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AnswerRe: how to prevent changing columns' width in datagrid? Pin
Heath Stewart8-Jan-04 17:12
protectorHeath Stewart8-Jan-04 17:12 
GeneralRe: how to prevent changing columns' width in datagrid? Pin
wangier8-Jan-04 20:51
wangier8-Jan-04 20:51 
AnswerRe: how to prevent changing columns' width in datagrid? Pin
Guillermo Rivero8-Jan-04 19:04
Guillermo Rivero8-Jan-04 19:04 
GeneralQuestion about GUI techniques... Interesting, I promise. Pin
madjeux8-Jan-04 15:01
madjeux8-Jan-04 15:01 
GeneralRe: Question about GUI techniques... Interesting, I promise. Pin
Christian Graus8-Jan-04 15:29
protectorChristian Graus8-Jan-04 15:29 
GeneralRe: Question about GUI techniques... Interesting, I promise. Pin
madjeux9-Jan-04 14:34
madjeux9-Jan-04 14:34 
Questionhow to create Componet of my favourite Pict in the ToolBox Pin
meetweb8-Jan-04 14:11
meetweb8-Jan-04 14:11 
AnswerRe: how to create Componet of my favourite Pict in the ToolBox Pin
Heath Stewart8-Jan-04 16:50
protectorHeath Stewart8-Jan-04 16:50 
When you use just a Type (the first constructor in your snippet), an image is used that has the same namespace and name as your class, but with a .bmp extension. I.e., if your class is Example.Class, then the image to be used is Example.Class.bmp. This image must be an embedded resource.

The second constructor is the name of an embedded resource, so you must include any namespace and the name of the file, like Example.Class.bmp.

The third constructor uses the namespace of the Type you pass in the first parameter and adds the name that you pass with the third constructor. If the class is Example.Class and you pass "Toolbox.bmp" as the name, then the image used is Example.Toolbox.bmp.

In all three cases, the image must be an emdedded resource, not a file on the computer. So, add a bitmap to your project, right-click and select Properties, then change the build type to "Embedded Resource".

You can find more details about this in the documentation for the ToolboxBitmapAttribute class in the .NET Framework SDK.


Version: 3.21
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GeneralFIX Gateway Server Pin
Kingvest8-Jan-04 12:53
Kingvest8-Jan-04 12:53 
GeneralCrystal Reports and Sql Server 2000 Pin
obelisk298-Jan-04 12:34
obelisk298-Jan-04 12:34 
GeneralRe: Crystal Reports and Sql Server 2000 Pin
Heath Stewart8-Jan-04 12:46
protectorHeath Stewart8-Jan-04 12:46 
GeneralRe: Crystal Reports and Sql Server 2000 Pin
obelisk298-Jan-04 13:01
obelisk298-Jan-04 13:01 
GeneralRe: Crystal Reports and Sql Server 2000 Pin
Heath Stewart8-Jan-04 13:11
protectorHeath Stewart8-Jan-04 13:11 
GeneralRe: Crystal Reports and Sql Server 2000 Pin
obelisk298-Jan-04 13:20
obelisk298-Jan-04 13:20 
GeneralRe: Crystal Reports and Sql Server 2000 Pin
obelisk298-Jan-04 14:10
obelisk298-Jan-04 14:10 
GeneralRe: Crystal Reports and Sql Server 2000 Pin
obelisk298-Jan-04 14:30
obelisk298-Jan-04 14:30 
GeneralDynamic Casting for use in Polymorphic/overloaded methods. Pin
Scott Barr8-Jan-04 11:12
Scott Barr8-Jan-04 11:12 
GeneralRe: Dynamic Casting for use in Polymorphic/overloaded methods. Pin
Heath Stewart8-Jan-04 11:50
protectorHeath Stewart8-Jan-04 11:50 
GeneralRe: Dynamic Casting for use in Polymorphic/overloaded methods. Pin
Scott Barr9-Jan-04 4:42
Scott Barr9-Jan-04 4:42 
GeneralRe: Dynamic Casting for use in Polymorphic/overloaded methods. Pin
Heath Stewart9-Jan-04 5:15
protectorHeath Stewart9-Jan-04 5:15 
GeneralRe: Dynamic Casting for use in Polymorphic/overloaded methods. Pin
Scott Barr9-Jan-04 5:30
Scott Barr9-Jan-04 5:30 
GeneralType convertion and Unmanaged code Pin
Shahin778-Jan-04 10:48
Shahin778-Jan-04 10:48 
GeneralRe: Type convertion and Unmanaged code Pin
Heath Stewart8-Jan-04 11:39
protectorHeath Stewart8-Jan-04 11:39 
GeneralRe: Type convertion and Unmanaged code Pin
Shahin778-Jan-04 11:52
Shahin778-Jan-04 11:52 
GeneralRe: Type convertion and Unmanaged code Pin
Heath Stewart8-Jan-04 12:16
protectorHeath Stewart8-Jan-04 12:16 

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