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GeneralBase Control for ToolBox, Solution & Properties "Panels" Pin
RapidFireBill22-Jan-04 9:06
RapidFireBill22-Jan-04 9:06 
GeneralRe: Base Control for ToolBox, Solution & Properties "Panels" Pin
LongRange.Shooter22-Jan-04 9:11
LongRange.Shooter22-Jan-04 9:11 
GeneralFind if input is already MD5 encrypted ! Pin
pahluwalia22-Jan-04 4:08
pahluwalia22-Jan-04 4:08 
GeneralRe: Find if input is already MD5 encrypted ! Pin
Heath Stewart22-Jan-04 4:29
protectorHeath Stewart22-Jan-04 4:29 
Generalnewbie question Pin
bouli22-Jan-04 3:54
bouli22-Jan-04 3:54 
GeneralRe: newbie question Pin
Colin Angus Mackay22-Jan-04 4:07
Colin Angus Mackay22-Jan-04 4:07 
GeneralRe: newbie question Pin
bouli22-Jan-04 4:10
bouli22-Jan-04 4:10 
GeneralRe: newbie question Pin
Heath Stewart22-Jan-04 4:35
protectorHeath Stewart22-Jan-04 4:35 
You should start with the C# Language Specifications at[^]. Also understand that C# is just another language that targets the Common Language Runtime (CLR), the runtime part of the .NET Framework. All .NET compilers compile to similar IL. The only differences in the generated IL usually have to do with compiler optimizations, but some languages support features of the .NET Framework that others don't. For example, C# supports unsafe contexts (in order to use pointers for, say, quick string parsing) while VB.NET does not (yet). But this is not really a feature of C# per se, but a feature of the .NET Framework that C# supports.

Also understand that assemblies written in any source languages can be used by any other managed language.

Finally, there is also Managed C++ that can compile down to IL in an assembly. The major thing to realize here is that you can use mixed mode or pure managed code. Mixed mode includes native implementations that aren't managed by the CLR while pure managed code is.

It's call "managed" because the CLR managed the memory (though classes that encapsulate native resources like Windows should implement IDisposable and clean-up the native resources since they aren't managed by the CLR).


Version: 3.21
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GeneralRe: newbie question Pin
bouli22-Jan-04 4:47
bouli22-Jan-04 4:47 
GeneralRe: newbie question Pin
Heath Stewart22-Jan-04 4:51
protectorHeath Stewart22-Jan-04 4:51 
GeneralRe: newbie question Pin
bouli22-Jan-04 4:54
bouli22-Jan-04 4:54 
GeneralRe: newbie question Pin
Nick Parker22-Jan-04 6:17
protectorNick Parker22-Jan-04 6:17 
GeneralRe: newbie question Pin
Bo Hunter22-Jan-04 12:23
Bo Hunter22-Jan-04 12:23 
GeneralDeferred Calculations Pin
BernardYardley22-Jan-04 3:36
BernardYardley22-Jan-04 3:36 
GeneralRe: Deferred Calculations Pin
Heath Stewart22-Jan-04 5:01
protectorHeath Stewart22-Jan-04 5:01 
GeneralRe: Deferred Calculations Pin
BernardYardley22-Jan-04 5:08
BernardYardley22-Jan-04 5:08 
GeneralRe: Deferred Calculations Pin
leppie22-Jan-04 6:21
leppie22-Jan-04 6:21 
General2 questions Pin
bouli22-Jan-04 2:41
bouli22-Jan-04 2:41 
GeneralRe: 2 questions Pin
Sune Trudslev22-Jan-04 4:25
professionalSune Trudslev22-Jan-04 4:25 
GeneralRe: 2 questions Pin
Heath Stewart22-Jan-04 4:54
protectorHeath Stewart22-Jan-04 4:54 
GeneralRe: 2 questions Pin
bouli22-Jan-04 5:32
bouli22-Jan-04 5:32 
GeneralProperly accessing ShDocVw interfaces... Pin
profoundwhispers22-Jan-04 0:57
profoundwhispers22-Jan-04 0:57 
GeneralRe: Properly accessing ShDocVw interfaces... Pin
Heath Stewart22-Jan-04 4:49
protectorHeath Stewart22-Jan-04 4:49 
QuestionHow to display copyright sign (c in small circle,©) in Label control? Pin
god4k21-Jan-04 22:35
god4k21-Jan-04 22:35 
AnswerRe: How to display copyright sign (c in small circle,©) in Label control? Pin
Sune Trudslev22-Jan-04 0:35
professionalSune Trudslev22-Jan-04 0:35 

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