58 
GeneralRe: try to get trigger_body over 32KB size Pin
Guillermo Rivero29-Jan-04 4:21
Guillermo Rivero29-Jan-04 4:21 
GeneralDataTable Pin
Guinness4Strength25-Jan-04 7:16
Guinness4Strength25-Jan-04 7:16 
GeneralRe: DataTable Pin
-Dr_X-25-Jan-04 8:22
-Dr_X-25-Jan-04 8:22 
GeneralRe: DataTable Pin
Rein Hillmann25-Jan-04 21:01
Rein Hillmann25-Jan-04 21:01 
Generalseach or rowfilter by word Pin
Member 76660824-Jan-04 12:11
Member 76660824-Jan-04 12:11 
GeneralRe: seach or rowfilter by word Pin
-Dr_X-24-Jan-04 14:17
-Dr_X-24-Jan-04 14:17 

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