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AnswerRe: How Windows works... Pin
Eric Gunnerson (msft)7-Jan-04 9:57
Eric Gunnerson (msft)7-Jan-04 9:57 
AnswerRe: How Windows works... Pin
Norman Fung7-Jan-04 10:44
Norman Fung7-Jan-04 10:44 
GeneralRead a row from dataGrid Pin
dophka7-Jan-04 4:48
dophka7-Jan-04 4:48 
GeneralRe: Read a row from dataGrid Pin
Mazdak7-Jan-04 5:18
Mazdak7-Jan-04 5:18 
GeneralRe: Read a row from dataGrid Pin
KevinMac7-Jan-04 5:33
KevinMac7-Jan-04 5:33 
GeneralDirectX HELL Pin
thomasa7-Jan-04 3:13
thomasa7-Jan-04 3:13 
GeneralRe: DirectX HELL Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.7-Jan-04 3:29
Stephane Rodriguez.7-Jan-04 3:29 
GeneralRe: DirectX HELL Pin
Heath Stewart7-Jan-04 3:31
protectorHeath Stewart7-Jan-04 3:31 
thomasa wrote:
Assert Failed:
|Actual <= GetSize()
At line 3659 of d:\builds\nt32_chk\multimedia\published\dxmdev\dshowdev\base\amfilter.cpp

This is debug information stored in the executable of checked (debug) builds, which means you're using the developer runtime instead of the retail runtime (not the reason for the problems, but the reason for the message). That path was the path of the source file on the original developer's (or build master's, most likely) machine.

I would say reinstall once more. To allow VS.NET to see the managed assemblies, first locate them (mine are in %SYSTEMROOT%\Microsoft.NET\Managed DirectX\v9.00.1126). Open the registry editor (regedit.exe) and add that directory to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework\AssemblyFolders, just like you see the other ones (in a subkey as the default value).

To make sure that the CLR finds them, on each assembly in that directory run gacutil.exe -i <AssemblyName.dll> (or use ngen.exe to build native - pre JIT'd - assemblies which will load faster).

Otherwise, ask on the appropriate newsgroup at news://[^]. It's not a bad newsgroup to use when developing DX apps anyway. You'll most likely find more specialized help than you would here. Blush | :O


Version: 3.21
GCS/G/MU d- s: a- C++++ UL@ P++(+++) L+(--) E--- W+++ N++ o+ K? w++++ O- M(+) V? PS-- PE Y++ PGP++ t++@ 5 X+++ R+@ tv+ b(-)>b++ DI++++ D+ G e++>+++ h---* r+++ y+++
GeneralRe: DirectX HELL fixed Pin
thomasa7-Jan-04 23:40
thomasa7-Jan-04 23:40 
GeneralLicensing Pin
Den2Fly7-Jan-04 2:52
Den2Fly7-Jan-04 2:52 
GeneralRe: Licensing Pin
Heath Stewart7-Jan-04 3:21
protectorHeath Stewart7-Jan-04 3:21 
GeneralRe: Licensing Pin
Den2Fly7-Jan-04 4:18
Den2Fly7-Jan-04 4:18 
GeneralRe: Licensing Pin
Heath Stewart7-Jan-04 4:53
protectorHeath Stewart7-Jan-04 4:53 
GeneralRe: Licensing Pin
Den2Fly7-Jan-04 5:31
Den2Fly7-Jan-04 5:31 
GeneralRe: Licensing Pin
Mazdak7-Jan-04 5:26
Mazdak7-Jan-04 5:26 
GeneralRe: Licensing Pin
Heath Stewart7-Jan-04 6:50
protectorHeath Stewart7-Jan-04 6:50 
Generalidle Pin
Roger Alsing7-Jan-04 2:42
Roger Alsing7-Jan-04 2:42 
GeneralRe: idle Pin
Heath Stewart7-Jan-04 3:06
protectorHeath Stewart7-Jan-04 3:06 
GeneralTry-Catch performance cost Pin
Den2Fly7-Jan-04 1:06
Den2Fly7-Jan-04 1:06 
GeneralRe: Try-Catch performance cost Pin
Roger Alsing7-Jan-04 2:47
Roger Alsing7-Jan-04 2:47 
GeneralThank you so much -nt Pin
Den2Fly7-Jan-04 3:52
Den2Fly7-Jan-04 3:52 
GeneralRe: Try-Catch performance cost Pin
leppie7-Jan-04 6:10
leppie7-Jan-04 6:10 
GeneralRe: Try-Catch performance cost Pin
TuringTest17-Jan-04 20:48
TuringTest17-Jan-04 20:48 
GeneralRe: Try-Catch performance cost Pin
leppie8-Jan-04 6:04
leppie8-Jan-04 6:04 
GeneralDetecting computers on a LAN Pin
Radoslav Bielik7-Jan-04 0:57
Radoslav Bielik7-Jan-04 0:57 

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