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GeneralRe: Panel + Keypress Pin
Mike Ellison4-Jan-04 3:14
Mike Ellison4-Jan-04 3:14 
GeneralRe: Panel + Keypress Pin
Heroz4-Jan-04 5:29
Heroz4-Jan-04 5:29 
GeneralRe: Panel + Keypress Pin
Mike Ellison4-Jan-04 6:27
Mike Ellison4-Jan-04 6:27 
GeneralRe: Panel + Keypress Pin
Heroz4-Jan-04 8:04
Heroz4-Jan-04 8:04 
GeneralStrange exception in a strange thread Pin
Broken God4-Jan-04 0:23
Broken God4-Jan-04 0:23 
GeneralRe: Strange exception in a strange thread Pin
Heath Stewart4-Jan-04 8:16
protectorHeath Stewart4-Jan-04 8:16 
GeneralRe: Strange exception in a strange thread Pin
Broken God4-Jan-04 9:58
Broken God4-Jan-04 9:58 
GeneralCSharp Studying Pin
Melanius4-Jan-04 0:04
Melanius4-Jan-04 0:04 
(Not sure if i had to post this here, couldn't find a forums here more fitting, if it's supposed to go elsewhere please remove).

I just finished readying: "Teach yourself C# in 24 Hours, by James Foxall", it really was a nice book, but i feel there are parts it discussed that didn't "fill" my knowledge as much as i'd like. Could someone propose a book, a set of books, or a complete training course that it is best for, learning CSharp, understaning OOP as a concept, and taking you to the next level, an intermediate status to pro (well pro without a proffesional experience).

Thanks in advance
GeneralRe: CSharp Studying Pin
leppie4-Jan-04 1:01
leppie4-Jan-04 1:01 
GeneralRe: CSharp Studying Pin
Melanius4-Jan-04 2:40
Melanius4-Jan-04 2:40 
GeneralRe: CSharp Studying Pin
Nick Parker4-Jan-04 6:18
protectorNick Parker4-Jan-04 6:18 
GeneralRe: CSharp Studying Pin
Michael P Butler4-Jan-04 3:53
Michael P Butler4-Jan-04 3:53 
GeneralLoading assemblies Pin
peon20043-Jan-04 21:56
susspeon20043-Jan-04 21:56 
GeneralRe: Loading assemblies Pin
leppie3-Jan-04 22:13
leppie3-Jan-04 22:13 
GeneralRe: Loading assemblies Pin
Heath Stewart4-Jan-04 8:09
protectorHeath Stewart4-Jan-04 8:09 
GeneralRe: Loading assemblies Pin
Broken God4-Jan-04 0:27
Broken God4-Jan-04 0:27 
Generalinserting images into access database Pin
Steve1_rm3-Jan-04 16:19
Steve1_rm3-Jan-04 16:19 
GeneralRe: inserting images into access database Pin
Heath Stewart3-Jan-04 17:30
protectorHeath Stewart3-Jan-04 17:30 
GeneralRe: inserting images into access database Pin
Anonymous3-Jan-04 18:02
Anonymous3-Jan-04 18:02 
GeneralRe: inserting images into access database Pin
Heath Stewart3-Jan-04 18:05
protectorHeath Stewart3-Jan-04 18:05 
GeneralRe: inserting images into access database Pin
Bo Hunter3-Jan-04 18:44
Bo Hunter3-Jan-04 18:44 
GeneralRe: inserting images into access database Pin
Mazdak3-Jan-04 19:36
Mazdak3-Jan-04 19:36 
Generalplease help me,my project......... Pin
Ahmed Gaser3-Jan-04 11:26
Ahmed Gaser3-Jan-04 11:26 
GeneralRe: please help me,my project......... Pin
leppie3-Jan-04 11:42
leppie3-Jan-04 11:42 
GeneralRe: please help me,my project......... Pin
Colin Angus Mackay3-Jan-04 11:53
Colin Angus Mackay3-Jan-04 11:53 

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