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GeneralRe: how to reject the invalid row adding to datatable? Pin
Heath Stewart9-Jan-04 3:50
protectorHeath Stewart9-Jan-04 3:50 
GeneralRe: how to reject the invalid row adding to datatable? Pin
wangier11-Jan-04 18:24
wangier11-Jan-04 18:24 
Questionhow to prevent changing columns' width in datagrid? Pin
wangier8-Jan-04 16:38
wangier8-Jan-04 16:38 
AnswerRe: how to prevent changing columns' width in datagrid? Pin
Heath Stewart8-Jan-04 17:12
protectorHeath Stewart8-Jan-04 17:12 
GeneralRe: how to prevent changing columns' width in datagrid? Pin
wangier8-Jan-04 20:51
wangier8-Jan-04 20:51 
AnswerRe: how to prevent changing columns' width in datagrid? Pin
Guillermo Rivero8-Jan-04 19:04
Guillermo Rivero8-Jan-04 19:04 
GeneralQuestion about GUI techniques... Interesting, I promise. Pin
madjeux8-Jan-04 15:01
madjeux8-Jan-04 15:01 
GeneralRe: Question about GUI techniques... Interesting, I promise. Pin
Christian Graus8-Jan-04 15:29
protectorChristian Graus8-Jan-04 15:29 
madjeux wrote:
C# and Java being so similar I would have expected this to be as well, however it does not seem so.

Just because the language syntax are similar does not mean they come with the same libraries. I'm not sure if it's possible to create a polygon and check if a point is inside it using GDI+, but it's a commonly solved problem, not so hard to do, plenty of info on the web.

madjeux wrote:
If anyone is experienced with diagram applications, like Visio, when you grab a line connecting two objects, you can draw it and manipulate it in almost any way you want. This can't possibly be a rectangular object. How is this done?

Figuring out if a point is on a specific line is very basic trig, even easier than the polygon problem. The best way to do this sort of stuff is to build a rectangle from the outermost points of the shape, quickly check if your point is inside it, and only then do the more complex test. I suggest that different objects all derive from a base class which defines abstract methods for drawing, for checking for hits, and so on. C# being too gay for multiple inheritance, you may want to derive from something else to get some other desired behaviour and define an interface for this stuff.


I have drunk the cool-aid and found it wan and bitter. - Chris Maunder
GeneralRe: Question about GUI techniques... Interesting, I promise. Pin
madjeux9-Jan-04 14:34
madjeux9-Jan-04 14:34 
Questionhow to create Componet of my favourite Pict in the ToolBox Pin
meetweb8-Jan-04 14:11
meetweb8-Jan-04 14:11 
AnswerRe: how to create Componet of my favourite Pict in the ToolBox Pin
Heath Stewart8-Jan-04 16:50
protectorHeath Stewart8-Jan-04 16:50 
GeneralFIX Gateway Server Pin
Kingvest8-Jan-04 12:53
Kingvest8-Jan-04 12:53 
GeneralCrystal Reports and Sql Server 2000 Pin
obelisk298-Jan-04 12:34
obelisk298-Jan-04 12:34 
GeneralRe: Crystal Reports and Sql Server 2000 Pin
Heath Stewart8-Jan-04 12:46
protectorHeath Stewart8-Jan-04 12:46 
GeneralRe: Crystal Reports and Sql Server 2000 Pin
obelisk298-Jan-04 13:01
obelisk298-Jan-04 13:01 
GeneralRe: Crystal Reports and Sql Server 2000 Pin
Heath Stewart8-Jan-04 13:11
protectorHeath Stewart8-Jan-04 13:11 
GeneralRe: Crystal Reports and Sql Server 2000 Pin
obelisk298-Jan-04 13:20
obelisk298-Jan-04 13:20 
GeneralRe: Crystal Reports and Sql Server 2000 Pin
obelisk298-Jan-04 14:10
obelisk298-Jan-04 14:10 
GeneralRe: Crystal Reports and Sql Server 2000 Pin
obelisk298-Jan-04 14:30
obelisk298-Jan-04 14:30 
GeneralDynamic Casting for use in Polymorphic/overloaded methods. Pin
Scott Barr8-Jan-04 11:12
Scott Barr8-Jan-04 11:12 
GeneralRe: Dynamic Casting for use in Polymorphic/overloaded methods. Pin
Heath Stewart8-Jan-04 11:50
protectorHeath Stewart8-Jan-04 11:50 
GeneralRe: Dynamic Casting for use in Polymorphic/overloaded methods. Pin
Scott Barr9-Jan-04 4:42
Scott Barr9-Jan-04 4:42 
GeneralRe: Dynamic Casting for use in Polymorphic/overloaded methods. Pin
Heath Stewart9-Jan-04 5:15
protectorHeath Stewart9-Jan-04 5:15 
GeneralRe: Dynamic Casting for use in Polymorphic/overloaded methods. Pin
Scott Barr9-Jan-04 5:30
Scott Barr9-Jan-04 5:30 
GeneralType convertion and Unmanaged code Pin
Shahin778-Jan-04 10:48
Shahin778-Jan-04 10:48 

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