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GeneralRe: Base Control for ToolBox, Solution & Properties "Panels" Pin
LongRange.Shooter22-Jan-04 9:11
LongRange.Shooter22-Jan-04 9:11 
GeneralFind if input is already MD5 encrypted ! Pin
pahluwalia22-Jan-04 4:08
pahluwalia22-Jan-04 4:08 
GeneralRe: Find if input is already MD5 encrypted ! Pin
Heath Stewart22-Jan-04 4:29
protectorHeath Stewart22-Jan-04 4:29 
Generalnewbie question Pin
bouli22-Jan-04 3:54
bouli22-Jan-04 3:54 
GeneralRe: newbie question Pin
Colin Angus Mackay22-Jan-04 4:07
Colin Angus Mackay22-Jan-04 4:07 
GeneralRe: newbie question Pin
bouli22-Jan-04 4:10
bouli22-Jan-04 4:10 
GeneralRe: newbie question Pin
Heath Stewart22-Jan-04 4:35
protectorHeath Stewart22-Jan-04 4:35 
GeneralRe: newbie question Pin
bouli22-Jan-04 4:47
bouli22-Jan-04 4:47 

Thanks for your reply.

I know that there is MC++ that can access to CLR, but I wanna learn C#. C# seems to be more convinent to access .NET features. I have to write an application that targets Excel 2003 in C#. I don't want to program Excel 2003 with C++, it would be too complex, while Excel 2003 is designed to be easily accessed via C# or VB .NET...

While learning C# which I discover since last monday, I need to get the equivalents between C++ and C# to go faster in my learning, for this, I translate some simple MFC applications in C#...

C# in itself is easy (it's very similar to C++), but it's the .NET framework that is not easy for a beginner in .NET. I have the same feelings with .NET that I had with MFC 10 years ago: "OMG | :OMG: wow!" Wink | ;)

best regards.

GeneralRe: newbie question Pin
Heath Stewart22-Jan-04 4:51
protectorHeath Stewart22-Jan-04 4:51 
GeneralRe: newbie question Pin
bouli22-Jan-04 4:54
bouli22-Jan-04 4:54 
GeneralRe: newbie question Pin
Nick Parker22-Jan-04 6:17
protectorNick Parker22-Jan-04 6:17 
GeneralRe: newbie question Pin
Bo Hunter22-Jan-04 12:23
Bo Hunter22-Jan-04 12:23 
GeneralDeferred Calculations Pin
BernardYardley22-Jan-04 3:36
BernardYardley22-Jan-04 3:36 
GeneralRe: Deferred Calculations Pin
Heath Stewart22-Jan-04 5:01
protectorHeath Stewart22-Jan-04 5:01 
GeneralRe: Deferred Calculations Pin
BernardYardley22-Jan-04 5:08
BernardYardley22-Jan-04 5:08 
GeneralRe: Deferred Calculations Pin
leppie22-Jan-04 6:21
leppie22-Jan-04 6:21 
General2 questions Pin
bouli22-Jan-04 2:41
bouli22-Jan-04 2:41 
GeneralRe: 2 questions Pin
Sune Trudslev22-Jan-04 4:25
professionalSune Trudslev22-Jan-04 4:25 
GeneralRe: 2 questions Pin
Heath Stewart22-Jan-04 4:54
protectorHeath Stewart22-Jan-04 4:54 
GeneralRe: 2 questions Pin
bouli22-Jan-04 5:32
bouli22-Jan-04 5:32 
GeneralProperly accessing ShDocVw interfaces... Pin
profoundwhispers22-Jan-04 0:57
profoundwhispers22-Jan-04 0:57 
GeneralRe: Properly accessing ShDocVw interfaces... Pin
Heath Stewart22-Jan-04 4:49
protectorHeath Stewart22-Jan-04 4:49 
QuestionHow to display copyright sign (c in small circle,©) in Label control? Pin
god4k21-Jan-04 22:35
god4k21-Jan-04 22:35 
AnswerRe: How to display copyright sign (c in small circle,©) in Label control? Pin
Sune Trudslev22-Jan-04 0:35
professionalSune Trudslev22-Jan-04 0:35 
GeneralRe: How to display copyright sign (c in small circle,©) in Label control? Pin
leppie22-Jan-04 6:23
leppie22-Jan-04 6:23 

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