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GeneralRe: How can I get some objects like HttpContext when using SingleCall SAOS and does not host in IIS (with HttpChannel) Pin
Heath Stewart7-Jan-04 19:03
protectorHeath Stewart7-Jan-04 19:03 
GeneralRe: How can I get some objects like HttpContext when using SingleCall SAOS and does not host in IIS (with HttpChannel) Pin
sxbyl7-Jan-04 19:18
sxbyl7-Jan-04 19:18 
GeneralRe: How can I get some objects like HttpContext when using SingleCall SAOS and does not host in IIS (with HttpChannel) Pin
Heath Stewart8-Jan-04 3:44
protectorHeath Stewart8-Jan-04 3:44 
GeneralRe: How can I get some objects like HttpContext when using SingleCall SAOS and does not host in IIS (with HttpChannel) Pin
sxbyl8-Jan-04 14:06
sxbyl8-Jan-04 14:06 
GeneralRe: How can I get some objects like HttpContext when using SingleCall SAOS and does not host in IIS (with HttpChannel) Pin
Heath Stewart8-Jan-04 16:44
protectorHeath Stewart8-Jan-04 16:44 
GeneralRe: How can I get some objects like HttpContext when using SingleCall SAOS and does not host in IIS (with HttpChannel) Pin
sxbyl8-Jan-04 16:55
sxbyl8-Jan-04 16:55 
GeneralHttpWebRequest Pin
murali_utr7-Jan-04 17:04
murali_utr7-Jan-04 17:04 
GeneralRe: HttpWebRequest Pin
Heath Stewart7-Jan-04 18:41
protectorHeath Stewart7-Jan-04 18:41 
You mean send a request through a proxy? See the HttpWebRequest.Proxy property. There already is a WebProxy class that lets you specify the host, port, a list of addresses that don't require the proxy, and user credentials if logins are required. If this isn't sufficient, you'll notice that the HttpWebRequest.Proxy property is of type IWebProxy, you can implement that interface and make your own proxy. Set the proxy instance and call HttpWebRequest.GetResponse (inherited from WebRequest, so you'll have to cast the return to an HttpWebResponse for HTTP-specific properties).


Version: 3.21
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GeneralRe: HttpWebRequest Pin
murali_utr7-Jan-04 19:11
murali_utr7-Jan-04 19:11 
GeneralC# Forms/Controls Pin
Luther Baker7-Jan-04 14:24
Luther Baker7-Jan-04 14:24 
GeneralRe: C# Forms/Controls Pin
Heath Stewart7-Jan-04 18:38
protectorHeath Stewart7-Jan-04 18:38 
GeneralRe: C# Forms/Controls Pin
Luther Baker7-Jan-04 19:37
Luther Baker7-Jan-04 19:37 
GeneralRe: C# Forms/Controls Pin
David Stone7-Jan-04 20:31
sitebuilderDavid Stone7-Jan-04 20:31 
GeneralRe: C# Forms/Controls Pin
Luther Baker7-Jan-04 20:28
Luther Baker7-Jan-04 20:28 
GeneralRe: C# Forms/Controls Pin
Heath Stewart8-Jan-04 4:18
protectorHeath Stewart8-Jan-04 4:18 
GeneralC# SystemFonts Pin
Luther Baker7-Jan-04 13:49
Luther Baker7-Jan-04 13:49 
GeneralRe: C# SystemFonts Pin
Heath Stewart7-Jan-04 18:30
protectorHeath Stewart7-Jan-04 18:30 
GeneralRe: C# SystemFonts Pin
Luther Baker7-Jan-04 19:38
Luther Baker7-Jan-04 19:38 
Generalclicking "Open with" when multiple files are selected Pin
Anonymous7-Jan-04 13:12
Anonymous7-Jan-04 13:12 
GeneralRe: clicking "Open with" when multiple files are selected Pin
Kentamanos7-Jan-04 14:25
Kentamanos7-Jan-04 14:25 
GeneralRe: clicking "Open with" when multiple files are selected Pin
Anonymous7-Jan-04 20:24
Anonymous7-Jan-04 20:24 
GeneralRe: clicking "Open with" when multiple files are selected Pin
Kentamanos7-Jan-04 20:38
Kentamanos7-Jan-04 20:38 
GeneralRe: clicking "Open with" when multiple files are selected Pin
blakeb_18-Jan-04 11:52
blakeb_18-Jan-04 11:52 
GeneralRe: clicking "Open with" when multiple files are selected Pin
Kentamanos8-Jan-04 12:08
Kentamanos8-Jan-04 12:08 
GeneralC# Deployment Question Pin
Larry J. Siddens7-Jan-04 9:18
Larry J. Siddens7-Jan-04 9:18 

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