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GeneralRe: Multithreading issue Pin
Heath Stewart26-Jan-04 2:54
protectorHeath Stewart26-Jan-04 2:54 
GeneralWierd irregularities between C# and Pin
dalm25-Jan-04 8:44
dalm25-Jan-04 8:44 
GeneralRe: Wierd irregularities between C# and Pin
Nick Parker25-Jan-04 9:14
protectorNick Parker25-Jan-04 9:14 
Questionhow to avoid panel flicker ? Pin
Member 1088757825-Jan-04 6:11
Member 1088757825-Jan-04 6:11 
AnswerRe: how to avoid panel flicker ? Pin
colderthanfusion25-Jan-04 11:04
colderthanfusion25-Jan-04 11:04 
GeneralRe: how to avoid panel flicker ? Pin
JockerSoft26-Jan-04 4:40
JockerSoft26-Jan-04 4:40 
QuestionHow can I get the name of current theme from OS? Pin
rafamarmar25-Jan-04 5:22
rafamarmar25-Jan-04 5:22 
AnswerRe: How can I get the name of current theme from OS? Pin
Hauptman(n)25-Jan-04 6:11
Hauptman(n)25-Jan-04 6:11 
look out for WMI. It's in the Namespace System.Management

scio me nihil scire
My OpenSource(zlib/libpng License) Engine:
Its incurable, its a Pentium division failure.
AnswerRe: How can I get the name of current theme from OS? Pin
Nick Parker25-Jan-04 6:23
protectorNick Parker25-Jan-04 6:23 
AnswerRe: How can I get the name of current theme from OS? Pin
Heath Stewart26-Jan-04 2:41
protectorHeath Stewart26-Jan-04 2:41 
GeneralCompiling .aspx.cs and .cs files in visual studio .net Pin
Member 52585824-Jan-04 22:14
Member 52585824-Jan-04 22:14 
GeneralRe: Compiling .aspx.cs and .cs files in visual studio .net Pin
OmegaSupreme25-Jan-04 3:30
OmegaSupreme25-Jan-04 3:30 
GeneralRe: Compiling .aspx.cs and .cs files in visual studio .net Pin
Member 52585825-Jan-04 19:19
Member 52585825-Jan-04 19:19 
GeneralRe: Compiling .aspx.cs and .cs files in visual studio .net Pin
Heath Stewart26-Jan-04 2:32
protectorHeath Stewart26-Jan-04 2:32 XML deserialisation and properties Pin
dalm24-Jan-04 13:10
dalm24-Jan-04 13:10 
GeneralRe: .net XML deserialisation and properties Pin
Heath Stewart26-Jan-04 2:25
protectorHeath Stewart26-Jan-04 2:25 
GeneralProblem with Calendar control Pin
Alex Korchemniy24-Jan-04 10:18
Alex Korchemniy24-Jan-04 10:18 
GeneralRichTextBox question.. Pin
Fredrik7924-Jan-04 9:08
Fredrik7924-Jan-04 9:08 
GeneralRe: RichTextBox question.. Pin
Mazdak24-Jan-04 10:10
Mazdak24-Jan-04 10:10 
GeneralRe: RichTextBox question.. Pin
Nick Parker25-Jan-04 5:45
protectorNick Parker25-Jan-04 5:45 
GeneralRe: RichTextBox question.. Pin
Fredrik7925-Jan-04 5:58
Fredrik7925-Jan-04 5:58 
GeneralRe: RichTextBox question.. Pin
Nick Parker25-Jan-04 7:41
protectorNick Parker25-Jan-04 7:41 
Generalchecking dynamically which control is clicked Pin
Inam24-Jan-04 6:41
Inam24-Jan-04 6:41 
GeneralRe: checking dynamically which control is clicked Pin
Alex Korchemniy24-Jan-04 6:56
Alex Korchemniy24-Jan-04 6:56 
GeneralRe: checking dynamically which control is clicked Pin
Dmitriy Kostovetskiy24-Jan-04 13:32
Dmitriy Kostovetskiy24-Jan-04 13:32 

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