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GeneralRe: Run a External EXE File Pin
hxxbin5-Jan-04 11:33
hxxbin5-Jan-04 11:33 
GeneralCryptography Question Pin
Mazdak5-Jan-04 4:09
Mazdak5-Jan-04 4:09 
GeneralRe: Cryptography Question Pin
Heath Stewart5-Jan-04 5:18
protectorHeath Stewart5-Jan-04 5:18 
GeneralRe: Cryptography Question Pin
Mazdak5-Jan-04 7:46
Mazdak5-Jan-04 7:46 
GeneralRe: Cryptography Question Pin
Heath Stewart5-Jan-04 9:32
protectorHeath Stewart5-Jan-04 9:32 
GeneralRe: Cryptography Question Pin
Mazdak5-Jan-04 10:03
Mazdak5-Jan-04 10:03 
QuestionHow can I find resource values like Cut/Copy/Paste names in Win? Pin
A.Wegierski5-Jan-04 1:57
A.Wegierski5-Jan-04 1:57 
AnswerRe: How can I find resource values like Cut/Copy/Paste names in Win? Pin
Heath Stewart5-Jan-04 5:10
protectorHeath Stewart5-Jan-04 5:10 
ResX files. Read about localization in the .NET Framework and see the ResourceManager class documentation for details and examples. Basically, you use ResX files to store localized strings for your application. For properly named ResX files (like for culture-neutral German language), a satellite assembly is created that the CLR loads when the Thread.CurrentUICulture is set to something other than the neutral resources language (the language of the resource in your source code, see also the NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute for more information and use this to increase assembly resolution performance).

You'll have to put all the values for Cut, Copy, Paste, and anything else in the ResX files. I recommend using a Singleton pattern for the ResourceManager like Microsoft does so that you can 1) eliminate wasted memory resources by having a single instance of a ResourceManager, and 2) easily share localized resources amongst many classes. If you use a disassembler or decompiler to look at Microsoft's BCL assemblies, you'll notice this in their SR classes (usually one per assembly).

This won't get them from Windows, but there really isn't a way to do that. Windows MUI usually stores localized resources per application or library. This way with .NET is pretty much the same thing (specially named libraries or similarly named libraries in specially name directories is common).


Version: 3.21
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GeneralRe: How can I find resource values like Cut/Copy/Paste names in Win? Pin
A.Wegierski5-Jan-04 20:55
A.Wegierski5-Jan-04 20:55 
GeneralSome simple C# calculator application questions. Pin
Link26004-Jan-04 22:58
Link26004-Jan-04 22:58 
GeneralRe: Some simple C# calculator application questions. Pin
Colin Angus Mackay4-Jan-04 23:09
Colin Angus Mackay4-Jan-04 23:09 
GeneralRe: Some simple C# calculator application questions. Pin
Link26004-Jan-04 23:26
Link26004-Jan-04 23:26 
GeneralRe: Some simple C# calculator application questions. Pin
Colin Angus Mackay4-Jan-04 23:50
Colin Angus Mackay4-Jan-04 23:50 
GeneralRe: Some simple C# calculator application questions. Pin
Heath Stewart5-Jan-04 5:00
protectorHeath Stewart5-Jan-04 5:00 
Questionhow can i build start menue - like in my program??? Pin
warelord4-Jan-04 21:52
warelord4-Jan-04 21:52 
AnswerRe: how can i build start menue - like in my program??? Pin
Heath Stewart5-Jan-04 4:54
protectorHeath Stewart5-Jan-04 4:54 
GeneralHatchStyle Brush from string Pin
LordMMD4-Jan-04 21:34
LordMMD4-Jan-04 21:34 
GeneralRe: HatchStyle Brush from string Pin
Heath Stewart5-Jan-04 4:50
protectorHeath Stewart5-Jan-04 4:50 
GeneralRe: HatchStyle Brush from string Pin
LordMMD5-Jan-04 23:44
LordMMD5-Jan-04 23:44 
GeneralRe: HatchStyle Brush from string Pin
Heath Stewart6-Jan-04 2:05
protectorHeath Stewart6-Jan-04 2:05 
GeneralRe: HatchStyle Brush from string Pin
LordMMD5-Jan-04 23:58
LordMMD5-Jan-04 23:58 
GeneralC# convention!! Pin
abc8764-Jan-04 21:02
abc8764-Jan-04 21:02 
GeneralRe: C# convention!! Pin
Colin Angus Mackay4-Jan-04 21:36
Colin Angus Mackay4-Jan-04 21:36 
GeneralRe: C# convention!! Pin
Paul Watson4-Jan-04 21:41
sitebuilderPaul Watson4-Jan-04 21:41 
GeneralRe: C# convention!! Pin
Heath Stewart5-Jan-04 4:47
protectorHeath Stewart5-Jan-04 4:47 

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