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.NET (Core and Framework)

Generalsearch trough a TreeView for a TreeNode with matching tag Pin
Kalthoff7-Jan-04 5:39
Kalthoff7-Jan-04 5:39 
GeneralRe: search trough a TreeView for a TreeNode with matching tag Pin
Charlie Williams7-Jan-04 11:30
Charlie Williams7-Jan-04 11:30 
Generalmms sending Pin
Anonymous6-Jan-04 18:17
Anonymous6-Jan-04 18:17 
GeneralDialog Issues in .NET CF PocketPC 2003 Pin
Cowwolfe6-Jan-04 2:48
Cowwolfe6-Jan-04 2:48 
GeneralRe: Dialog Issues in .NET CF PocketPC 2003 Pin
Colin Angus Mackay6-Jan-04 4:44
Colin Angus Mackay6-Jan-04 4:44 
GeneralUnhandled exceptions in winform custom control Pin
smartinz5-Jan-04 1:51
smartinz5-Jan-04 1:51 
GeneralProduct Licensing Pin
RichLee5-Jan-04 0:03
RichLee5-Jan-04 0:03 
Generalplease help me,my project......... Pin
Ahmed Gaser3-Jan-04 23:15
Ahmed Gaser3-Jan-04 23:15 
Dear friends:
My team has the following task to complete.A solution that consists of 3 projects :

1-Win app that connected to a local DB server(SQL server) .
1-Web app that connected to a remotre server(SQL server).
1-Mobile app for that connected to tha same remote server of the web app.

The Details:

1-The win app deals with a DB(Local DB SQL server) for updating ,retriving,inserting and deleting.
2-The web & the mobile app deal with a DB(Remote DB SQL server) for tha same purpose.(updating ,retriving,inserting and deleting)

The Goal:

1-The Win app will connect one time per day to update the Remote SQL server with the new data from the Local SQL server.
2-The Web and mobile app connected to the Remote SQL server will update ,retrieve ,delete and insert records in it.

The Questions:
1-If I can use web services ,How can I use it?
2-How can i make daily transaction to update the Remote SQL server with the new data at the Local SQL server??
3-How can i make daily transaction to update the Local SQL server with the new data at Remote SQL server ??
4-How can i manage the DB Transactions ?
5-how can i use the same methods(code) for dealing with the DB ,for the win app , the web app and the mobile app?
5-What is the best way to complete this solution?

Thanks for reading to this line.
I hope you can help me.
thanks again.

Best Regards

Ahmed Gaser
IS Dept.
Questionmust clicking a control inside a scrollableControl bring it into view? Pin
misterbear3-Jan-04 1:41
misterbear3-Jan-04 1:41 
QuestionGrid "OnDrawCell" Event ? Pin
guim72-Jan-04 3:31
guim72-Jan-04 3:31 
AnswerRe: Grid "OnDrawCell" Event ? Pin
Marcie Jones7-Jan-04 9:38
Marcie Jones7-Jan-04 9:38 
GeneralRe: Grid "OnDrawCell" Event ? Pin
guim78-Jan-04 5:31
guim78-Jan-04 5:31 
GeneralRe: Grid "OnDrawCell" Event ? Pin
Marcie Jones8-Jan-04 5:37
Marcie Jones8-Jan-04 5:37 
GeneralRe: Grid "OnDrawCell" Event ? Pin
guim78-Jan-04 22:01
guim78-Jan-04 22:01 
QuestionAccessing memory usage for current Application (or AppDomain)? Pin
Jon Rista29-Dec-03 16:53
Jon Rista29-Dec-03 16:53 
AnswerRe: Accessing memory usage for current Application (or AppDomain)? Pin
je_gonzalez29-Dec-03 17:31
je_gonzalez29-Dec-03 17:31 
GeneralRe: Accessing memory usage for current Application (or AppDomain)? Pin
Jon Rista29-Dec-03 17:58
Jon Rista29-Dec-03 17:58 
GeneralRe: Accessing memory usage for current Application (or AppDomain)? Pin
je_gonzalez29-Dec-03 18:12
je_gonzalez29-Dec-03 18:12 
GeneralRe: Accessing memory usage for current Application (or AppDomain)? Pin
Jon Rista29-Dec-03 20:32
Jon Rista29-Dec-03 20:32 
QuestionIs it worth getting Visual C#? Pin
Gomac27-Dec-03 6:45
Gomac27-Dec-03 6:45 
AnswerRe: Is it worth getting Visual C#? Pin
Colin Angus Mackay27-Dec-03 7:11
Colin Angus Mackay27-Dec-03 7:11 
GeneralRe: Is it worth getting Visual C#? Pin
Gomac27-Dec-03 7:29
Gomac27-Dec-03 7:29 
AnswerRe: Is it worth getting Visual C#? Pin
SiddharthAtw29-Dec-03 22:33
SiddharthAtw29-Dec-03 22:33 
GeneralRe: Is it worth getting Visual C#? Pin
HAHAHA_NEXT8-Jan-04 9:51
HAHAHA_NEXT8-Jan-04 9:51 
QuestionBug in Forms.HelpProvider? Pin
Noodnik23-Dec-03 20:52
Noodnik23-Dec-03 20:52 

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