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GeneralRe: How can I get some objects like HttpContext when using SingleCall SAOS and does not host in IIS (with HttpChannel) Pin
Heath Stewart8-Jan-04 3:44
protectorHeath Stewart8-Jan-04 3:44 
GeneralRe: How can I get some objects like HttpContext when using SingleCall SAOS and does not host in IIS (with HttpChannel) Pin
sxbyl8-Jan-04 14:06
sxbyl8-Jan-04 14:06 
GeneralRe: How can I get some objects like HttpContext when using SingleCall SAOS and does not host in IIS (with HttpChannel) Pin
Heath Stewart8-Jan-04 16:44
protectorHeath Stewart8-Jan-04 16:44 
GeneralRe: How can I get some objects like HttpContext when using SingleCall SAOS and does not host in IIS (with HttpChannel) Pin
sxbyl8-Jan-04 16:55
sxbyl8-Jan-04 16:55 
GeneralHttpWebRequest Pin
murali_utr7-Jan-04 17:04
murali_utr7-Jan-04 17:04 
GeneralRe: HttpWebRequest Pin
Heath Stewart7-Jan-04 18:41
protectorHeath Stewart7-Jan-04 18:41 
GeneralRe: HttpWebRequest Pin
murali_utr7-Jan-04 19:11
murali_utr7-Jan-04 19:11 
GeneralC# Forms/Controls Pin
Luther Baker7-Jan-04 14:24
Luther Baker7-Jan-04 14:24 
I wish to use the Dock property, but I need a 10 pixel inset on all 4 sides.

Let's say I am creating a simple editor. I place a TextBox control on a Form, but I'd like 10 pixel insets on every side of the TextBox.

One way:

Add a panel to the form, position the panel with 10 pixel insets on all 4 sides, and Anchor to all 4 sides. Then, attach the (Dock=Fill) TextBox to the panel panel.

Is there any way to do this without using a Panel like this?

I realize that if all I was creating was a text editor, then I could just Anchor the text box to all side of the form, and position the text box correctly, but, my real application is a bit more complicated. There are several controls inside the form - including a splitter. So, I can't really use Anchor for every case.

The crux of the problem is that when using the Dock property, the child control is docked right up against the edge of its parent. I was wondering if there was a property that could buffer or inset that child control.

I'd like to avoid having to add a Panel to my application everytime I want to position something just the way I like it - while using the Dock property. How about a thick transparent border?

FormBorderStyle will not work. I am working inside the form.

I'd also like to do this same thing for controls inside the form attached to parent Panels. I see that Panel can have a BorderStyle. Is there a way I can somehow customize the actual border?

I google "custom borders in C#" or something.


GeneralRe: C# Forms/Controls Pin
Heath Stewart7-Jan-04 18:38
protectorHeath Stewart7-Jan-04 18:38 
GeneralRe: C# Forms/Controls Pin
Luther Baker7-Jan-04 19:37
Luther Baker7-Jan-04 19:37 
GeneralRe: C# Forms/Controls Pin
David Stone7-Jan-04 20:31
sitebuilderDavid Stone7-Jan-04 20:31 
GeneralRe: C# Forms/Controls Pin
Luther Baker7-Jan-04 20:28
Luther Baker7-Jan-04 20:28 
GeneralRe: C# Forms/Controls Pin
Heath Stewart8-Jan-04 4:18
protectorHeath Stewart8-Jan-04 4:18 
GeneralC# SystemFonts Pin
Luther Baker7-Jan-04 13:49
Luther Baker7-Jan-04 13:49 
GeneralRe: C# SystemFonts Pin
Heath Stewart7-Jan-04 18:30
protectorHeath Stewart7-Jan-04 18:30 
GeneralRe: C# SystemFonts Pin
Luther Baker7-Jan-04 19:38
Luther Baker7-Jan-04 19:38 
Generalclicking "Open with" when multiple files are selected Pin
Anonymous7-Jan-04 13:12
Anonymous7-Jan-04 13:12 
GeneralRe: clicking "Open with" when multiple files are selected Pin
Kentamanos7-Jan-04 14:25
Kentamanos7-Jan-04 14:25 
GeneralRe: clicking "Open with" when multiple files are selected Pin
Anonymous7-Jan-04 20:24
Anonymous7-Jan-04 20:24 
GeneralRe: clicking "Open with" when multiple files are selected Pin
Kentamanos7-Jan-04 20:38
Kentamanos7-Jan-04 20:38 
GeneralRe: clicking "Open with" when multiple files are selected Pin
blakeb_18-Jan-04 11:52
blakeb_18-Jan-04 11:52 
GeneralRe: clicking "Open with" when multiple files are selected Pin
Kentamanos8-Jan-04 12:08
Kentamanos8-Jan-04 12:08 
GeneralC# Deployment Question Pin
Larry J. Siddens7-Jan-04 9:18
Larry J. Siddens7-Jan-04 9:18 
GeneralRe: C# Deployment Question Pin
Mazdak7-Jan-04 9:24
Mazdak7-Jan-04 9:24 
GeneralRe: C# Deployment Question Pin
Niels Penneman7-Jan-04 9:26
Niels Penneman7-Jan-04 9:26 

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