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GeneralClickity Pin
Colin Angus Mackay21-Jan-04 13:38
Colin Angus Mackay21-Jan-04 13:38 
GeneralRe: Yet another C# Quiz Pin
Colin Angus Mackay21-Jan-04 13:49
Colin Angus Mackay21-Jan-04 13:49 
GeneralRe: Yet another C# Quiz Pin
5.5 cents21-Jan-04 14:05
suss5.5 cents21-Jan-04 14:05 
GeneralRe: Yet another C# Quiz Pin
Heath Stewart21-Jan-04 17:36
protectorHeath Stewart21-Jan-04 17:36 
GeneralRe: Yet another C# Quiz Pin
5.5 cents25-Jan-04 17:52
suss5.5 cents25-Jan-04 17:52 
Generalobj/<name>.pdb problems Pin
Arch Stanton21-Jan-04 13:01
Arch Stanton21-Jan-04 13:01 
GeneralRe: obj/<name>.pdb problems Pin
LongRange.Shooter22-Jan-04 9:19
LongRange.Shooter22-Jan-04 9:19 
GeneralRe: obj/<name>.pdb problems Pin
Arch Stanton22-Jan-04 14:13
Arch Stanton22-Jan-04 14:13 
More info. This happens with code behind a Windows Form. When this problem arises, close all of the Windows Forms documents in the IDE and the file is released by whatever is holding it. Seems like a bug...

Thanks for the reply, but I don't have FXCop and the above seems to negate 'a'. I'm puzzled.Confused | :confused:

Generalbackground program to capture a key press Pin
mikemilano21-Jan-04 11:51
mikemilano21-Jan-04 11:51 
GeneralRe: background program to capture a key press Pin
Heath Stewart21-Jan-04 17:32
protectorHeath Stewart21-Jan-04 17:32 
GeneralLooking for IT Professionals on H1B Visa Transfer/Faster GreenCard Processing Pin
Keith_00221-Jan-04 10:39
Keith_00221-Jan-04 10:39 
GeneralInternationalization in C# Pin
Member 16792721-Jan-04 10:29
Member 16792721-Jan-04 10:29 
GeneralRe: Internationalization in C# Pin
Heath Stewart21-Jan-04 11:16
protectorHeath Stewart21-Jan-04 11:16 
GeneralReferencing a control Pin
Daniel Negron21-Jan-04 10:25
Daniel Negron21-Jan-04 10:25 
GeneralRe: Referencing a control Pin
Heath Stewart21-Jan-04 11:08
protectorHeath Stewart21-Jan-04 11:08 
QuestionModal UserControl, exist some way? Pin
Palladino21-Jan-04 8:48
Palladino21-Jan-04 8:48 
AnswerRe: Modal UserControl, exist some way? Pin
Mazdak21-Jan-04 9:04
Mazdak21-Jan-04 9:04 
AnswerRe: Modal UserControl, exist some way? Pin
Heath Stewart21-Jan-04 11:05
protectorHeath Stewart21-Jan-04 11:05 
GeneralProblem inserting data into a database from a textbox Pin
kymyatha21-Jan-04 7:59
kymyatha21-Jan-04 7:59 
GeneralRe: Problem inserting data into a database from a textbox Pin
Guillermo Rivero21-Jan-04 8:03
Guillermo Rivero21-Jan-04 8:03 
GeneralRe: Problem inserting data into a database from a textbox Pin
Mazdak21-Jan-04 8:05
Mazdak21-Jan-04 8:05 
GeneralRe: Problem inserting data into a database from a textbox Pin
Heath Stewart21-Jan-04 8:22
protectorHeath Stewart21-Jan-04 8:22 
GeneralRe: Problem inserting data into a database from a textbox Pin
gmu0421-Jan-04 22:26
gmu0421-Jan-04 22:26 
QuestionRaw socket handling tcp syn without SIO_RCVALL ? Pin
rantanplanisback21-Jan-04 7:42
rantanplanisback21-Jan-04 7:42 
GeneralArrayList Pin
hornshoj21-Jan-04 7:41
hornshoj21-Jan-04 7:41 

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