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GeneralRe: Check for the dialog box. Pin
Heath Stewart23-Jan-04 8:26
protectorHeath Stewart23-Jan-04 8:26 
GeneralServer 2003 DDK, ZMODEM Pin
Shahin7723-Jan-04 5:51
Shahin7723-Jan-04 5:51 
GeneralRe: Server 2003 DDK, ZMODEM Pin
leppie23-Jan-04 6:01
leppie23-Jan-04 6:01 
GeneralRe: Server 2003 DDK, ZMODEM Pin
Shahin7723-Jan-04 6:31
Shahin7723-Jan-04 6:31 
GeneralRe: Server 2003 DDK, ZMODEM Pin
Heath Stewart23-Jan-04 6:38
protectorHeath Stewart23-Jan-04 6:38 
GeneralRe: Server 2003 DDK, ZMODEM Pin
leppie23-Jan-04 9:02
leppie23-Jan-04 9:02 
Generalneed to import weird C struct Pin
sammyh23-Jan-04 5:28
sammyh23-Jan-04 5:28 
GeneralRe: need to import weird C struct Pin
Heath Stewart23-Jan-04 5:40
protectorHeath Stewart23-Jan-04 5:40 
The XY and LP structs are easy:
public struct XY
  public double x;
  public double y;
public struct LP
  public double lam;
  public double phi;
If you look at the PJconsts struct, though, it's actually being used as a class (possible in C++). You should instead define this as a class, keeping in mind that anything declared as a class is a reference Type already, so you don't need a pointer to it. If you need to pass a reference to a value type (like structs, for example), use either the out or ref keyword, depending on whether or not the param is defined as [out] or [in,out] respectively.


Version: 3.21
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GeneralRe: need to import weird C struct Pin
sammyh23-Jan-04 6:00
sammyh23-Jan-04 6:00 
GeneralRe: need to import weird C struct Pin
Heath Stewart23-Jan-04 6:08
protectorHeath Stewart23-Jan-04 6:08 
GeneralRe: need to import weird C struct Pin
leppie23-Jan-04 6:08
leppie23-Jan-04 6:08 
GeneralRe: need to import weird C struct Pin
sammyh23-Jan-04 8:27
sammyh23-Jan-04 8:27 
GeneralRe: need to import weird C struct Pin
leppie23-Jan-04 8:47
leppie23-Jan-04 8:47 
GeneralRe: need to import weird C struct Pin
sammyh23-Jan-04 9:25
sammyh23-Jan-04 9:25 
Questionhow do i enable directx? Pin
godzooky23-Jan-04 5:20
godzooky23-Jan-04 5:20 
AnswerRe: how do i enable directx? Pin
sammyh23-Jan-04 5:33
sammyh23-Jan-04 5:33 
AnswerRe: how do i enable directx? Pin
Heath Stewart23-Jan-04 5:35
protectorHeath Stewart23-Jan-04 5:35 
GeneralRe: how do i enable directx? Pin
godzooky23-Jan-04 6:13
godzooky23-Jan-04 6:13 
GeneralRe: how do i enable directx? Pin
Heath Stewart23-Jan-04 6:34
protectorHeath Stewart23-Jan-04 6:34 
GeneralRe: how do i enable directx? Pin
AllanC123-Jan-04 17:34
AllanC123-Jan-04 17:34 
GeneralNeed help from someone with C++ background Pin
J. Eric Vaughan23-Jan-04 4:39
J. Eric Vaughan23-Jan-04 4:39 
GeneralRe: Need help from someone with C++ background Pin
Heath Stewart23-Jan-04 5:17
protectorHeath Stewart23-Jan-04 5:17 
GeneralRe: Need help from someone with C++ background Pin
J. Eric Vaughan23-Jan-04 6:33
J. Eric Vaughan23-Jan-04 6:33 
GeneralRe: Need help from someone with C++ background Pin
Heath Stewart23-Jan-04 6:36
protectorHeath Stewart23-Jan-04 6:36 
GeneralRe: Need help from someone with C++ background Pin
J. Eric Vaughan23-Jan-04 8:42
J. Eric Vaughan23-Jan-04 8:42 

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