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QuestionHow can I use the Cabinet.dll in c# Pin
aw1ay12-Jan-04 14:32
aw1ay12-Jan-04 14:32 
AnswerRe: How can I use the Cabinet.dll in c# Pin
Heath Stewart13-Jan-04 2:52
protectorHeath Stewart13-Jan-04 2:52 
GeneralRe: How can I use the Cabinet.dll in c# Pin
aw1ay13-Jan-04 15:52
aw1ay13-Jan-04 15:52 
GeneralRe: How can I use the Cabinet.dll in c# Pin
Heath Stewart14-Jan-04 3:22
protectorHeath Stewart14-Jan-04 3:22 
Generalpassing data to installer class Pin
econnor12-Jan-04 11:07
econnor12-Jan-04 11:07 
GeneralRe: passing data to installer class Pin
Heath Stewart13-Jan-04 2:45
protectorHeath Stewart13-Jan-04 2:45 
GeneralRe: passing data to installer class Pin
econnor13-Jan-04 3:58
econnor13-Jan-04 3:58 
GeneralRe: passing data to installer class Pin
econnor13-Jan-04 5:40
econnor13-Jan-04 5:40 
I cannot find the SecureProperties property?!? I searched the documentation as well and do not see anything about it... can you give me some direction?
GeneralRe: passing data to installer class Pin
Heath Stewart13-Jan-04 5:43
protectorHeath Stewart13-Jan-04 5:43 
GeneralFlushFinalBlock problem in my cryptography Pin
Mazdak12-Jan-04 10:28
Mazdak12-Jan-04 10:28 
GeneralRe: FlushFinalBlock problem in my cryptography Pin
Heath Stewart12-Jan-04 10:37
protectorHeath Stewart12-Jan-04 10:37 
GeneralRe: FlushFinalBlock problem in my cryptography Pin
Mazdak12-Jan-04 22:36
Mazdak12-Jan-04 22:36 
GeneralRe: FlushFinalBlock problem in my cryptography Pin
Heath Stewart13-Jan-04 2:50
protectorHeath Stewart13-Jan-04 2:50 
GeneralRe: FlushFinalBlock problem in my cryptography Pin
Mazdak13-Jan-04 2:56
Mazdak13-Jan-04 2:56 
GeneralRe: FlushFinalBlock problem in my cryptography Pin
Heath Stewart13-Jan-04 3:00
protectorHeath Stewart13-Jan-04 3:00 
GeneralRe: FlushFinalBlock problem in my cryptography Pin
Mazdak13-Jan-04 4:02
Mazdak13-Jan-04 4:02 
GeneralEntering Text on an Image Pin
JayTheK12-Jan-04 10:08
JayTheK12-Jan-04 10:08 
GeneralRe: Entering Text on an Image Pin
Niels Penneman12-Jan-04 10:14
Niels Penneman12-Jan-04 10:14 
GeneralObject property with different return types Pin
Articus12-Jan-04 7:13
Articus12-Jan-04 7:13 
GeneralRe: Object property with different return types Pin
leppie12-Jan-04 8:16
leppie12-Jan-04 8:16 
GeneralRe: Object property with different return types Pin
Articus12-Jan-04 22:41
Articus12-Jan-04 22:41 
GeneralRe: Object property with different return types Pin
leppie13-Jan-04 6:16
leppie13-Jan-04 6:16 
GeneralRefresh TreeView in Place Pin
webdudeIA12-Jan-04 5:24
webdudeIA12-Jan-04 5:24 
GeneralRe: Refresh TreeView in Place Pin
Heath Stewart12-Jan-04 8:48
protectorHeath Stewart12-Jan-04 8:48 
GeneralRe: Refresh TreeView in Place Pin
webdudeIA12-Jan-04 10:17
webdudeIA12-Jan-04 10:17 

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