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GeneralRe: Launching Other Applications Pin
Jon Newman29-Dec-03 2:30
Jon Newman29-Dec-03 2:30 
GeneralRe: Launching Other Applications Pin
Melanius29-Dec-03 4:53
Melanius29-Dec-03 4:53 
GeneralPopulating Combo Box on Key Press Event Pin
Member 33502228-Dec-03 22:23
Member 33502228-Dec-03 22:23 
GeneralRe: Populating Combo Box on Key Press Event Pin
Heath Stewart29-Dec-03 5:18
protectorHeath Stewart29-Dec-03 5:18 
GeneralUsing a database link in a C# program Pin
extremeg28-Dec-03 21:49
extremeg28-Dec-03 21:49 
GeneralRe: Using a database link in a C# program Pin
Heath Stewart29-Dec-03 5:12
protectorHeath Stewart29-Dec-03 5:12 
GeneralRe: Using a database link in a C# program Pin
extremeg30-Dec-03 21:20
extremeg30-Dec-03 21:20 
GeneralRe: Using a database link in a C# program Pin
Heath Stewart31-Dec-03 3:40
protectorHeath Stewart31-Dec-03 3:40 
The client-side programmatic way is not going to be easy, and most likely will even be slower (think about it - an RDBMS server is typically beefed up to handle many queries where client machines usually aren't - and they both have to go through roughly the same procedure to join the results; the RDBMS is also better optimized for such operations).

The easiest way (and similar to an action plan that an RDBMS would generate) would be to use two SqlDataAdapters (I'll be using classes from the System.Data.SqlClient namespace, but you most likely can do this in the other similar namespaces like System.Data.OleDb) with two different SqlConnections to get a couple of DataSets. Then enumerate the rows in one of them, find rows to join in the other (see DataTable.Select), and put them in a different table (which you can add programmatically - see the documentation on the DataSet class). You could also make a new DataSet to hold both tables - or the cross product, whatever suits your needs.

You can search CP and google for examples, but I doubt you're going to find much because an RDBMS on a decent server is going to handle this a lot better than a client.


Version: 3.21
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GeneralRe: Using a database link in a C# program Pin
extremeg6-Jan-04 20:59
extremeg6-Jan-04 20:59 
GeneralRe: Using a database link in a C# program Pin
Heath Stewart6-Jan-04 21:11
protectorHeath Stewart6-Jan-04 21:11 
Questiondeveloping applications - MDI and SDI ? Pin
jeffreylreed28-Dec-03 21:27
jeffreylreed28-Dec-03 21:27 
AnswerRe: developing applications - MDI and SDI ? Pin
Heath Stewart29-Dec-03 5:03
protectorHeath Stewart29-Dec-03 5:03 
GeneralRe: developing applications - MDI and SDI ? Pin
jeffreylreed29-Dec-03 8:45
jeffreylreed29-Dec-03 8:45 
GeneralRe: developing applications - MDI and SDI ? Pin
Heath Stewart29-Dec-03 9:32
protectorHeath Stewart29-Dec-03 9:32 
GeneralPrintDocument PrintPage event Pin
Yaron K.28-Dec-03 20:36
Yaron K.28-Dec-03 20:36 
GeneralRe: PrintDocument PrintPage event Pin
Heath Stewart29-Dec-03 4:58
protectorHeath Stewart29-Dec-03 4:58 
GeneralRe: PrintDocument PrintPage event - a real answer Pin
Bryan White29-Dec-03 14:58
Bryan White29-Dec-03 14:58 
GeneralRe: PrintDocument PrintPage event - a real answer Pin
Yaron K.29-Dec-03 19:57
Yaron K.29-Dec-03 19:57 
GeneralRe: PrintDocument PrintPage event - a real answer Pin
Heath Stewart30-Dec-03 3:24
protectorHeath Stewart30-Dec-03 3:24 
GeneralRe: PrintDocument PrintPage event - a real answer Pin
Bryan White4-Jan-04 9:47
Bryan White4-Jan-04 9:47 
GeneralRe: PrintDocument PrintPage event - a real answer Pin
Heath Stewart4-Jan-04 9:54
protectorHeath Stewart4-Jan-04 9:54 
GeneralUsing IActiveDesktop in C# Pin
Okeno Palmer28-Dec-03 19:01
Okeno Palmer28-Dec-03 19:01 
GeneralRe: Using IActiveDesktop in C# Pin
Heath Stewart29-Dec-03 4:48
protectorHeath Stewart29-Dec-03 4:48 
GeneralRe: Using IActiveDesktop in C# Pin
Okeno Palmer29-Dec-03 5:02
Okeno Palmer29-Dec-03 5:02 
GeneralRe: Using IActiveDesktop in C# Pin
Heath Stewart29-Dec-03 5:51
protectorHeath Stewart29-Dec-03 5:51 

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